The most interesting places in Reggio di Calabria.


Reggio di-Calabria is the average city on the "tip" of the Italian "boot", next to Messina.

The most interesting places in Reggio di Calabria. 7021_1

About 185 thousand people live in this city. Reggio di Calabria is a very old town, founded by Greek in 720 BC. e. By the way, it was here that daughter Julia Caesar and Philosopher Theagen was born. Mulings over the pride moved from one country to another, it was repeatedly ruined, and at the beginning of the last century the earthquake destroyed the most important and oldest monuments and structures, and Reggio had to build a newly built-in, truth, by conventional low concrete houses. Nevertheless, some monuments of the old days have been preserved to this day, so, Reggio Di Calabria is a pretty popular town, where hundreds of tourists come out every year. That is where you can go and what to see here.

Garibaldi Avenue (Corso Garibaldi)

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This is the main street of the city, which is simply impossible not to visit. Street originates from the Cathedral Square and is particularly popular among lovers of high-quality shopping and entertainment. This two-kilometer facial was launched and hiding approximately 40 years ago. In the same one who appreciates the architectural heritage, the prospect will also like it, because rather old historical buildings, palaces, Public Library, Cathedral and theater Francesco Chile will come along along the street.

Church of Immacolate in Shille (Chiesa Maria SS. Immacolata di scilla)

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The most interesting places in Reggio di Calabria. 7021_4

Also, the church has the name of the church of the immaculate conception of the Most Holy Virgin. The most important church of the city is located in a place where three roads are converged that the city is divided into parts. The temple was erected here in the 13th century, and thank God, the church more or less survived all the earthquakes, which happened in these centuries. True, destruction touched it and her, so, today the church is a mix of new parts and parts of the old building (in particular, the roof of the building). The inner decoration of the three-end temple is amazing: the altar from the multicolored marble, the mosaic in the entire wall with the image of the Holy Spirit, numerous icons, the statues of the 17th century. Very beautiful church!

Address: Via Chianalea, 74

Ruffo Castle (Castello Ruffo Di SCILLA)

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The most interesting places in Reggio di Calabria. 7021_6

The most interesting places in Reggio di Calabria. 7021_7

The most interesting places in Reggio di Calabria. 7021_8

This castle on the rock of Cape Skeilo in the past century was the residence of the rulers of the Italian region, Calabria. The castle rose from the fortress, which dates from the 5th century to our era, which was the most important defensive point in this area. Due to the fact that the fortress is constantly completed, the construction is irregular shape, and consists of several parts. But still looks like a fortress with towers and braces. Before entering Ruffo, there is a bridge, behind it - a stone gate with arches, decorated with an arms of the 16th century. Inside the castle is quite spacious, with large rooms. The main value of the fortress is an active lighthouse of the early 19th century, belonging to the naval fleet.

Address: Via Nazionale, 159 (25 km from the city center)

National Museum of Greece (Museo Nazionale Della Magna Grecia)

The most interesting places in Reggio di Calabria. 7021_9

The pride of the museum is the best example of an ancient Greek sculpture, "Warriors from Riach" (V century BC. E) - sculpture from bronze, which is depicting the naked bearded warriors.

The most interesting places in Reggio di Calabria. 7021_10

This statue that found a resident of Rome, who was engaged in snorkeling at the shore of the Italian city of Monasthery in 1972. Warriors' eyes are made of ivory and glass, they have silver teeth, and nipples and lips - from copper.

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Scientists cannot establish who is dedicated to this sculpture, simple residents or gods, and even the origin remains a mystery, but someone attributes the creation of the monument to the ancient Greek sculptor with a policlete, as well as it is assumed that the figures have a different age of creation. It is assumed that the figures had a spear in their hands, and on their heads were helmets. It is still interesting that the proportions of statues are idealized and have little in common with the real anatomy of the human body. In addition to this outstanding sculpture, the museum has other magnificent ancient exhibits, for example, a sculpture of the head of the philosopher - a sculpture of the bronze of the 5th century BC. - The oldest famous Greek portrait in existence.

The most interesting places in Reggio di Calabria. 7021_12

Also in the museum you can watch videos (in English), which is devoted to the exciting history of the opening and restoring the museum and its exhibits.

Ticket price: Adults- € 7, Children - € 3

Address: Piazza de Nava 26

Pentedatilo (Pentedattilo)

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The most interesting places in Reggio di Calabria. 7021_14

This is a ghost city in Calabria, 30 km from the center of Reggio di Calabria. Until 1811, the city lived in full life, it was a separate developed commune. Pentedalo is located 250 m above sea level, on Mount Monte Calvario. The city was founded as a colony of Greek Halkida in 640 BC. In the 12th century, he was conquered by Normans. The city was badly damaged as a result of the earthquake in 1783, which caused the migration of most of the population in the neighboring Melito Porto Salvo. The city was completely empty, only from mid-1960 to the 1980s, volunteers from all over Europe were settled in the city, which were engaged in the restoration of the facilities of the city. At the moment, life is designed only for tourists - local artisans hold several shops selling their products, there is a restaurant. The city continues to restore, in particular, work on the reconstruction of the main street.

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Tourists are often coming here, as well as artists and directors who are looking for a suitable place for their filming. The place remains exciting and complete secrets, a lot of legends go about the city. For example, the fact that in the Gullands of the city of the city in winter, you can still hear the cries of the Koriicha Lorenzo Alberti, with which cruelly dealt in the middle of the 17th century.

Also every summer in this ghost city, guests come out from all over the country to the festival "Paleariza" - an important event among lovers and connoisseurs of Hellenistic culture. Also in August and September, here you organize a short film fiction festival - there can be no place for the ideal for the atmosphere for a similar event.

Montte Stella Temple (Monte Stella)

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The most interesting places in Reggio di Calabria. 7021_17

The Temple of Monte Stella is located on the mountain of the same name. This is a shrine in a deep cave, in which the statue of the Blessed Virgin is stored for centuries. From the mountain slopes with a height of about 650 m above sea level, wonderful views of the surroundings are opening. As for the temple, it was probably built by the Byzantine hermits to live here in asceticism. There are no special information about the origin of the castle. But it is known that in 1562 the monastery was delivered to the statue of Madonna della Stella in addition to the ancient Byzantine icons. About this statue, too, little known, some believe that its author is the Sicilian sculptor Rinaldo Bonnano. In the temple, you can see the remains of Byzantine frescoes of the 10-11 centuries, one of the oldest depicting Mary of the Egyptian, Christian saint, which is considered patronizing women. Therefore, there is an assumption that the temple was built not as a home for hermites, but as a cathedral. Then, according to the Byzantine traditions, from March 1 to August 15, every Saturday morning at the dawn of the Women's Stylaro Valley at the foot of the mountain, had to climb the steep mountain slope in this temple to pray. Anyway, the place is simply magic!

How to find: 120 km from Reggio di Calabria on the south shore to the village of Siderno

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