What should you expect from rest in Brisbane?


Brisbane is the third largest city in Australia after Sydney and Melbourne, with a population of approximately two million people. So, according to Australian standards, Brisbane is just a huge megapolis.

What should you expect from rest in Brisbane? 7059_1

Getting to the city of special work is not. As it should be on the status - the state capital has an excellent international airport with two modern terminals for international and internal messages. From the airport itself to the city of approximately 20 kilometers, every 15 minutes from the airport to the city center rides the train. The path of approximately 20 minutes, the cost is almost 15 dollars. If you travel in Australia, I recommend using airlines' services, the distances between cities are very huge. For example, from Sydney to the city of Brisbane by bus or train to get 15 hours and internal flights of airlines 1.5 hours. While the price of services is almost the same, and the air flight is benefited (especially for a tourist) simply "unarmed eye".

The city itself is located on the coast of the Brisbane River, 20 kilometers from the Pacific Ocean. This distance in 1 hour overcomes the urban train. After the above time (and at your desire, naturally), you are on the most famous beach of Australia, called "Brisbane Gold Coast Train". It is here that the inhabitants of Australia and guests of the continent come to the wonderful and cozy bay of the Pacific Ocean. But, oddly enough, this holiday near the Australians themselves does not use popularity, it is given to tourism. Australians prefer rest to Bali than home - more profitable and cheaper.

In Brisbane, public transport, buses, ferries, electric trains are perfectly organized - everything is managed by one municipal company. The shortcomings in transport or crowded transport in the rush hour in the city is nonsense. The fare fee is calculated on the basis of the number of intersected zones. Since the city center is located in the same zone (namely in the center of the city, all the most significant attractions are concentrated), the board is purely symbolic - $ 2.20. For sale travel tickets, purely daily, but strictly route in one zone. Cost 4.40 dollars. For tourists and guests of the city, often using public transport services, GO Card is offered. The card itself is simply necessary to replenish the denyushka and when using any public transport to apply to a special terminal, the calculation occurs automatically.

The desired cost is removed automatically.

And the best and most profitable route is "Brisbane City Loop".

What should you expect from rest in Brisbane? 7059_2

It is specially organized for tourists. The most important passage is free, which makes it most attractive. For the convenience of finding the transport of this route, the city authorities painted the stops in red. So, where the stops are bright red - there is a freight passage free. The route of transport affects only the city center that for the tourist the very thing. After all, it is there that the "cultural center" of Brisbane.

Museum of Contemporary Art, National Library, Art Art Museum, Ethnic Museum of Queensland. On the review only these attractions you will leave all day. The most interesting thing is that the city, the National Library is open around the clock and what is amazing - it is quite popular and well visited. Around ona, comfortable shops are installed,

What should you expect from rest in Brisbane? 7059_3

Lovely lawns are planted, equipped with drinking water fountains. It is on the lawns that youth (those who do not want to sit in the library building itself) lying, sitting (as whom it is convenient) re-read the masterpieces of world literature.

What should you expect from rest in Brisbane? 7059_4

Not far away is the city theater. Theatralls or simply lovers of all sorts of representations, musicals will be interesting. The theater has a permanent announcement.

East of the theater is a chic ferris wheel.

What should you expect from rest in Brisbane? 7059_5

I highly recommend rummer. You will not find anything like you in our country. The ferris wheel is equipped with comfortable cabins with air conditioning. From the height of the wheel, stunning views of the city are opened.

The city center is divided into two almost equal half river. In the "northern part" - as it were, the business part, with skyscrapers, offices of companies. In the same part, the largest number of shopping centers, boutiques, the mass of all stores and, accordingly, food institutions. Also in this part of the city a wonderful pedestrian street, every evening a variety of fairs are arranged here, a bunch of trays with souvenir products are made.

What should you expect from rest in Brisbane? 7059_6

The mass of all sorts of thing.

In Australia, and in particular, the city of Brisbane is very common and huge (besides Ukrainian) Chinese diaspora. Accordingly, there are areas where Chinese restaurants (all sorts of sushi bars) are clogged with all the alleys.

What should you expect from rest in Brisbane? 7059_7

Do not be afraid of these quantities, everything is edible and dislike. This is not that in our country a cook (Tajik) is preparing sushi from "Vinegret". I highly recommend trying local wines and delicious Australian beer. By the way, the choice of beer is huge, many varieties are where to choose. In addition to Chinese restaurants, here are also Italian pizzerias (real) and cute French cafes. There are oriental cuisine. So the process of nutrition in the city is very wide and multifaceted, the hungry will not be left.

What should you expect from rest in Brisbane? 7059_8

For shopping lovers, I recommend looking into the Mega Market "Queen Street Mall".

What should you expect from rest in Brisbane? 7059_9

This is a whole shopping city, with its more than 700 clothing stores, perfumes, cosmetics and everything ... There is this "shopping mint" in the center of Brisbane. The day is not enough to at least get around all the shops, from the abundance of bright, screaming, designer "things" the head will go around. I advise you to look at the products from Australian wool (sweaters, jackets). Prices are even very acceptable to national products.

And at the end, when you get very tired of the festivities around the city, boldly move to the eastern part - to the South Coast Park.

This is a place to relax. Along the banks of the river built outdoor pools and "fake beaches" (just poured fine sand). Here, on stylized beaches, half of the population of Brisbane rests after the working day.

What should you expect from rest in Brisbane? 7059_10

Rest is completely free. Next to artificial beaches - cafes, shops with resort attributes. Just great.

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