Should I go with children to Thailand?


Resting in Thailand, you can still meet families with children: often the age of small travelers barely reaches six months. When Thailand, as one of the directions of tourist recreation, was just beginning to develop, few risked take with me on vacation kid to the country, which is famous for sex tourism. Now the situation has changed dramatically. The services of an intimate character, followed by lonely men, did not disappear anywhere, but many tourists began to understand that Thailand is also an excellent place for family holidays.

Talking about the country from the position of parents who have more than once here with the baby, I will not try to prove that the erotic side of the rest in Thailand disappeared. As I said, she is, but the main thing is not what is in the country in general, the main thing is what you will watch you and your baby.

I'll start, probably not from the most pleasant. Rest in a distant country can not do without difficulties, and Buda is better if you are ready for them. First, the flight to Bangkok takes an average of eight to ten o'clock, depending on the place of residence and from the aircraft. For example, we fly from Nizhnevartovsk about eight and a half hours. If you fly to Thailand on a regular flight, not a charter, then the plane is usually more convenient. The last time we flew by the company "I Fly". In the cabin there were six rows of seats separated by one pass. It is uncomfortable even to the toilet to reach, and that the child's feet will smash, and there is nothing to say - all the children sat in their place. It was worth getting into the passage, as flight attendants appeared immediately with their carts and began to spread drinks. So, if the child is already running, be sure to go toys for him and, of course, patience. Also, consider the time you will spend at the airport. Even if the plane crashes without a delay, and a very rarely similar to charter flights, then add three to the flight of three at the airport and an hour of two hours to the airport in Thailand. And on the basis of this time, count the food supply and drink for the kid. To the relief of many parents, small children very quickly get tired of running around the airport and quickly fall asleep.

The next difficult point with which young parents may face: settlement in the hotel. Sometimes it happens that you are brought to the hotel, for example, at eight in the morning, and the settlement takes place almost everywhere at two o'clock in the afternoon. So, instead of a long-awaited stay, you will have to hang around at a reception with suitcases for some hours. We once had such a situation: we were lucky and smiling servants settled us into a number two hours earlier. Another option is to pay extra charge or offer tips. Thai love young children very much, so, most likely, will try to help you.

After buying a trip, be sure to learn whether the baby cot is available at the hotel and whether this service is paid. The floors in the room are usually tiled and leave the child to sleep on an adult bed is quite dangerous. We, coming to the hotel where there is no baby cot, did the permutation in the room - the big bed was shifted to the wall, and once I had to buy a playpen. The baby actively crawled and studied to get up, so the falls on the tile were undesirable. So be sure to inspect the number and try to make it as safer as possible for the child.

The next moment is the washing of children's things. Constantly wear a child in a diaper is definitely not worth it because of a rather warm climate, so that diapers, panties and sliders will have to erase constantly. At the hotel, this service is quite expensive - for one thing they ask for an average of about 40 baht. Giving about 500 baht once, I decided to erase yourself. To do this, it took only baby soap and a rope that can be bought in the store and pull on the balcony or in the room, and, of course, your own efforts. Another option is to give things to street laundries. There is about 80 baht stands washing a kilogram of things. This is, of course, much cheaper, but in my opinion, is unacceptable for children's things. They dry them in the alley on the ropes, they immediately drive cars and motorbikes, and all dust settles on things.

Another difficulty with which unprepared parents may be faced - the absence of children's cannon food stores. Even in major hypermarkets, I have never met vegetables or meat in banks. There are dry porridges, dry dairy mixes and fruit puree. Everyone else is better stocking in advance at home. By the way, the children's juices, as we have 6+ or 4+ in Russia, I also did not meet. Children's bottled water we found not immediately and on the shelf there was a literally a few bottles, so it was not clear: whether it is so popular here that they are disassembled, whether it will be taken so little, because she is not needed to anyone.

If your child is already eating adulthood, there will be no food problems: you can always find the usual dumplings, puree, cutlets and soups in the menu.

Be sure to take care of the drugs for the baby. Take with you the antipyretic remedy, cough syrup, medication from poisoning and indigestion. Better, if all this you have with you, because in Thailand, many drugs look as if they were stuffed with dyes. Thai medicine, in action similar to the domestic regiment, is very similar to the taste of orange phantom. Believe me, salt water is much more tastier than salty fifts) is best renounced, and in the literal sense of the word. Going on the trip, you should not be content with mandatory insurance included in the cost of a ticket: insure the full program from all possible troubles. Such insurance for two weeks for a family of three can do you from three to ten thousand rubles, depending on the age of the child.

Having finished describing the difficulties and problems with which you may face on vacation (by the way, not only in Thailand, but also in any other Asian country), I will go to a pleasant side - directly to rest. Thailand is very well suited for beach holidays with children. At the same time, those months are considered the most comfortable when in Russia there is a harsh winter - January and February. We are trying to come to Thailand in the middle of January for four weeks, in this case all the forty-graduate frosts pass by us. When we return, the cold will decline, and it seems that winter was not so long.

Children a lot of joy delivers the opportunity to play in the sand and buy in the warm sea.

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For those who do not like to spend all days long on the beach, it is possible to visit various excursions. The most popular - visiting crocodile and elephant farms and zoos will come to the soul and the smallest travelers. It is unlikely that someone refuses to see a living elephant or a giraffe.

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And the feeding of animals with vegetables and fruit causes a storm of delight in children. Also in some resorts there are amusement parks, which provides a game area with carousels for kids. Gaming zones are in most major shopping centers. Children can stay there until parents go shopping, the smallest kids can enter the game rooms with their parents.

So the question than to take yourself on vacation with the baby, the parents will not arise. Rather, another will appear - how to have time to visit everywhere, because there are so many interesting places in Thailand.

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