Sri Lanka


Many tourists who plan to go to stay on Sri Lanka are asked about "what to eat", "where to eat", "how not to poison", etc. I can say with confidence that you can eat absolutely everything that is sold in stalls, restaurants, supermarkets And even along the roads. The probability to poison the minimum, even if you think that the cafe reigns an antisanitary. Single warning: everything is very sharp. And buns in bakeries, which in Sri Lanka by the way a huge amount, and even noodles of fast cooking.

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You need to remember that alcohol just can not buy. It can be bought in specialized stores-stalls behind bars. Find these stores is not easy. It is easier to ask the local and give him some money for showing it. Believe me, it will not refuse. Try the local red rum and Arak.

From the non-alcoholic I advise local "ginger beer" EGB. So they call it - beer, although it does not contain alcohol.

So, in order about what you should eat if you are on Sri Lanka.

Seafood . Yes, this is what is really a lot here. Prepare seafood in all cafes and restaurants. Moreover, as a rule, the host of the institution and the cook, and the waiter in one person. This is especially true of the cafes near hotels. Prices are different everywhere, so you need to choose what is suitable for you. Prepare on Sri Lanka from the childhood, and do it great. Portions are always huge, and for one person is sometimes too big. Therefore, you can save well by taking one dish for two. I recommend Fish salads, lobsters, royal shrimps, as well as rice with seafood, soups with shrimps and fish. In some restaurants you can prepare what you bring, but naturally not for free.

Curry . This is an Indian national dish. Curry is supplied with pure rice. It can not be compared with anything, and it is impossible to cook from us, as we have no minimum fresh curry leaves. Therefore, while there is an opportunity, curry must be trying on Sri Lanka. Curry is different, but combines their sharpness. This sharpness is very pleasant, and quite quickly passes. Only water is not worth drinking, it is better to get a clean rice or heat the warm tea.

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This is what, and this good here is abused. Starting with bananas and ending with "fragrant" Durian. Bananas are very tasty, many different species. Pineapples, Papaya, Guava, Mango, Maracuy, Mangosteins, Lica, Woodaple, and many other fruits - all this is necessary to taste. There are very little, and very tasty. Durian is a separate story. This is something that resembles garbage truck, milk and herring. There is it necessary to immediately, and in no case do not take where you live, otherwise you risk repairs at your own expense: this smell will not disappear so easy. Everything else you can eat calmly.


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They were already mentioned above. All pastries, not counting sweet, is sharp. Very, very sharp. Buns and cakes are with an egg, fish cutlet, sausage, some kind of fish filling, chicken filling or with something incomprehensible. But everything is very tasty. From sweet there sell cakes, cupcakes and gingerbread. Delicious baking, the dough is incredible.

In the supermarket. In supermarkets there are all the most necessary, except for alcohol. There is no beer. But a lot of dairy products, porridge, croup, canned. The choice is huge, and sometimes you can not understand what it is for the product, and as it is. In this case, the easiest way to stop your choice on canned food, for example, on tuna or curry. Tuna is very tasty, it happens just in oil, low-fat, in mayonnaise with vegetables. But curry in the bank reminded me of seeing the smell of cat food, let's say so - to an amateur. Very tasty yogurts and various cottage cheese. Bread everywhere equally tasteless, more suitable for toast. For fasteners of fast food, you can take fast cooking noodles. Quite sharp, so count when you pour seasoning.

A little more about street food. You can get on my eyes a stall on wheels, in which to sell something for a swim. These are local snacks: all sorts of nuts, some kind of roasted dough, small pies. Very tasty, but also enough. Therefore, think before you take. And you can deceive you - the price can be written alone, and will sell 10 times more expensive, and this is not an exaggeration. Be careful and moderately persistent.

Restaurants and cafes . In cities where there are many tourists, many restaurants, more or less fitted tourists. That is, you can order both the local national dish and the dish approximate to European cuisine. By making a choice, pay attention to the sharpness: you want not sharp - so say "no spicy". And that, it does not mean that they will bring not acute. Therefore, be prepared. Try soups, fish mixes, grilled fish. As a rule, in each "catering" there is a place to wash your hands, it would be good for them to take advantage of food. Portions are huge, so do not order all the menus immediately. It is better to order later if it happens that you suddenly do not go. And also, on Sri Lanka, all cafes make surprisingly delicious Potatoes Friend, perhaps even tastier than in McDonalds. One portion of potatoes is very big.

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to conclude that the hungry remains on Sri Lanka is simply impossible. And there are food options for both thick wallets and for those who plan to relax. Rest and eat on Sri Lanka boldly, not forgetting about the elementary rules of hygiene.

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