What interesting places should be visited in Cassandra?


Cassandra is a small peninsula in the north of Greece, which is part of the Nom Halkidiki. Such a name of the peninsula is in honor of the Macedonian king Cassandra.

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The peninsula separates the Potidea Canal from the mainland, which connects the Gulf of Termaikos with the Cassandra Bay. The city is located on a hilly location, some of the peninsula parts reach 353 m above sea level. Cassandra is a very beautiful place with luxurious nature. Many Kassandra beaches are awarded the blue flag - the purity indicator and the availability of everything necessary for a comfortable stay. So, what can be viewed at Cassandra.

Temple of Zeus Ammon (Temple Of Ammon Zeus)

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The cathedral was discovered in the village of Kassandra on the east coast of the Peninsula in 1969, when they began to clear the platform for the construction of a new ouling. The remains of the ancient walls were found, for which the history of the temple was recreated. Scientists suggest that the temple is dedicated to Zeus-Ammon (this is the case), and the worship began when the Greeks from Kyrena (in the territory of the current Libya) visited the Temple of Ammon, the Egyptian God, in Oasis, that in the Libyan desert.

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In general, the gods of Zeus and Ammon (or Amon) are often compared in historical, philosophical, theological and poetic cultures - and this is an example of the Greco-Egyptian religious connection. The temple is located pretty close to the sea, presumably had six doric columns on the crossides and at eleven - on the longitudinal. Archaeologists suggest that the cathedral was erected in about the 6th century BC. e.

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The basis for the construction of the temple is limestone, but then the church was covered with white marble. The roof was carried out of the clay tiles. Apparently, it was a rather powerful and majestic structure, and it is a pity that only the ruins have been preserved until today.

By the way, the hotel still built, though, near, and he is called Ammon Zeus Hotel (not surprisingly!).

Church of John the Forerunner in Hanioti (Church of St. John The Baptist in Hanioti)

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This beautiful spacious Orthodox temple can be found in the village of Hanioti, on the east coast, in the southern Peninsula. Relatively new temple created on all canons of classical Byzantine architecture.

In the temple, the St. Theodore Ushakov is especially honored, which local residents still thank you for assisting in the liberation of the ionic islands from the expansion of the French at the end of the 18th century. Special attention deserves a three-story bell tower of the church, which is located on the left.


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In general, Ol Hintos is located just above the peninsula, but very close. This is the brightest example of how Greek settlements were arranged, which existed before our era. The city arose on the plain, in Toroni Bay, in the 7th century BC. The name of the town is associated, first, with the name of the son of Hercules, secondly, the son was so called the son of King Frakia, who died during the hunt.

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Judging by the found ruins of ancient facilities, decorated with mozic, Olultos was a lush beautiful city with a developed sewage system. The houses were usually two-story and had an inner courtyard. In the south of Olintos, the market square, and in the eastern part of the rich inhabitants.

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In this part, there was a large number of fragments of mosaic floors, ceramic vessels, jewelry and clay statuettes. In 1998, an archaeological museum was opened on the territory of the ancient city, where the most interesting finds are stored, as well as the descriptions of the excavation process and reconstructions. Very interesting place!

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Afytis Village (AFYTIS)

What interesting places should be visited in Cassandra? 7071_11

This is one of the oldest historic villages of the region with beautiful nature and no less beautiful architecture. Here you can see not only picturesque streets and multicolored houses, but also the most valuable monuments of the era of Neolith. In the old age, this city was extremely important, even had its own currency. All this information is drawn from written sources found during the excavations of the temple of Zeus in Califer and the sanctuary of Dionysus. One of the most important facilities of the Afitos is Church of St. Dimitri On the central square. The church with a dome of 1858 is a restored mansion of Kattsanis and the house of the artist Paralya, as inside you can admire the works of Pavlis sculptor. To prematurely regret, the Atitos suffered greatly in 1821 during a raid of Turkish troops, but, thank God, the Atitos restored, and today this city attracts lovers of high-quality rest and connoisseurs of art and architecture.

Here is such an interesting beautiful place!

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