What should I see in Cefalu?


Chephala is a famous resort Sicilian town on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea, 75 km from Palermo. If you relax in Palermo, then pass to Cheefal, I suppose, will not be much difficulty, because this town is quite interesting. No more than 14,000 people live here who want to enjoy the beach with rest and look at the ancient ruins of old facilities (scientists believe that Cheefalu was formed in the 9th century BC). So, about attractions, that's what is in Cefal.

Cathedral Chephal (Chiesa Di Cefalù)

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This cathedral resembling a knightly castle, according to the legend, was built in the 11th century Roger II - the founder and at the same time the first king of the Sicilian kingdom. The king of this moved a small settlement to the very seashore of the sea, and built about the rocks of La Rocca this is a three-way cathedral, and this place soon turned into the most revered among the locals, the symbol of the city and the favorite attraction of tourists. Also, there is a legend that the ruler was at sea nearby, when he got into a terrible storm. Then he swore to build a temple on the place where he sails in the end of his king if he was sailing.

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This legend confirms the chronicles of the 17th century. The construction of this facility in Arab-Norman style (with elements of romance and gothic styles) lasted about 140 years, and did not change much in style since then, although, of course, it was restored in the next centuries. For example, in the 15th century, a portico was attached to the catcher, but he did not violate the compositions at all. The form of the building is the Latin Cross, inside the Cathedral there is a number of ancient columns and magnificent Byzantine mosaic paintings dated 1145. It is also interesting that the building stores fragments of the assembly of an ancient period - a cyclopical wall and a sanctuary, which is called the Temple of Diana. The main values ​​of the cathedral are the baptismal font of the 12th century from solid stone, the statue of Madonna, a carved wooden crucifixion of the 13th century, mosaic and frescoes.

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About mosaic and frescoes you can write a lot, because they are really unique! And in general, the palace is just luxurious.

How to find: Piazza Del Duomo

Great Palace (Osterio Magno)

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The construction of this palace in the Norman style is also attributed to God II. Although crossops in the past century, near the palace, fragments belonging to a much earlier period, for example, coins and dishes of the 4th century to our era. The windows and the upper part of the palace, differing in color, were built already in the 13th century by decree of the Ventimiglia family. In subsequent centuries, a square tower with a carved window was built on the palace.

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In the 17th century, the palace settled Dominicans (the Catholic Monastic Order, founded by the Spanish monk Dominic), later the cathedral was still a trade and residential area. Today, Osterio Magno is an art space where exhibitions and cultural events are being held.

How to find: 250 meters from Cathedral Chephala

Monastery of St. Catherine Siena (Monastero di Santa Caterina)

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The Benedictine Women's Monastery of Catherine Siena built in 12-13 centuries right in front of the Cefal Cathedral. In the style of Sicilian Baroque, there were girls from noble families with Cefalu and surroundings, and by the 18th century the monastery became more like a beautiful aristocratic residence. At the end of the 17th century, the monastery was safely closed, the tower was told on the building, and all the halls were redone in the barracks. However, from the middle of the last century, the authorities of the Cheefalu work in this building, as well as exhibitions and conferences. It is a pity that almost nothing has been preserved from the initial building, except that, the main portal of the building and a couple of windows.

Church of St. Leonard (Chiesa Di San Leonardo)

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This medieval church in Chephala is first mentioned in the annals in 1159. Again, it is believed that the church is built by the efforts of Roorog II. During restorations at different periods of time, the initial portal of the temple was inspired, although its fittings and columns decorated with plant stucco can still guess. The church recalls a little in some moments Cathedral Cefal. The inner space of the Basilica consists of only one of the nef, and the wooden choirs are dated to the 18th century.

How to find: Via Porto Salvo.

Parajno Palazzo Poland (Polazzo Pirajno)

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Beautiful vintage 16th century residence is located in the Cathedral Square. The name of the Palace is, in fact, the name of its owner. The facade of buildings are luxurious portals and windows with elegant balconies, finishing made from tuff and rust stone. The courtyard in the Catalan style is no less interesting. Inside the palace you can see the vintage caisson ceilings.

How to find: at the Cathedral Square

Medieval laundry (Lavatoio Medioevale)

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Next to Cheefal is a mountain range from which the stream flows. Part of the path of the stream crosses underground and flows into the sea - here it was here that this laundry was located in the last century. In the 14th century, the building was redone, a couple of centuries after the laundry was formed the roof. On a small platform you can see the bath, where the local women were erased in lingerie, as well as fountains. This beauty leads a lava stone staircase.

How to find: Via Vittorio Emanuele, near Martino Palace

Mandrelisk Museum (Mandralisca)

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The main part of the exhibit is the collection of Baron Enrico Piraino, who lived in the 17th century. Actually, the museum itself is his former residence. Among the exponentials of coins, paintings, sculptures, a collection of mollusks, archaeological finds, paintings by Sicilian artists, mosaic, ceramics, furniture and life items in the Middle Ages. All this was found and collected in Cefal. Some exhibits refer to 5-3 centuries to our era.

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The main pride of the museum is the "portrait of an unknown sailor" Italian Antonello da Messina. Scientists will not come to a single opinion about the age of the picture and put forward the assumptions about the person from whom the picture was written. These legends are pretty interesting!

Address: Via Mandralisca Street, 13, 200 m from the Cathedral Square.

In addition to these wonderful attractions, Cefalu can be visited Church of Our Lady. 16th century on Riazza Garibaldi Square and Luxurious Palace Mary. The 13th century. In general, very interesting and beautiful in Cefal. Worth to visit!

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