Where to go to Amalfi and what to see?


We visited at least once in this wondrous Mediterranean city of Amalfi resort, become life fans of this paradise. Magnificent nature, divine clear air, gentle sea - all this in large quantities is present on the Amalfi coast.

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To all this is added another huge plus - in this old city there are plenty of historical attractions that numerous foreign tourists study with undisguised interest. By the way, the stars of global were repeatedly seen in the city. With genuine delight, Amalfi, Pesaisa Steinbeck, composer Wagner.

Church of Santa Maria Maggiore / Church of Santa Maria Maggiore

This cult facility was built in 986, in strict Byzantine style. After half a thousand years, it was decided to generally reconstruct the temple. As a result, the central facade of the temple was modified, as a result of which his appearance acquired pomp and solemnity and all this thanks to the style of Baroque. In the inner decoration, there were also changes - a new altar was installed. Inside the temple, the relics of the local saint are stored. Free admission. You can find this beautiful church at: Largo Santa Maria Maggiore 84011 Amalfi Salerno, Italia

Cathedral of St. Andrei First-Called / Duomo Di Amalfi

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Piazza Duomo, Amalfi, SA 84011, 84011, Italia - at this address is the main temple of the city. Without a doubt, the most valuable shrine of the temple, for which pilgrims from the whole Christian world come here, are the holy relics of Andrey the First-Called, transferred here from the sander of the Crusaders, Constantinople. The noble knights handed over the Cathedral of these invaluable power, where they are still kept in an underground secret course, in the marble sarcophage. The cathedral itself, built in the 9th century, is worthy of his shrine. Despite numerous reconstructions, conducted in a variety of architectural styles, such as Gothic, Baroque, Renaissance, the original Norman style is still clearly traced in the temple. If you carefully look at the appearance of the temple, then you can see the effect of Arab style. Grand doors forged from bronze, Constantinople masters in 1066, especially impressive. All believers and just tourists fall into the courtyard of the temple, built in 1266. This "Paradise Dvorik" is considered the main architectural landmark of the southern region of Italy. I will not describe all the beauties of the temple, it is better to see everything yourself. Inside, in the chapel, there is a museum where you, for just 3 euros, you can enjoy the beauty of all treasure stored here (and a lot of them). The entrance to the cathedral is free.

Municipal Museum / Museo Civico

Piazza del Municipio, 1, 84011 Amalfi Salerno - at this address is a museum that must be visited to have some idea of ​​the edge in which you travel. All exhibits are located in the Town Hallway. Here you will see and get acquainted with the ancient coins in these parts, with pictures of different eras, with jewelry made in prehistoric times. The main treasure of the museum is a maritime charter, called Tavol Amalfitan. This code acted on the entire Mediterranean coast, for three centuries. The price of an entrance ticket for an adult visitor is 4 euros, children take for free.

Emerald Grotto / Emerald Cave

Where to go to Amalfi and what to see? 7052_3

To visit this emerald cave, located in the Conca Dei Marini bay, you must wait for a favorable weather, as in the storm, pleasure boats, which will have to get, do not run on the route. This is a wonderful miracle, called - the grotto, is a huge cave, a 24 meters high, in which unusual minerals are located (stalactites and stalagmites). In case of sunlight, there is an extremely beautiful glow on them. The grotto is under water, so it is possible to get inside only with a special elevator. The descent in the cave will cost you 5 euros, plus you have to pay for the boat service.

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