The most interesting places in Mallorca.


Mallorca has a great development in terms of tourism. To a large extent, its wonderful nature is influenced by the appeal of the island. Although the island itself and does not differ in large sizes, but here there are a large number of natural national parks, more than forty reserves. Amazingly combined here Sea, mountain cliffs, groves, valleys and numerous bays with clean water ...

From the mountains of Serra de Tramuntana, the highest point of the Puch major - more than four thousand meters above sea level - classic mountain paintings are opened. Here, in this mountainous part of the island, there are small beautiful cities - Valdemoss, Daim and Sawyer. In the north of the island, you can, except for mountainous beauties, stretching at a hundred kilometers, see also excellent beaches - such, for example, as Port de Sawyer, Harbor Sa-Koodobood and Tuen. In the south of the island of Mallorca, the climate is of greater dryness and more hot, the most beautiful beaches are located here - Es-Trenk, SES Kuvetas, Mondago Beaches and Harbor. If you go to the eastern part of Mallorca, then besides the small harbors who have retained the pristine beauty - Mescide, Aguly and Cake - will be able to visit such interesting places as Caves Drak. where there is a major underground lake, as well as - Caves Art in Kanyamel and AMS - in the portisto.

There is on the island and another important territory of tourism is the northeast, there are large Harbor Poinas and Alcudia. The main recreation point here is Poenas, people associated with art and creativity are stopped here - painters, actors. The port of the Society "Society" located here is located here, this is the Majorca Cosmopolitan Center. MUST-SEE items are San Vienes Harbor and Formenistrad Peninsula.

In Alcudia, you can look at well-saved to this day Amphitheater and the city of the Ancient Roman period of poenition . In a large harbor, Alcudia are remarkable beaches. The main tourist centers here are Son Serra de Marina, a colony de San Feather and Kan-Picaphor. Here is also located Albuofer Natural Park - Among other five, located on Balera.

Among visitors are popular such travels: excursions in old attractions of the island, first of all - in the city of Santa Pons, where the liberation of Mallorca from Mauritan Iga began, Cartesian monastery In Waldemos - Frederick Chopin with Georges Sand, walking on Caves Draca and Hams.

To control the plain territory of Arabs island erected Castles Alaro, Poens and Felanitch . In the castle of Alaro from the walls you can see the greatest harbor of the island - Baya de Akudia and Baya de Palma, as well as the Mountains of Sierra de Tramuntana.

The main sights of the island

Court - Town Hall in Palma

The construction was erected according to the Baroque style, includes a large number of elements (1649-1680).


The Cathedral in Palme is an excellent example of the style of Gothic of the Mediterranean region, and in addition - the main attraction on the island of Mallorca. His construction began in the thirteenth century, when the island was liberated from Muslims. The construction works were conducted for more than three centuries. The world famous architect Antonio Gaudi also put his strength during the reconstruction of the construction.

The most interesting places in Mallorca. 7032_1

Castle Balever

This building dates back to the sixteenth century. The castle represents the only gothic structure in Spain, having a rounded form. It is located on a hill located outside the city. Hence the wonderful picture of the bay. Nowadays, the city historical museum is located here.

The most interesting places in Mallorca. 7032_2

La Lonch - Trade Exchange

This exchange is a civil destination building in the style of Gothic, built in the sixteenth century. At today's time, the center of the painting exhibitions is located. It is open for visiting only during these events.

Palace Almudaine

Nowadays, the National Heritage Museum is located. This building is the ancient palace of the monarchs of the island. Now that the royal family happens in Mallorca, the Palace is carried out formal techniques on behalf of Juan Carlos First. This is an old Arab fortress, tested by gothic restructuring in the sixteenth century.

The most interesting places in Mallorca. 7032_3

Old Palma Train - Sawyer

You have an excellent opportunity to ride on mountain roads and tunnels on the old train, contemplating panoramic landscapes. This route is one of the most sought-after tourists for their own.

Miramar and Son Maromich

Nearby is a place that is called Miramar. Santiago Rusignol, describing these places in the book "The Island of Tranquility", these places of almost century ago, indicates that Miramar is one of the most famous places on the planet. He wrote that on our land there are few places where such perfect peace reigns, as well as the beauty of landscapes, which travelers can see here ... Since then, most of these territories in the north of the island have not undergone significant changes.

Dragoner Nature Reserve

Although in fact, this natural reservation island has the name of the SA Dragoner, named one island, but it also contains the small islands - Pantaleu, Els Calafats and Illa Mitjana.

Nature reserve Mondrago

This park covers a territory of 785 hectares, he was declared a reserve in 1992. It is especially interesting for the connoisseurs of the world of flora and fauna, as well as in these places there is a beautiful harbor, where you can swim in transparent clean water.

Cape and Lighthouse formetor

If you cross the island in the direction of the South-North, you will find yourself in the small Bay of Puerto de Polesa. Then, climbing the serpentine upstairs, you will get to Cape the formetor. There are specially equipped mountain viewing platforms from which fabulous panoramic views of the mountains and marine spaces are opening up, and the wild island of the Columer is visible. Here is also a beach, which is famous for the purity of water and a small sand.

Caves on the island

In the ancient period, these places were natural refuge, and now, many tourists admire the decele of natural masterpieces, figures that were created with water for centuries ...

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