What is worth viewing in Baden-Baden?


A small Baden-Baden is known worldwide with its thermal sources. Most tourists for many years came here only for them. However, this is not the only significant place that the city boasts. There are many attractions in Baden-Baden and museums. This resort enchants the grace and peace. Walking through the streets of the city you can see many unusual buildings built in a variety of architectural styles. Surprises the fact that they are all in perfect condition. It is hard to find a dilapidated house or a unclean historical monument. Locals strictly follow the appearance of Baden-Baden.

Inspection of attractions and interesting places can be made during walking distance. Since the city is compact and significant places are close to each other.

Caracal Terms (Caracalla Therme)

A modern thermal complex with open and indoor pools is quite affordable for tourists. Therapeutic water comes from earthly subsoil from a depth of 2000 meters. Here you can try the peeling procedure with yellow sugar. A three-hour ticket costs 18 euros, and for two hours there is only 15 euros.

Fredrichsbad Thermal Complex (Friedrichsbad)

These terms differ from the previous ones by their building performed in the Renaissance style. Internally, the decoration of the oldest term is very beautiful. Marble columns and mosaic admire visitors with their magnificence.

What is worth viewing in Baden-Baden? 7029_1

Body enjoyment and rehabilitation is achieved due to mineral water entering the bath complex directly from the source on the hill. It has a higher temperature than in the terms of the Caracal. A visit to the term includes a cycle of 17 stages. The first half passes with an increase in water temperature, and the second part with a gradual decrease in the degrees of water and air. Such a cycle contributes to the removal of fatigue and increases immunity.

A visit to the term joint, except Monday (Women's Day) and Thursday (Male Day). It should be noted that on joint days, visitors regardless of gender enjoy in terms of completely nagi. A physical and soulful rest will cost 23 euros for three hours.

Both thermal complex are located in the heart of the city at the Roman Square, 1. Terms work from 9:00 to 22:00.

Faberge Museum (Fabergé Museum)

The museum presents a large exposition of the creations of the famous Jeweler. The highlight of the collection is an expensive Easter egg with a rooster in a pink pearl. Excursion is held in several languages, among which Russian.

Works Museum daily from 10:00 to 18:00. It is in close proximity to the terms at Sophienstraße, 30. Adult ticket costs 15 euros, the children will cost 6 euros, kids under 12 years old inspect the collection for free. The portrait of the master is depicted on the ticket itself.


The oldest casino of Germany is located in Baden-Baden. With its decoration, it is inferior to the famous casino in Monte Carlo, but, nevertheless, French artists and designers adoraly decorated the interior. Everything looks quite pathetic.

What is worth viewing in Baden-Baden? 7029_2

Casino excursions are held in the morning. Visitors tell the history of the establishment and spend on the most elegant halls in which you can take a photo. Loads for about half an hour. After 15:00, a real gambling begins. From visitors now require adherence to the dress code and impose a ban on the photo. So continues almost until the morning.

There is a casino on Kaiser-Franz-Ring, 1. Morning excursion costs 5 euros.

Lichtental alley stretched from the old town to the monastery. From spring to the coldests, a variety of flowers among fountains and monuments bloom on it.

What is worth viewing in Baden-Baden? 7029_3

In its very beginning it is located Festzpilhaus. . This is a palace with a stunning acoustic hall, which hosts concerts of classical music and festivals. The building is made in the style of neoclassicism, and the modernly equipped scene allows opera and ballet.

Museum of Contemporary Art Fritter Burda (Museum Frieder Burda)

A collection of modern works of art is collected in the modern building. Its part of it is the work of German artists. However, there is also a Picasso and Pollock, sculpture and graphics samples. The collection will take about 30-40 minutes.

There is a museum on the Lichtental Alley, 8b. It is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00. A visit will cost adults in 12 euros, children over 9 years old in 5 euros.

What is worth viewing in Baden-Baden? 7029_4

Russian Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Monastery Church of the Shtyfoskirche and the new castle deserve the attention of travelers. The Russian church was built on the donations of the Russian community, and the monastery church is the oldest temple of Baden-Baden. And it is in it that there is a huge crucifixion and an old organ with perfect sound. Visit both churches free.

The city enchants travelers with his leisurely rhythm of life. He surprises and fascinates. The main thing is to come to Baden-Baden at least two days. And even this may be not enough for inspection of everything interesting.

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