Where to go to Agios Nikolaos and what to see?


Agios Nikolaos is an international cosmopolitan resort on Crete Island. A very picturesque city, which is great not only to come for a beach holiday, but also to watch the local oldest attractions.

Embankment Agios Nikolaos.

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This is a long embankment pictorial and lively place of the city. The embankment is replete with restaurants, clubs, shops, there are street musicians for whole days, festivals are held here.

Sculpture "Horn of Isobacy"

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This is a completely new monument, which is erected here in 2012. The statue resembles a big horn, and a statue of metal and green glass is made. This sculpture appeared here at all by chance. In Greek mythology there is a legend that Zeus's mother experienced that God crowns, the father of Zeus, would decide to kill his own son who could claim power and which can easily overthrow his father from the throne. To avoid tragedy, Mother Zeus decided to hide the young Zeus in the nymph. Those were instructed to look after him, and the goat of Amalfie, who lived in Crete, fed the god with milk. When the goat died of old age, the mother of Zeus in respect and gratitude preserved her horn. It is said that it can be found somewhere in the mountains of the island. In the meantime, the horn is looking for, the architects of the Sodiriadis brothers created it a copy, which was put on the universal review.

How to find: near the city port on the shore of Mirabello

Church of St. Nicholas.

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This is a small size of the cathedral on the hill in the north of the city and the vivid example of the Earnevianizan architecture. Actually, thanks to this basilica, the city and got its name. The church was built in the 8th century, during the Arabic influence on architecture and art. These trends can be seen in the internal and external decoration of the church. Inside the temple on the walls, elements of an uncanctic painting are preserved. The church is especially visited on December 6, when St. Nicholas Day is celebrated in the country, Agios Nikolaos.

Address: Konstantinou Paleologou 41

Cretan Farm for the Production of Olive Oil

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Where to go to Agios Nikolaos and what to see? 7056_5

On this farm, you can learn about all secrets and technologies for the manufacture of Cretan olive oil. Here you can see an old press (it is already more than 130 years old), massive pots from clay, which can accommodate up to 200 kg of olives. In addition to the oil, on the same farm produce wine and local rakia drink. You can also find out about the process of manufacturing these alcoholic beverages here. As well as not essential the hall of the production of pottery, great pride of the island from time immemorial. Of course, on the farm you can buy all the products of interest. The farm is located in the Havania area, 4 km north on the coast from the center of Agios Nikolaos.

Sculpture "Abduction of Europe"

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The sculpture was installed here recently, about 2 years ago. I guess everyone heard about the legend of Europe. But I will tell again. Europe, the daughter of the Phoenician king Agenor, was a girl of incredible beauty, and God Zeus fell in love with her without memory. He came a girl who walked on the sea coast, in the image of a bull. The girls began to decorate the horns of animals with flower wreaths, and then Europe jumped on the back of the bull-zeus, and he immediately rushed into the sea and took the beauty of Crete, where they got married and Europe gave birth to Zeus three sons of heroes. So, the statue presents this very legend: the girl sits on a powerful bull, holding Hermes in his hand, or the rod of Helegal, as it is also called, the subject that opens the limit between light and darkness, death and life, evil and good. A decade statue is made of concrete and is located on the base of gray stone. By the way, the statue was created by the Greek director Nikos Kunduros. It turned out professionally!

Address: Port Agios Nikolaos

Cave of Milatos

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This cave is located near the village of Milatos, 25 km from the city. The charm of the cave in its natural formations, stalactites and stalagmites. True, there are not very much there, but, nevertheless, the cave is extremely beautiful. The openings in the front of the cave form a similar window and doors. The cave is pretty deep, 75 meters, the width of about 45 meters, and the deepest point is 12 meters below the entrance. Interestingly, in the depths of the cave were found traces of an old altar and burial, this means that the rites were once held here. Also, the cave is known for its tragic events. In 1823, Turkish General Hasan-Pasha attacked and plundered the Greek settlements on the Lassithi Plateau, and then went to the Mirabello district for further progress.Locals, having heard about the upcoming larders, hid in the nearest caves. One of the inhabitants of Donise Hassan-Pasha about this shelter, and the soldiers who forced people come out of the caves were sent there. Of course, the Greeks fought, but the forces were unequal -150 Greeks on 5000 Turks. The caves fired a few days, and then the entrance to the cave was set on fire, and the critical people had to go out. Women were sent to the Garem General, the old men were flooded with a horse, some cut off their heads, babies were killed, 18 people burned alive, and before violent, they cut off three fingers with which they were baptized. As a result, about 1000 people suffered. After that horror in the cave in 1935, they established a small church in memory of the Greek new martyrs with the bones of the dead. Each year on the day of St. Thomas, a memorial service is held here in residents who fought for their lives.

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Monument Rassess Kundurosu

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The monument is dedicated to an outstanding political figure of the city, one of the leaders of the resistance, which died from the hands of German fascists in 1944. The sculpture of politics to full growth is attracted by many tourists, and the locals regularly leverage to the foundation of the monument of fresh flowers as a sign of respect and reverence of the national hero.

Address: 28is Oktovriou 24-4

Museum of Folklore

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Where to go to Agios Nikolaos and what to see? 7056_11

This museum is opened for about 10 years ago, and the museum collections are constantly growing and replenished. Looking through the exhibits of the museum, you can get a pretty complete impression of how the Greeks lived in different periods - here and national costumes, and dishes, photos, and paintings, and household items. The museum building is as beautiful. The museum is located on the right side at the beginning of the city pier. Next to the museum, a monument to a lawyer Joseph Kundurus was erected.

Address: Konstantinou Paleologou, 4

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