What currency is better to go to rest in the rivor?


So far is known to few people from tourists, especially from among our compatriots, since this resort actively began to develop only in recent years. Those people who have not previously rested in Turkey, but plans to do this in the near future, may surely be interested in information related to the use of one or another currency for financial calculations for the services provided or the purchase of various types of goods during rest.

What currency is better to go to rest in the rivor? 7054_1

Since the rivory is located on the Mediterranean coast in Turkey and does not particularly differ from such resorts, the calculation system acting here is exactly the same. 3A can be calculated by the main types of currencies, that is, US dollars, euro or pounds sterling. But this is not the most profitable option. To avoid extra expenses and make a vacation more economical, one should change a part of the money for the national currency and, if necessary, settle the Turkish lira.

Of course, it would be the perfect initial acquisition of Turkish lira in my homeland, in order to subsequently do not re-exchange, from which part of the funds are lost due to the difference in the purchase and sale of one or another currency. If the banks of your region have the presence of Turkish lira, it would help to save part of the money. But since not every bank has a given monetary unit in its turnover, it will have to make a choice between buying euro or dollars. The experienced tourists can now say that with dollars to go better. In principle, this is the case, but there are quite a few resorts in which citizens of European countries are mostly resting, which are calculated mainly in euros and price tags in most shops are also written in euros. But the inconvenience consists only that for the price orientation it is necessary to make a recalculation from the euro in dollars, and what currency you will pay, the big role does not play.

What currency is better to go to rest in the rivor? 7054_2

To speak specifically about Bogachent, today the number of tourists from the countries of the former Soviet Union is not overwhelming, but the situation is gradually changing and tourist companies increase the volume of sales of the tickets to citizens of Russia and the CIS countries. Therefore, there is really no special difference in using one or another currency at this resort.

What currency is better to go to rest in the rivor? 7054_3

On the advantage of use in the calculations of the Turkish national currency, the fact that in many trading points prices are installed in the lirah, and calculating the purchased goods in another currency is renovated, not always on the real rate. For example, I can lead the fact that last season, when calculating the euro in the supermarket, it was considered 1 euro = 2.50 lira at the rate, and calculating not paper, and metal money, that is, with coins, and considered 1 euro = 2 limes, And this is at the official exchange rate of 1 euro = 2.70 lira. As can be seen, the difference is very significant, if we talk about the euro, and calculating dollars, the course also lowered percent for ten and fifteen and the amount was rounded. So, for example, those goods that cost in the area of ​​one and a half lire, were sold for one dollar, although the price of one dollar at the rate was two lira. But this situation is not only in stores. In public transport for payment for the passage two tables are written. At one price in Turkish lies, and on the second in dollars and euros. For comparison, you can take any rates, for example, travel from Antalya to Kemer worth eight Turkish lira, which is currently less than four dollars. On the table of calculations in the currency, the price is set for this passage of four euros, which is almost twelve leaf, and five dollars, which is ten and a half lira. You see for yourself that the difference is also considerable. Therefore, calculating the lymors, you can save quite well.

What currency is better to go to rest in the rivor? 7054_4

Change the currency on Turkish lira in the rivory today, you can only in hotels that provide such a service at the administrator rack, since there are no bank departments and currency box office. The course, however, may not be quite profitable, but I think that it is definitely better than the one that will be considered in the supermarket or another trading facility. Part of the money can be changed by arrival in Turkey. At Antalya Airport there is a banking department, although the course can also be slightly understated. The best exchange option may be one of the Cass located in the area of ​​the Old Town in Antalya, where a large selection of such exchangers. Before Antalya, only forty kilometers and almost all vacationers visit this beautiful city, which is rightly called the pearl of the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. The banking offices of Antalya work approximately the same graphics and open in the morning at 9.00. 3Athem goes a lunch break from 12.30 to 13.30, after which the bank works even until 17.00. On Saturday, banks can work until lunch, and on Sunday the day off. As for private currency receivers, which make up most of the exchangers in the area of ​​the Center of Antalya, they work much longer, because in the evenings the number of tourists in the old town is simply a huge, especially in the hot period of July and August, when the temperature of the air in the evening is slightly lowered.

But currency exchange can exclude if you are the owner of a plastic bank card.

What currency is better to go to rest in the rivor? 7054_5

First, mostly stores can be calculated using the card, you can also say about restaurants and other public institutions providing various kinds of services.

What currency is better to go to rest in the rivor? 7054_6

But there will still have cash to have cash, since not all trading objects have banking terminals. Especially in the case when it comes to the market or small kiosks with ice cream and soft drinks. Here, a card can be useful again, in the presence of which you can withdraw cash via an ATM. ATMs are at all without exception resorts, including Bogachent. They work around the clock and give out cash, both in Turkish lies and in currency. And in those who belong to the Turkish Denizbank, in the presence of a Sberbank Card of Russia, you can rent money without additional interest.

What currency is better to go to rest in the rivor? 7054_7

As for Russian rubles, many cash offices take them, the truth may not always be advantageous. In some stores, it is even possible to pay for rubles, but again at a slightly understated course. Therefore, I think that there is no particular need to take them with you.

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