What is worth viewing in South Sakhalinsk?


What is worth viewing in South Sakhalinsk? 6838_1

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is 7 time zones from Moscow, this is the average annual temperature of + 2.8 degrees, it is the Far East of Russia. It is appropriate to say about this city that it is for the thirty lands - the distance from Moscow is 9400 kilometers. Random person is unlikely to come here - only a very curious traveler, thirsting for new knowledge and discoveries or travel. And if you arrived in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk for work and consider this trip as a punishment, do not hurry with the conclusions - there is something to see.

Of course, to celebrate the history of the city, because he (in 1882) settled with religious people and exile people, and from 1905 to 1945 he was generally part of Japan, which could not not affect the development of the city. By the way, now local residents are much cheaper and more convenient to go to Japan, Thailand, China or Korea than to get to Moscow.

Dating the city is better to start From the museum (Communist prospect 29). The museum was founded in 1896 and has a richest exposition - more than 200 thousand subjects. The museum building is built in Japanese style. Each floor (only 3 of them) is devoted to a certain topic - geology, vegetable and animal peace and history. Here are also presented collections of brands, awards, coins, postcards. You will understand that the museum is not boring, but an interesting, cognitive and exciting pastime. The museum is working every day, except Monday. Login: 70 rubles.

What is worth viewing in South Sakhalinsk? 6838_2

Sakhalin Art Museum (Lenin st. 137) Interesting what is exhibited here not only with modern Sakhalin artists, whose works can be purchased if desired, but also the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture of Japan and Korea. This is the youngest Museum of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, but already well-known because of the assembly of exhibits, in addition, various collections from the "Big Earth" are periodically brought here. The museum is open daily (except Monday). Login: 60 rubles.

What is worth viewing in South Sakhalinsk? 6838_3

"Sakhalin island" - The book of Chekhov, which is devoted to a separate museum (Peace 104 Ave). Here is collected the largest collection of publications of this work. Visitors will get acquainted with the life of the writer, get into the atmosphere of the time when it was written this work. Museum workers are very passionate and professional people who loving their work, thanks to which the excursions are quite interesting and unfinished. The museum works daily (except Sunday and Monday). Login: 30 rubles.

What is worth viewing in South Sakhalinsk? 6838_4

In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, there is also a museum of archeology, a geological museum, a museum of railway equipment. But the most unusual, is Museum of Medveda (st. Children's 7, 2nd floor). This place will be interested to visit the child, and an adult. Anyone who has seen here falls into another dimension - in a fairy tale about three bears. Here everything is impregnated with the atmosphere of Russian life with the towers, samovar, tea drinking and wooden spoons. In addition, visitors are offered various master classes, allowing to master folk crafts. Well, of course, the Bat's father is represented here not only from the Russian land, but also his overseas fellow. The museum works every day. Login: 100/60 (adult / child)

What is worth viewing in South Sakhalinsk? 6838_5

If the weather has to hiking, you can visit the local Zoological Park (Children's 4a), which is one of the largest in the Far East. The zoo is located on a large area in the forest array, within walking distance from the city park. Animals are well maintained, they can be stroke and feed them. The park is constantly completing and developing. Impressive multi-level landscape location, which creates a complete immersion in nature and allows you to forget about a noisy city located in two steps. The zoo works daily (Monday sanitary day). Input: 100/50 (adult / children)

What is worth viewing in South Sakhalinsk? 6838_6

The pride of the Sakhalin Earth is nature and air. Therefore, be sure to climb on the cable car (you can walk) on the turbase "mountain air (Pr-T Communist 49). In winter, this is a favorite place of snowboarders and skiers, and in the summer perfectly suitable for hiking. Here is the delicious Mulled wine, the purest air and stunning views of the city and scenic hill.

What is worth viewing in South Sakhalinsk? 6838_7

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is very far away, so if you really got here, do not regret the time and Get to the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

What is worth viewing in South Sakhalinsk? 6838_8

The only thing that can overshadow your stay on Sakhalin is the weather. This land is cut off from the mainland for several days the strongest typhoons. This is a harsh edge, but it is the corner of our country with its own original culture, which deserves that he knew about him. This is the island of Sakhalin!

What is worth viewing in South Sakhalinsk? 6838_9

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