What should I buy on Sri Lanka?


This is what, and shopping on Sri Lanka is just superb. Moreover, you can buy everything that the soul wishes: souvenirs from wood and leather, natural oils and natural cosmetics, incense, tea, clothing from natural materials, fruits, seasonings. Even wooden toys for children sell. The list is simply unlimited. If only there was a desire and money.

Tea. To come to Ceylon and do not bring home of this Ceylon tea - it's just a sin.

You can buy tea on tea plantations - there is the largest selection of tea for tourists, but also the prices are certainly not small. But you will tell you and show how this particular type of tea was going, processed and dried and will let it taste. Prices are usually varying from 400 rupees and can reach 1000 and even more. The most expensive - white tea. And ask on the plantation Lapsang Sushong - Smoked tea. This is not local, but Chinese tea. He is dried over the smoke, thanks to which he acquires an unusual fragrance. I will say right away - tea on an amateur. It costs about 800 rupees for 50 grams. In souvenir shops you will definitely not find it.

Also, tea can be bought in souvenir shops - there it is selling it either for weight in large bags, or already packed in beautiful boxes or jars. What is good tea for weight - his aroma can be smeared, and understand whether this tea is worth buying. With you, it is used in the package, and they are bold so that there is no moisture. The choice is not very big - mostly all the most famous: green, black, fruit different, sausp, white. It is mostly 200 rupees for 100 grams, white tea is very expensive - $ 20 per 50 grams. Also sell tea in coconut, or rather from the coconut, the figure either an elephant, or monkeys, and tea flowed into the cavity. Such a souvenir will cost about 800 rupees and higher.

There are still expensive teas in small packages, especially for tasting.

What should I buy on Sri Lanka? 6871_1

They stand not much, but the memories will be good, and tea is tasty - in the package from three to ten different types of tea.

Tea in supermarkets sell the most ordinary, fine grinding, not for tourists, so to speak. He even looks like dust. Lankans like this more, as they believe that it is better brewed and his aroma is better. You will not find anything special in supermarkets. Simple teas: black, green and ginger. Ginger, by the way, is very tasty, I am very advised to purchase.

What should I buy on Sri Lanka? 6871_2

There are in dosage packages, but there is a simple. It is an average of 100-150 rupees.

Cosmetics and oils. It's just a paradise for women. Oils which soul are pleased: scarlet faith, coconut, sandalwood, cinnamon ... not to list everything. You can purchase oil in the garden of spices, but the prices there are space, you can in stores for tourists, there are also not small prices, but you can the same in pharmacies - the most loyal prices there. I advise the oil of scarlet faith for sunburn - you do not burn accurately, and coconut oil - after tanning and face. In addition to the luxurious aroma, you moisturize your skin and secure the tan. You can sunbathe with coconut oil, but only in the shade, otherwise they burn. By the way, the coconut oil is perfectly used and on arrival home - you will not only save the tan, but you will support the skin in good shape.

About cosmetics. A natural-based cream, shampoos, toothpastes and body lotions are simply great. Very advisable Ayurvedic toothpaste - "Supirivicky". This is just a miracle.

What should I buy on Sri Lanka? 6871_3

She with red pepper, completely on a natural basis - it burns very much, but refreshes great, cleans your teeth perfectly, and treats the gums, prevents bleeding from the gums. Still soap excellent ayurvedic, natural. In supermarkets it is about 80 rupees standing. Especially after a long stay in the sun. Also oils and hair shampoos are chic - hair is restored in front of the eyes, you can also find in supermarkets and pharmacies.

All therapeutic agents from a cold and headaches. And pencils from a cold, and rollers from headaches smell with a Soviet "asterisk", but really helping very well.

Souvenirs of wood and leather. Very beautiful bags, paintings, furniture. Prices for bags are quite real - 2000 rupees for the handmade leather bag. This is a decent pen. Very beautiful skin chairs. Stand from 100 dollars. And of course, all sorts of trivia from wood - elephants, monkeys, buddhas, cats, many people are very beautiful. With this pricing policy is such - how much you can handle, so much and pay. On average, 500 rupees for the smallest statuette.

Aromamasla and incense are sold everywhere: in souvenir shops, supermarkets, in markets, pharmacies - the lowest prices in supermarkets and pharmacies, as there prices are fixed and indicated directly on factory packaging.

Seasoning ... oh, it's perhaps the best thing that may be on Sri Lanka, well, naturally after tea. Some names are generally incomprehensible. But, at least, all the famous curry are worth buying home, because Curry sells completely different. I also advise cinnamon to buy and vanilla extract - it is more expensive. And you can also buy sets of seasonings - they are sold in the markets and in souvenir shops. In the markets, the same cheaper.

Clothing. Oh, what a clothes on Ceylon. All from natural materials, and can be sewn to you to order pants shots, sundresses, shirts, skirts. Even in the pants-sharovar, you feel very comfortable in the most sultry weather. My advice is to reserve the local tailor clothing, and you will not regret.

Fruits. Their huge quantity, and listed everything is difficult. Fruits are in the markets, along the roads, in supermarkets. In supermarkets, we do not advise you - they are not delicious and not affected there. But in the market everything is fine with it. Ask anyone from the local to help you to choose. Buy pineapples, bananas, coconuts, papaya, mango, mangosteins, lychee, Maracuy - all this is exactly very tasty. You can stockday for a couple of days.

About the shopping in Duty Fr. The choice in stores at Colombo Airport is huge, and there are almost everything in the markets. But prices ... two, three, four times higher. So choose, buy, and do not postpone everything on the last day, otherwise you will not have anything and you will then regret much.

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