Rest in Gouves: tourist reviews


For the first time decided to relax not in the summer, but in September and chose Greece for this purpose. Among the islands stopped in Crete, or rather on the village of Gouves. The fact is that the daughter has long wanted to get into the real oceanarium, and from this settlement there could be reached on foot for half an hour. The hotel was chosen with the beach, which is located in the bay, which eliminates big waves.

Rest in Gouves: tourist reviews 69719_1

From the airport, Heraklion got to the place in 15 minutes, and immediately felt the resort mood: palm trees, the sea outside the window, impoverished cats. By the way, they are very much in Crete and they behave like the owners of the island, but all thin. The guide explained that this is because of the heat, and not because they are poorly fed.

Rest in Gouves: tourist reviews 69719_2

The sea really in the bay was calm, although around the wave rose above the pier. We had sandy, with a minimum number of shells and lack of jellyfish. Air in early September warmed up to 28, and water - 26 degrees. For a week, only one day was a thunderstorm-rainy, though it rumbled on a full coil and lightning lit a room as day. But it was at night, and in the morning we went, the good was not so hot, in the oceanarium. As assumed, the walk took 35 minutes along the sea. Defend a rather line and spent one and a half hours in the underwater world. I liked it very much - a variety of fish, sharks, beautiful algae - I recommend to visit!

Rest in Gouves: tourist reviews 69719_3

Planned to get into the Knos Palace, see the Minotauria Maze, but the excursion ... Read completely

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