Should I go to Amsterdam? What to do in Amsterdam?


Amsterdam is a city of freedom and ease, hospitality and small tolly madness. Some call it new Babylon, others - Northern Venice, but not one name is not able to convey the charming magnetism, which the capital of the Netherlands has. The amazing atmosphere of lightness and fun reigns here, which falls in love with everyone who comes to meet with these beauties. The answer to the question about the feasibility of traveling to this country, and in Amsterdam in particular, will be unambiguously positive. Arriving here, the tourist will be able to enjoy the local flavor, characteristic only for this place and its inhabitants.

For those who are still in the process of making a decision on the trip to these wonderful edges, the following information is intended to help determine the choice of finally. So, why, everything is still worth visiting Amsterdam? To answer this question, I have a lot of arguments in favor of the city.

1. Walking on bicycles

This is one of the distinguishing features of the city, to feel on himself can every guest of Amsterdam. Bicycle ride is not at all entertainment, but rather need. The explanation of this fact is quite quite simple - high cost of parking. But even if there is free finances, finding a free space for the car will be a task from the fiction area. Therefore, do not risk the car rental, but at once renting a bike at the time of stay in the city. Thus, you align a pleasant with useful - you will be able to stop every interesting place without problems and actively spend the weekend.

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2. Holiday for cheese gourmets

This item is especially pleasant for those people who love and appreciate quality cheese. It is here that you can taste a wide variety of varieties of this delicious product. In the city center there is a chain of Cheese & More stores, in which you can taste and acquire a real Dutch cheese. The main thing is to stock finance, because the assortment is striking, and the eyes run into different directions. I, as a true fan, I can say with confidence that it's just unrealistic to remain indifferent to the cheese kingdom.

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3. Organ music

Even if you do not consider yourself to the number of lovers of such a musical style, I advise at least once to go to the concert of organ music. Only after this action, you will understand how fascinating and melodiously acts not only for rumor, but also on the soul this beautiful tool. In Amsterdam, concerts pass in the old church of Nieuwe Kerk, the pride of which is the body, built back in the distance in 1655. In order to hear his sound, people come here from all over the world.

4. Acquaintance with channels

Not in vain, at the beginning of my answer mentioned the second name of the city - Northern Venice. Such a fame of Amsterdam deserved due to its channels, according to which the pleasure swimming facilities are actively rushing. The latter here is a huge set for the choice of the customer - from a small boat for two to a huge vessel on three hundred passengers. It is necessary to ride in Amstel, because the city's atmosphere similar walks are filled with romantics and charm.

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5. Picnic

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This item is perfect for those travelers who are not limited in the time of their stay in Amsterdam. Only in this case can be completely relaxed, to forget about the time frame, to merge with the culture of the city. Good weather is an excellent reason for local residents to stock up various goodies and go to a large company on a picnic. Amsterdam Forest, Biatrix Park, VoDelpark, are remarkably suitable for recreation.

6. Rise to the tower

The bell tower Westerkerk serves as an excellent platform for the inspection of the city. It is from the local heights that even the most remote corners can be seen. Panorama opens truly magic, complement the beautiful view of the channels, which, according to local residents, form Amsterdam's necklace.

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7. Trip in Harlem

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The road will take you only twenty minutes by train from the Central Station, and you will get an entire car. The first railway of Holland, which was built in 139, connects the capital and Haarlem. This town is famous for its meat rows in the style of the Dutch Renaissance (there are exhibitions of works of modern art masters), as well as the Taylor Art Museum.

8. Tattoo

Perhaps you will not venture to change your image in Amsterdam with the help of such an extravagant step, but visiting the Tattoo Museum will leave bright moments in memory. The exposition consists of numerous photos of the workshop of the work performed, the history of the occurrence of the culture of the decoration of their body, a wide range of devices for creating tattoos. Also in the museum there is an opportunity to make a memorable sign to yourself and watch the work of the master.

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9. Night on the barge

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Another business card Amsterdam - Barja. Since the city literally stands on the water, then there are a lot of such floats. Walking around the city or swimming through the canals on a walking boat, you will definitely see barges with their settlers who preferred housing on the water. In order to feel all the delights of such habitats, you can rent a barge for a suitable term. If you do not suffer from a maritime disease, then feel free to try this entertainment. A plus of such housing is the relative cheapness compared to the cost of the hotel.

10. Gastronomic Theater.

Just fifteen minutes away from the city is an amazing gastronomic theater - one of the best restaurants in the country. At the site of the abandoned factory of the 17th century, Cook Peter Luce together with MVRDV design studies, built a real miracle. The chef simply enchants his charm of every visitor. Here every detail of the interior is designed to create a great mood from the client. The maestro is characterized by charm and hospitality, which are manifested in every dish, as well as attitude to visitors with whom he communicates with great pleasure. The philosophy of this institution is quite simple: to serve only from that meal, which was taken to the market in the morning. That is why the menu of this restaurant is updated daily. One of the main chips of the institution is a unique feed, which can surprise even the most sophisticated gourmets.

Amsterdam will be able to conquer your heart with its originality and warmth. Come here and make sure that this city is unique. I wish you a pleasant stay!

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