What is worth viewing in Salerno?


The Salerno-Italian city and the port at the Tyrrhenian Sea, more than 145 thousand people live in it. Salerno is located 55 km from Naples. If you are in Naples, do not deny yourself the pleasure of going to this popular city, because there is so much interesting! For example:

Salerno Cathedral (Duomo Di Salerno)

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One of the main attractions of Salerno. It is famous for keeping in a crypt under the altar of the power of the Holy Matthew. Also in the cathedral there is a tomb of Pope Gregory VII (Pope, who rules in the 11th century). The cathedral in the Romanesque style was built in the same 11th century, and then in the 18th century, during the restoration, added elements in the Baroque style. It is impossible not to notice the beautiful tower of 52 meters high, this is a bell tower in Arab-Norman style, which was prescribed in the 12th century.

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Internally, the decoration is rich and luxurious - sculptures, mosaic, pictures of Francesco Solimes, Madonna Statue with the Baby of the 14th century. The main facade guard the figures of Lviv and the fresco of Holy Matthew of the XVII century. And the door itself is a whole work of art, because it consists of 54 plates with different images.

There are in the cathedral and details of the Roman period, for example, columns and semicircular arches with stucco. The gallery of the second tier is made on all the canons of Mediterranean architecture. The pride of the cathedral is the archives of the first European University - the medical school and the tomb of the members of the clergy.

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Address: Piazza Alfano I

Temples in Pestum

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First, the Pestum (Paestum, or the same as "Posidonon") is a Greek colony, founded at the end of the 7th century BC. e in the field of modern Salerno. In the 5th century BC. The colony was experiencing a stormy flourishing, then he was conquered by Lukanov (ancient Italian tribes), then colonized by the Romans and in the 11th century is completely broken. Local residents left the settlement, leaving luxurious facilities, and substantiated a new city in the mountains, Kapachcho.

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These "residues" are three ancient temples, which are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The whole complex stores thousands of mysteries. In particular, recently been discovered Tomb of the diverman - The only one in the world is similar in the fresco of the classical period of 480-470 to our era. The plot of the frescoes displays the transition of the soul to the afterlife, jump into the ocean of death (therefore, the diver).

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One of the temples of Pestum - Temple of Gera-I (It is also called "Basilica").

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Hera Patron of Marriage, Supreme Goddess and Spouse Zeus. This is one of the most striking examples of Dorian architecture and the oldest temple in the pentum. This monument is almost primarily striking, in particular, with its 50 massive outer columns (an odd number of columns, by the way, is not typical for Greek temples). The temple has a two-way cell (that is, the inner part), so this structure is considered the only one similar in Italy.

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Temple Hera-II Previously, they were associated with the names of Apollon, Neptune, but the archaeological excavations led to the find of various figurines and coins with the image of the gera, so, both temples wear the same name.

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This temple is quite similar to the previous building. This temple is called the "temple of Poseidon". It was built allegedly in the 5th century BC. The building consists, by and large, only from the base, columns. And the columns here are 20- 6 front columns and 14 side. An incredible building and an incredible architectural complex that will impress you to the depths of the soul.

How to find: Paestum Salerno, between Via Porta Marina, Via Nettuno and Via Magna Grecia.

Ceramics Museum Vietri Sul Mare Mare (Vietri Sul Mare Ceramics)

What is worth viewing in Salerno? 6947_12

This museum was built relatively recently, in 1981 in Vietri Sul Mare - 5 km from the center of Salerno. In the museum you can see a variety of work of the Italian masters of different centuries. In particular, the collection of ceramics, which is divided into three parts: the ceramics of the German period, products on religious themes and products for daily use. On these ceramic subjects, the religious fonts of the XVII century are depicted, as well as the paintings of Christ, Madonna with a baby, beheaded by Saint John, the resurrection of Jesus and others. As for the objects of life, then in the collections of the vase and plates of the XIX century and tiles with the image of paintings from the life of ordinary Romans.

Ceramics of the German period is the work of the 1920-1940s of such masters as John Carrano, Richard Dolker, Vincenzo, and many others.

Address: Via Cristoforo Colombo, on the coast, in the city center.

Pinakotek Provincial (Museo Pinacoteca Provinciale)

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What is worth viewing in Salerno? 6947_14

Art lovers are simply obliged to get into this gallery, located in the heart of the historic Quarter Salerno. The museum consists of six parts and offers guests the most interesting collection of works of art, starting with the Renaissance, until the first half of the 20th century. Of particular interest are the cloths of the local artist Andrea Sabatini and Salerno, in whose work the influence of the great Leonardo da Vinci is traced, as well as enjoy a variety of works of foreign artists who came for inspiration to this picturesque coast. These include complex engravings of the Austrian master of Peter Wilburger (1942-1998), as well as a bright picture of the local market, written by the Polish artist Irene Kovalsk.

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In the summer, free concerts of classical music are often held at the museum. The museum works from 9 am to 8 pm from Tuesday to Sunday.

Address: Via Mercanti 63

Castello di Arechi)

What is worth viewing in Salerno? 6947_16

Sit down to the bus number 19 at a stop on Piazza XXIV Maggio Square and go to the north from Salerno to visit the most famous Salerno Castle. All the way will take no more than 20 minutes. Built on the site of the Byzantine Fort in the 8th century, the castle has undergone restructuring and reconstruction in the next centuries. The last time it was strongly changed in the 16th century. Castello is above sea level, on a hill, so, from there, an impressive view of the bay and urban roofs of Salerno. In the castle you can visit a permanent collection of ceramics, weapons and coins (open 9.00-15.30). If you arrived in Salerno in the summer months, then ask the tourist office for concerts that organize and spend here in this strict building.

Address: Localita 'Croce

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