Where to go to zhiron and what to see?


A hundred kilometers from magnificent Barcelona, ​​there is no less beautiful and very picturesque city of Girona. The city is divided into two halves, full and fairly wide River Onyar.

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Tourists who prefer to study historical sights will fully satisfy their aesthetic demands on the territory of the Old Town. It is not known for certain when for the first time in these places the first settlers appeared, although life was driving here long before the Great Roman Empire. In our time, Girona is considered the most developed city of Spain, the local standard of living noticeably exceeds the levels of the rest of Spanish cities. You will love not only urban architecture, but also simple hospitable and large-scale local residents.

Cathedral Girona / Catedral De Girona

The main city attraction, which is pride not only citizens, but also, perhaps, the local cathedral is considered to be the local cathedral, 23 meter gothic nets, is considered the largest in the world. They began to build this grandiose cult facility in the XI century, on the site of the ancient temple of the fans of God Apollo. At the very beginning of construction, the church authorities could not decide what and how they want to build. The disputes lasted until the XVI century, although construction work was conducted all this time, as a result, the temple gradually acted with new and new architectural styles, ranging from Romanesque and finishing Baroque. It is also worth entering the museum - a treasury located at the church. Paying only 3.5 euros for the entrance ticket for an adult visitor, you will see with your own eyes the most famous carpet in the world, called "Creation of the World", the estimated date of manufacture of which is the IX century. In addition, a large collection of ancient manuscripts is exhibited here, some of which are rarities, it is also worth admiring jewelry, which are presented here in large quantities. Very beautiful tombs inlaid by gemstones. A visit to the cathedral is free. Monday weekend. Do not forget about the Siesta passing from 13.00 to 16.00.

Monastery of St. Peter Galligans / Monasterio Sant Pere de Galligants

C / DE Santa Llucia, 8 17007 Girona - at this address there is another pride of citizens - a building in which a long time was a male monastery belonging to the Order of the Benedictine. The construction itself is very ancient, the beginning of construction dates back to the X century. A monastery was built in a pronounced Romanesque style, which for such a long time did not change himself. In the middle of the XIX century, the building was confiscated from the Order and donated to the state. Now for more than 150 years now, there is a city archaeological museum. The museum collection in more detail tells about the history of Girona Province, starting from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages. The price of an entrance ticket for an adult is 4.5 euros. Children under 8 years have free access.

Church of St. Philip / Esglesia de Sant Feliu

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This relatively young church, built in the XVII century, is located at: Girona, Pujada de Sant Feliu. The appearance of the temple is different from the rest of the churches of the city in that the architect's project was originally conceived two styles: Gothic and Romanesque. Named the temple in honor of the Martyr Philip, tortured by the pagans for his Christian faith. The internal decoration of the church is beneficial from the evangelical Protestant churches with its puff and wealth. It is necessary to admire the carved altar made in the XVI century. Inside there is also a small chapel, in which the sarcophages (II century) are stored. In one of them, according to legend, there are the relics of St. Narcissa, which is a permanent patron of Girona. The high spire of the temple looks unfinished, but it is not. Just in the tower got zipper, thereby destroying her ending. Culting ministers, decided not to finish the tower, leaving everything as it is. Entrance to the temple, as in most Spanish churches are free.

Ancient city Besal / Besalu

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This medieval town of Besal, which is located at: 17850 Besal & Uacute, Girona, recognized by the State National Monument. Walking on the charming pavement, pay attention to miniature neat houses, looking at which, it is difficult to understand, in which age you are. The main highlight of this settlement, according to the right, is the old bridge built by the Romans, in the XII century, through the Fluvia River. Do not pass by the wonderful church of St. Peter. It is located on the Central City Square. The temple is part of the monastery complex erected in the 10th century. Studying the local attractions of this ancient city, do not forget to visit the modern cafe to drink amazing coffee to your taste, buy, something for memory, in local souvenir shops, for example, handicraft products made by local craftsmen.

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