Is it worth going to the Netherlands?


For each tourist, visit a new corner on the map is a real holiday. It is most pleased with this unique feeling when as you get acquainted with the country, its inhabitants and culture, you begin to discover a completely different worldview. This differentcy does not push at all, but on the contrary attracts to itself as a magnet. For relatively short time you are trying to understand the essence of all that happens around, because you want to charge the atmosphere of novelty and discoveries for a long time. Each country, every individual city, each small village on Earth has its own unique charm, which makes it more and more in love with tourist adventures. It is so unearthly attractiveness that has an amazing country of the Netherlands, which is located in the north-west of Europe. Every year millions of travelers from all over the planet flock here. There are quite a few reasons for tourist interest here - European quality standards, magnificent nature, hospitable people, abundance of attractions, as well as an amazing feeling of freedom, which is literally saturated with all air. Among those people who are familiar with the Netherlands in absentia, there is an opinion that this country is debauchery - a quarter of red lamps and legalized drugs to the bright example. However, it is worth noting that this is a very unipolar opinion, because there are entertainment there are much more interesting and extraordinary, and at the same time legal and cultural. That is why the atmosphere of lightness and freedom does not have a criminal soil and negative color, rather it is due to the fact that people have the right to choose the options for the development of their own life. Despite the availability of destructive pleasures, most residents of the country prefer a healthy lifestyle.

Each city of this country has its own history and uniqueness. Therefore, it is better to visit at several points of the Netherlands, in order to make a complete picture of the picturesque country for themselves. I can call several reasons why you should visit this wonderful corner.

1. Romantic Amsterdam

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Amsterdam is generally a separate story, because it is possible to tell a day for this city. Update here, the time as if it fits, and you feel like a hero of a fabulous adventure. It will be interesting to all age categories, but the most important city is suitable for couples in love. Often the capital of the Netherlands is compared with Venice, and it is not easy - the number of local channels is striking. Romantic cruise along with his second half on a cozy boat will leave the warmest moments in memory. Alternative can serve walking through beautiful bridges, delicious picnics in the city of green parks. Amsterdam literally sets up a romantic way and gives the travelers an unforgettable impression.

2. Tulips

These flowers managed to become a real symbol of the country during its existence. In order to see the flora of Holland, hundreds of thousands of tourists are in a hurry to visit the famous Kekenhof Park from April to May. The spectacle, I will tell you, not crying the soul, truly breathtaking - the oceans of flowers, which are degraded in all colors, famous for humanity. The female floor is unequivocally ready to break the camping right among this fragrance and live here before closing the season. But what is there women, if even the strengths of this world can not hide their delight and trembling, which awakens the local beauty. Once upon a time, the country got a "tulip fever" - the bulbs were worth a lot of money, which only secured people could afford to buy. Therefore, all sectors of the population were engaged in color trading - some riders with the help of this business, others broke out. The fever remained in the past, but the tradition to engage in tulips remained - the Netherlands are the largest exporter of colors around the world.

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3. Windmills

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Another business card of the Netherlands is windmills. The Dutch says that it was here that they were invented. The mills for drying meadows and fields were intended, and later began to be used in other areas of agriculture. One of the main attractions of the country is the village of Kinderdiek, in which the most vintage mills are located. This group of exhibits is among the cultural heritage of UNESCO. They have long been retired, but for the sake of tourists, some of them occasionally include.

4. Magnificent cheese

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The Netherlands is a real paradise for cheese gourmets. The range of this product is impressive with its diversity. When you go to the store, it seems that you get into the real cheese kingdom. Some of the most popular species are Edam Cheese, Gaud, Masdam. In the city of Alkmar, you can visit the real cheese market and see your own eyes as a traditional trade process is happening, as well as to taste the product you like. The action is happening every Friday, starting from mid-April and ending in the middle of May. Similar cheese markets also take place every Wednesday of July and August in Edam.

5. Painting

The Netherlands presented the world a lot of great masters, the brightest creators of the masterpieces are Rembrandt and Van Gogh. The country is proud to remember his great sons and confirmation of this is numerous museums built in their honor. Rembrandt's work can be seen in the National Art Gallery, and in the Van Gogh Museum there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the famous postmingness.

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6. Dutch solella

The kitchen of the Netherlands is based on fish and seafood. One of the local delicacies is considered a herdder, which is sold in special kiosks. Something resembles a hot dog after serving, but instead of meat there are fish. A very interesting dish, which is definitely worth trying, in order to form their own opinion on this, another, business card of Holland.

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7. Original museums

Among other things, the Netherlands is rich in many non-standard museums who have something to surprise travelers. For example, there are a museum of torture, a dead museum, an erotic museum, cannabis museums, tattoos, as well as the world's first museum in the world. One of the most popular Madame Madame Tussao, in which you can not only see the wax copies of famous personalities, but also enjoy a breathtaking show that is arranged for tourists.

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Everyone will find their highlights in the Netherlands, will be able to discover something new and unexplored. I wish you a pleasant stay in the Netherlands!

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