Holidays at Kazantipe: tourist reviews


Probably, many of you are familiar to such names like the Sea of ​​Azov, Surf, Cape Kazantip, Reserve, White Madly Beautiful Valley, Located in the Red Book, Unknown Beaches with Wildlife, Valleys, Rocks, Birds .. - All this beauty can be contemplated independently, Only coming from Kerch in Schelkino. The route leaves much to be desired, but our goal is Cape Kazantip, and it has been achieved.

Although initially the idea to visit the village of Schelkino and spend there for almost 6 months from life with an active rhythm not only did not impress me, even upset, so I did not want to change plans for comfortable holidays on God forgotten village with foggy prospects ...

How I was mistaken! What a beauty here!

Holidays at Kazantipe: tourist reviews 70576_1

Virtually not touched earth, wild cozy beaches, the salty smell of the wind, which blows from the sea, and the coast, and the waves are ideal for surf, and even cold water is not terrible to us!

Holidays at Kazantipe: tourist reviews 70576_2

Living, accommodation and meals

It so happened that after a severe life situation, I not only needed a long-term reduction in health, but also a change in the situation. On the family council it was decided to go to the Crimea. Kerch's husband, and in the capes there is a small bed where you can take a house for relatives and live for free. We left for cars, because I had to take a lot of things for 2 seasons (from April to September), and I wanted to be mobile, and not depend on urban transport.

My state of the trick is even more dying ... Read completely

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