What currency to take with you to Avsallar?


Tourists who have repeatedly visited Turkish resorts, talking about what money is better to go to rest in this country, I think that it is not worth it, but for those who are going to do this for the first time, information can be useful.

As in any other country, all financial calculations are made in their own national currency, that is, in Turkish lies, but the economic policy of the country is such that for the convenience of tourists in all resort zones, almost no problem can be paid to any popular currency. In many stores for holidaymaking foreigners, even price tags can be written in dollars or euros, therefore, if there are such currencies, you will not have any difficulties in paying for certain goods and services. And the resort Avsellar in this regard is no exception. But I want to note the fact that in order to save, which can sometimes be quite essential, is better to use the Turkish lira at the calculations.

What currency to take with you to Avsallar? 6885_1

The most optimal option would be to purchase such currency in my homeland, so as not to do a double exchange but, unfortunately, not in all regional banks there are Turkish lira. In this case, you have to choose between dollars or the euro.

In any separation of Turkish banks, where there is a currency exchange service or in private exchange ticket cash desks, you can freely change the euro, US dollars and English pounds. In those regions where a large number of tourists are resting from Russia, the Russian rubles add to this list. In the larger banks of Antalya or in this case, Alanya, next to which the Avsellar is located, the currency list can be much more, where even Ukrainian hryvnias and Kazakhstan tenge can appear.

What currency to take with you to Avsallar? 6885_2

As for the specifically of this resort, the main contingent of tourists at it, these are citizens of European countries, due to which many prices are written or oriented to euros. Therefore, for convenience, going to Avsallar, it is better to have exactly this currency with it, which you can easily pay. But, again, I repeat that it is better to exchange some of the money to Turkish lira. First, in some food stores and pharmacies, prices are written in the lira. If you recalculate the amount on another currency, you will always be rounded, since there is almost no one for delivery in cents, and if you, for example, will be as a result of 4.30 euros, then surely ask the top five, and without surrender. The same history and public transport. The fare is scheduled to be painted in Turkish lies and in currency, that is, in dollars and euros. But if you do the recalculation, then you will understand that calculating the currency, it turns out much more expensive. I can say for sure that going to Antalya and back to Dolmoshev, and calculating the lymors, you will save a minimum of five dollars per person. If you go shopping, then pay attention to the fact that many Germans or Italians who repeatedly come to rest in Turkey are calculated by the lips. Believe that it is not necessary, the Germans do not need to teach savings, it is in their blood and is passed to the mother's milk.

What currency to take with you to Avsallar? 6885_3

You can exchange money both in the hotel and in private currency offices, which are found on the streets of Avsellar. There are no permanent premises from such cash registers, and most shops have no shops, since everything is rented and with the onset of the season can easily change, so it makes no sense to focus on this or that address. But immediately I want to warn that the course in such cash desks, and in hotels, it will be lower than in the branches of banks. Therefore, it is best to exchange money in neighboring Alanya. The schedule of banks in Turkey is about the same. Opening at 9.00, then lunch from 12.30 to 13.30 and end of the working day at 17.00. Private foreign exchange boxes can work longer, and in resort villages, as a rule, until late in the evening, tourists are walking.

What currency to take with you to Avsallar? 6885_4

But the availability of money is not the only way of financial calculations. If you are the owner of a banking card, and there are many such people in our time, then freely can be made non-cash calculations. Almost in any store or restaurant you can pay a card. It does not affect the price of the goods in any way, although it is worth noting that I calculated in cash, in many stores you can achieve the greatest discount, rather than calculating the card, because, as elsewhere, when removing cash from your account, the store owner will lose a certain percentage. But not only because of this. Just all calculations through the banking terminal are tracked by tax authorities and are subject to taxation, and Turks, like all businessmen, are not very trying to show all their profits, therefore prefer more cash.

In addition, cash will still be needed for minor costs in souvenir booths or buying ice cream, and such small outlets rarely have banking terminals. And buying fruit in the bazaar, it will be calculated only in cash.

What currency to take with you to Avsallar? 6885_5

Having a bank card on his hands, with the help of ATMs that are not only in the Avsallar, but also in anyone even the smallest resort village of Turkey, you can freely remove the required amount of cash from the account. And the money is issued not only in national currency, but also in euros or dollars, depending on your wishes. Many European tourists with them practically do not take cash on a trip, and enjoy the card exclusively. The schedule of ATMs around the clock, in addition, those that belong to Denizbank are servicing the customers of Sberbank of Russia, without additional fees, since these banks cooperate among themselves. Maestro banking cards are used, visa, master Card, American Express and others.

I want to warn those tourists who are first going to visit Turkey and enjoy national currency for calculations. When receiving the delivery, check the accuracy of the amount. Some cunning sellers use that people who first use new money signs for them are not too well oriented into them. As a rule, when the shortage is found, the sellers with a smile refer to a random mistake, but for some reason no one ever gives more than it is.

What currency to take with you to Avsallar? 6885_6

Here, perhaps, you can tell about the financial side of the rest in the resort of Avsallar. I can say that you can, in the extreme case, use the Russian rubles during the calculations for the goods, but the course will not be very profitable, so I think it's not worth it to rest on vacation.

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