The most interesting excursions in Brno.


Brno - the second largest Czech city and the former capital of Moravia, attracts tourists not only by their gothic and Renaissance monuments of architecture and attractive to tourists legends and legends, but also their surroundings where natural, and man-made creations can be seen.

The most interesting excursions in Brno. 7067_1

Moravian Carsman

The most popular attraction of Moravia is the Moravian Karst (or Krasnaya) reserve - one of the largest karst arrays in Europe, which includes more than a thousand caves. For tourists, some of them are open - Pialya, Matsuha, Balzark, as well as Stolin-Shoshowskaya and the Katerzhinsky cave. Here you can make a boat trip along the underground River Pole, to see the rarest stalagnets growing parallel to the Earth, as well as ride on the environmental train and cable car. The time of work and the cost of tickets directly depend on the time of year and the cave, so it is better to specify in the Rock Mlyn: Skalní Mlýn 65, 678 25 Blansko

Tel.: +420 516 413 575, +420 516 410 024, Fax: +420 516 415 379,

Opening hours: May-June and September Months: from 8.00 to 16.30,

July-August Months: from 8.00 to 17.00, October-March months: from 8.00 - 15.00.


The second most important tourist destination is a small town just half an hour from Brno - Slavkov-U-Brn. Earlier, this is the place called Austerlitz, and there was the most Austerlitsky battle there, included in the story as the battle of three emperors: Russian Alexander I, Austrian Franz II against French Napoleon I. Here is one of the most beautiful Moravian castles, built in the Renaissance style with Baroque elements With a historically significant castle park. Here, more than 200 years ago, a truce was signed, and now there is a permanent exposition "Napoleon and Slavkovsky Battle", and various festivals, fairs, historical reconstructions are held.

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No less interesting in architecture than Slavkov, although not with such a rich history - the town of Letovice is 40 kilometers from Brno. The main attractions are here: the Celtic Open Sky Museum, the Church of St. Prokopiy, built in the Gothic style, Bonifrace Monastery in the Baroque style and of course, the Chudovice Castle itself, built in the second half of the XIII century. The castle and the park in the romantic-gothic style broken around it is a popular place for wedding ceremonies, as well as picnics, costume views, and even auctions.

Castle Veverge

In close proximity to Brno, just ten kilometers to the northeast, there is a gothic castle of Veverness on a wooded cliff, one of the oldest and largest castles not only Moravia, but also the Czech Republic. Currently, the castle is in an extremely neglected state, which, however, does not prevent him from being a popular place for cultural events.

Castle in Limilovtsy

Ameal castle in Limilovtsy with a magnificent English park, on the contrary, one of the most well preserved in the Czech Republic. Here, as well as in the Chudovice castle, you can arrange your own wedding, but you can enjoy or hold a conference - this castle is very popular in political circles, it is partially limited by tourists.

Up to all major attractions near Brno can be reached by train from the city's main railway station or from the main bus station located near the train station in the heart of the city.

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