Useful information about rest in Trondheim.


Trondheim is one of the most popular among the travelers of the city of Norway, thanks to its attractions and the careful attitudes of citizens of the city to their historical origins. And in this regard, when visiting Norway, to bypass this city, almost impossible. But like any city with distinctive way, he has its own nuances and features that should be considered when visiting. About some nuances of their stay in Trondheim, I propose to talk.

Useful information about rest in Trondheim. 6907_1

- As in the case of any other cities in Europe, and not only Europe, it makes sense from visiting the tourist center. In Trondheim there are several of them, so there is no difference in which you go. Choose the nearest. Visit the Center is worth getting a free guide card in the city, find out the schedule of museums or other cultural institutions and so on. In Trondheim, by the way, once a week, all the museums of the city declare a day of free visits, and since prices in Norway are very high, it will not be expensive to save it.

- The inhabitants of Trondheim are very careful about their city, and therefore trash or other offenses thrown in the wrong place, are very serious fines that apply to tourists. By the way, bottles and cans from under beer or other drinks are taken in many stores of the city. What is not free, but for remuneration. So this is another way of saving money.

Useful information about rest in Trondheim. 6907_2

- lovers to smoke in Trondheim will have to be very hard. The city has a strict ban on smoking in public places, and it is possible to smoke only on specially designated vessels that are almost near every shopping or entertainment center. At the cooking points, smoking is prohibited. Cigarettes are sold only in special outlets and prices for them such that they immediately want to throw this destructive habit. So if you smoke, carry cigarettes with you.

- In cafes and restaurants, tips are already included in the price, but if you served very well (and this is usually so), it is considered a good tone to leave some more money personally to the waiter. Similar situation with the receptionist in hotels and taxi drivers. True, in the case of the last, the numbers on the meter are simply rounded in the most side. It will not be superfluous to note that when visiting restaurants, bars, cafes and other entertainment facilities, it is advisable to have a certificate of person or a photocopy. They may be required if you are ordered alcohol. Persons under the 21st year, it is simply not selling, with no matter what you persuaded the bartender or waiter.

Useful information about rest in Trondheim. 6907_3

- Language problems when visiting Trondheim will not arise if you have at least basic knowledge of English. The staff of the hotels almost all knows him, and in large restaurants or cafes, there is always a waiter understanding English. Moreover, in 90% of the city's institutions, the menu is either duplicated, or there is a separate menu in the languages ​​of the Misty Albion.

- While staying in Trondheim, you can feel in complete security, the city is very quiet and calm, and the locals are extremely welcome in tourists. Even late evenings, lonely girls can walk around the city without fear of unpleasant incidents. Street crime here does not exist as a fact. However, it is still worth having a head and do not carry large amounts of money with you, the more you demonstrate them. Temptation, it may occur even at complacent Norwegians.

Useful information about rest in Trondheim. 6907_4

- A special attention should be paid to the methods of communication with the homeland. Despite the fact that Russian operators have roaming agreements with Norwegian telecommunications companies, the amount of the account for the arrival of home may be unpleasant to surprise. So it is better to call on special phone cards that are sold in hotels, printing kiosks and tourist centers. You can pay and coins. Payphones can be found almost on all the streets of the city. The cost of a minute of conversation starts with 7.5 kroons (approximately 50 rubles), but in the evenings and at the weekend there are preferential tariffs. Wi-Fi points are covered by almost the whole city, but there is not so much free. They mainly have in hotels. Paid Wi-Fi is in Internet cafes and libraries.

- And last, if a visit to Trondheim is planned for July, that is, it makes sense in pre-booking hotel numbers. In the third decade of July, a festival in honor of St. Olaf is held in Trondheim (the patron of the city), which traditionally collects a large number of pilgrims and tourists.

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