What excursions should go to Karghak?


In Kargyzhak, in principle, as in all Turkish resorts of the Mediterranean coast, a large selection of educational and historical and cultural excursions is offered. Proposals go both from representatives of tourist companies, in the face of hotel guides, and from numerous street agencies that are at every resort. I want to note that buying excursions in the hotel, almost all of them you overpay from thirty to four hundred percent. And there is no difference in the quality of service or in something else, absolutely no. Experienced tourists know this feature and do not buy tours from the hotel guides. But those who come to Turkey to rest for the first time, and not knowing all the subtleties of tourism, under the influence of guides, which by all truths and inconsistencies persuade the purchase of excursions, referring primarily to the lack of insurance in street agencies, almost always come across this. Therefore, in order to save funds, which, sometimes, are not so easy to get enough to spend your vacation and relax, you should carefully treat various kinds of information, and reviews of experienced tourists.

What excursions should go to Karghak? 7012_1

As for the most popular and common excursions that are not associated with a long bus travel, such as in Pamukkale or St. Nicholas Church, which are also quite visited, then you can call the daytime walk on the yacht. There are agreements with the owners of various yachts that may differ slightly in their design or an animation program, but in general the general plan of this excursion is the same as in principle and prices. The program looks like this. After reserving and making a prepayment or the entire amount, on the appointed day and time, as a rule, it is in the area of ​​nine o'clock in the morning, tourists are going near the office of the travel agency or entry into the territory of their hotel and expect a minibus that delivers them to the yacht port, where mooring yacht.

What excursions should go to Karghak? 7012_2

After checking the tickets and the final calculation (if only the deposit is left), you take the place on the yacht that goes into the sea. During swimming, various contests are held on board or simply playing music that can be danced. The yacht sails along the coast, visiting the most picturesque places and bays where temporary stops are made so that tourists can swim and sunbathe.

What excursions should go to Karghak? 7012_3

The water of the Mediterranean Sea is quite salty, so there are shower cabins on the yacht, in which you can rinse. In approximately around the area of ​​the day, a buffet with several kinds of dishes and salads is served. The cost of lunch is included in the price of the excursion. 3A Separate boards are provided with refreshments in the bar. The cost of drinks is certainly more expensive than in supermarkets, but not more expensive, and sometimes even cheaper than in restaurants on land. It is not allowed to take alcoholic beverages with you, although recently as a result of great competition can allow it. After lunch, swimming and stopping for swimming continues. Return to the port occurs in the area of ​​the four-five o'clock in the evening, where tourists again transplant the minibus, which takes them on the hotel. The cost of such an excursion fifteen dollars, but this is the average price, since various agencies set prices on their own, and you can freely purchase such a tour of dollars for ten.

What excursions should go to Karghak? 7012_4

Who wants to admire the underwater beauties of the Mediterranean Sea, can go to diving. The program of this excursion is something similar to the yacht tour, with the only difference that the diving yacht is slightly different with its design, which is specifically designed for underwater dives. The number of tourists on it is significantly lower. Collection and sailing, as well as the previous case, runs around at the same time and yacht is sent to the place of dive of divers. Different diving centers have their own places, but it happens that they are going to several yachts in one place if it is of interest to divers.

What excursions should go to Karghak? 7012_5

Before diving, learning and detailed instructions for beginners are being conducted. 3Tables begins immersion on a small depth, as a rule, the meters of five, where twenty minutes is held during which you can feed the seaside fish or take a picture. After the float, everyone relaxed, bathe, sunbathe and so on. A buffet is served to dinner on the yacht, after which the yacht is sent to the next place of immersion, already deeper. A second immersion is performed on a greater depth (about nine-twelve meters), and for a longer term. All dive occur under the closer supervision of experienced diving instructors who are willing to prevent any unforeseen situation. Return to the port takes place in the area of ​​four hours of the day. It concerns newbies, but there are also special programs designed for experienced divers. The cost of such a round, which includes two dives in the area of ​​forty dollars. Those tourists who accompanied you on the yacht in the form of guests pay for fifteen dollars in a person who also enters lunch. 3a separate fee can be ordered video shooting under water.

In addition to those listed, there are many other, no less interesting, such as rafting, quad safari,

What excursions should go to Karghak? 7012_6

Jeep safari, fishing picnic and so on. A total of about two dozen different excursions.

There is an opportunity to independently visiting some historical and entertainment facilities. Among which can be called the fortress of Alanya, which is from Karghack no more than fifteen kilometers. You can reach Nee by the following in Alanya. To date, this fortress has the status of a museum and a visit is worth ten Turkish lira, that is, about five dollars.

And within walking distance of the resort, at a distance of about five kilometers there is another fortress and ruins of the ancient city of Shedra.

What excursions should go to Karghak? 7012_7

Here, fragments of buildings, aqueduct with water drives are preserved, which to this day are used by local residents for the irrigation of the fields, a column street, once a prosperous city. The ruins of the city are located on the top of the hill, from which the entire coast can be seen as a palm, not only the resort of Karghak, but also nearby, including Alania.

What excursions should go to Karghak? 7012_8

In addition, you can go to Antalya, where beautiful water park, aquarium, lunapark, 3 spares and a large number of large shopping centers are located.

In a word, resting in Kargya, you can not only rest well, but also perfectly spend time.

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