What are the interesting places worth a visit in Turin?


Turin-town in Northern Italy, where more than 900 thousand people live (the fourth in the population in the country).

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This is a business and very lively city in 145 km from Milan, with a long history and beautiful architecture. Those who were not in Turin, at least heard a lot about him, because Turin is known everywhere thanks to the Turin Dospise, Juventus and Torino football teams, and the 2006 Winter Olympic Games. That is where you can go to Turin and what can I see here.

Royal Palace Reggia Di Venaria (Reggia Di Venaria Reale)

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What are the interesting places worth a visit in Turin? 7023_3

This palace is a country residence of the Savoy Dynasty, which rules in the city of several centuries. Near the Palace there is a luxurious huge park in the Baroque style. The entire park-palace complex is included in UNESCO World Heritage Lists.

Also, the palace is called Diana's palace (in honor of Diana, the goddess of the plant, animal peace and hunting), since the royal family loved to go hunting, and all the decoration of the palace speaks about it: the halls are decorated with frescoes (their total area is about 1500 square meters. m.) and pictures with hunting scenes (if you fold the pictures in one row, it will be almost 15 km).

What are the interesting places worth a visit in Turin? 7023_4

What are the interesting places worth a visit in Turin? 7023_5

Other rooms of the spacious palace replete with bright beautiful paintings rich in stucco, stone carvings and a tree. The spectacle is extraordinary! Even flimple and floors are elegant! Fragrant flowers flavors, park with fountains -Ideal place for a walk.

Address: Piazza Della Repubblica, 4

Roman Theater. (Augusta Taurinorum Roman Theater)

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This is a magnificent architectural monument to the era of the Board of August. The ruins of the theater found in the late 19th century, when the foundation of the new wing of the Royal Palace was laid. The ruins did not remove, but on the contrary, they made part of the Archaeological Park Via XX Settembre. The theater with a diameter of 120 meters was built in about 13th BC on the natural slope, which was very convenient for the planning of multi-level audience. In those days, Turin turned out of a small nobody known village into a thriving city. It turned out that the building was used for more than two centuries, then during the appearance of Christianity, such spectacles were banned. Today we can see parts of the ancient walls, the audience, the base of the portication at the entrance and some elements. By the way, we could not see this beauty if not the efforts of the architect Alfred D'Indrad, who convinced the representatives of the Turin authorities in the indisputable value of this theater.

Address: VIA XX SETTEMBRE (next to the Turin Cathedral).

Gate Palatine (Porte Palatine)

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What are the interesting places worth a visit in Turin? 7023_8

These gates were built approximately in the first century BC, when the city wore another name. Only a stone wall can be attributed to the Roman era, and the towers of 30 meters high were erected in the 14th century. Towers are connected to the wall four beautiful arches. Over the arches, you can see two wind tiers, together with which many centuries ago there are balconies for military purposes. In the 18th century, all significant turin facilities rebuilt and updated, but this fate went around the gate, thanks to the vast of one famous architect. Thus, what we can see today are practically not changed 14-century facilities. Before the gate, you can see copies of the ancient sculptures of Octavian Augustus and Julia Caesar. By the way, the legends go, which is near these gates, in prison, Pontius Pilate was concluded.

Address: Via Porta Palatina, 15

Medieval town and fortress (Borgo Medievale Torino)

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What are the interesting places worth a visit in Turin? 7023_10

This is an extremely interesting complex, the reconstruction of the fortress, streets, squares, fountains, houses of the Middle Ages. This town can be found in Valentino Park on the bank of the river by, not far from the center of Turin. Very informative! For example, in the handicraft workshops of the town, it is possible to observe the production of paper or metals, and in the shops to purchase a-la souvenirs "Made in the Middle Ages". Walking around the halls of residences, you can feel how the usual day of the nobles occurred, you can sit on the old furniture, feel the fabric, admire the frescoes and pictures of the 15th and 6th centuries. The garden with a complex consists of three parts: a garden of pleasure, botanical and fruit gardens. All that can be seen in these kindergartens has been restored by the records of the centuries - landscape design, buildings and certain types of plants. The complex was sprawling here in 1884 to a special occasion - the Italian exhibition, where all the most important people of the country went. After graduating from the festival, it was planned to demolish everything created, but the park managed to love all the townspeople and guests of Turin so much that the town decided to preserve and even expand the town since 1942 became the Turin Museum Complex.

Address: Viale Virgilio, 107

Tower Mole Antonelliana(Mole antonelliana)

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What are the interesting places worth a visit in Turin? 7023_12

What are the interesting places worth a visit in Turin? 7023_13

This 167-meter tower is a gross symbol of Turin, and at the same time the highest building of Italy (though, the record has already beaten in recent years). Today the tower is the highest brick building in Europe. The tower was built in the 19th century, when Turin was still the capital of Italy. Unfortunately, the historical appearance of the giant in the middle of the 20th century was sought due to a strong tornado, in particular, the 47-meter spire suffered, so it had to carry out reconstruction.For almost 15 years, the National Museum of Cinematography is located in the tower building, there is a panoramic observation deck under the Tower dome, where it is necessary to rise to look like luxurious views of the city, and at the same time Piedmont and Alps. Before climbing up, you can use an elevator.

Address: Corso San Maurizio, opposite the Cathedral of IST.Suore Missionarie Del Sacro Cuore Di Gesu '.

Palazzo Carpano (Palazzo Carpano)

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What are the interesting places worth a visit in Turin? 7023_15

The palace built in the second half of the 17th century for the Marquis family of San Martzano Asinaris (therefore, the palace is sometimes called the name of this family). Building in Barcco style, beautiful outside and inside. The inner courtyard is especially good - an atrium and an input portal in the form of a round room in front of it. The ceiling of this small room is supported by carved columns and decorate the sculptures of the 17th century. Today at the Palace is the representative office of Karpano, which is engaged in the production of Vermut, by the way, quite famous for both Italy and around the world. The special appearance of this alcoholic beverage, with herbs and thirty species of different spices, invented a member of this noble family, Antonio Benedetto Carpano, in 1786.

How to find: Via Maria Vittoria, 4

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