Visa in Albania. How much is it and how to get?


To get to Albania for the purpose of tourism is simple enough, however, for citizens of each country there are features.

So, for Russians it is necessary to issue a visa to Albania. To do this, a package of necessary documents is collected and is being submitted to the consulate of the country. In Moscow, the consulate of Albania is located at: ul. Toy, 3, square. 8. Phone: (495) 982-3852.

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The list of mandatory documents includes the bank's statement about the status of the tourist account, a certificate from the place of work with the level of salary, confirmed hotel reservation. The registration of a visa takes about 10 days and is issued for the time of booking the room at the hotel. Visa cost: from 15 euros and higher, depending on the type of visa.

This is what the visa looks like:

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For the citizens of Ukraine, the visa in Albania is not needed at any time of the year. The tourist is enough to have a valid passport, in which the border service officer puts a stamp indicating the date of entry into the country. Without leaving the country, you can travel through its territory of 90 days. Leaving for a day in Montenegro or Macedonia, you can again stay in the country of 90 days.

For citizens of Belarus, Visa in Albania is needed. To the main list of documents for the consulate, except for reference from the place of work, the original of the hotel and discharge from the bank account, you will need purchased air tickets to both sides. The cost of the visa is 35-45 euros. The consulate of Albania is in Russia. Unfortunately, there is no place in Belarus.

In addition to the passport and visa in it (if needed), it is worth taking with you on the trip to the Albanian language reservation (you can print from the Internet) and the driver's license. Rent a car in Albania is a very convenient version of the country's research. But it is worth take into account that the driver's license should be duplicated in English or French, otherwise the car will not give a rent.

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