What is worth viewing in Marrakesh?


Marrakesh, located in the middle of the Marrocko, is very crowded (the third largest city of the country), very noisy, dirty and tanned, nevertheless still attracts tourists to the remnants of past luxury and attractions, some of which are listed by UNESCO heritage.

Jema El Fna and Medina Square

The main attraction of the city, which has another unofficial name "The area of ​​the cut-down heads". A long time ago, on this area was tortured, and then demolished the head of criminals, who were taken here from all over the country. For its originality at the end of the last century, it was included in the list of protected cultural facilities by the International Organization of UNESCO. This is not only the most popular place among tourists, but also among the locals for it is here they earn money. And if in the afternoon on the square is relatively quiet and calm, then in the evenings there begins the pillar, they come here to walk, have fun and entertain. It is here that you can try very exotic local dishes of local cuisine, look at the game of street theaters, see the snake spellsers, and in general, to feel all the colorful bustle of Marrakesh. Actually, the area is the central part of the other sights of Marrakesh - Medina.

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Medina This is nothing but the old town surrounded by the fortress walls, to get into which you can be alone from twenty gates that tear off the way into it. In addition to the Jema El Fna Square, such interesting architectural buildings are located in Medina as: Palace Palace Bahia, Ali Ben Yusuf Mosque and the tomb of Saaditis, but a little later.

The tourist will be extremely interesting to wander through the labyrinth from the old narrow streets, the life of which remains unchanged for several centuries. By the way, is easy enough to get lost? And if I got lost, be prepared to part with a small amount of money, which will be required to pay local residents, whatever they brought you off. In general, the theme of money in Marrakesh is evil enough. Pockets and small scammers here are a great set, so it is necessary to be on guard. You should also be prepared for the fact that you will constantly impose any services or just poke alms.

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Palace Palace Bahia.

Located in the medina, the luxury palace was built at the end of the 19th century and gives an excellent idea of ​​how the richest marocians lived a couple of centuries ago. Of great interest is such a landmark of Marrakesh, as Palace Palace Bahia, visiting which can be obtained about how noble and rich marrocks lived in the XIX century, but after the death of His owner Ahmed Ibn Musa, the Great Vizier Marrakesh was looted and only after a while, The next owners restored him in the former luxurious greatness.

The indoor courtyard of the palace is decorated with an elegant ornament and a neat fountain, and the halls are shocked by the magnificence of the threads on stone and mosaic.

In total, there are more than 150 premises in the palace, but only the first floor is opened for access.

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Ali Ben Yusuf Mosque.

The mosque and nearby Madrasa are one of the most ancient cult facilities Islam. Initially, it was built in the 12th century at the order of the ruler Ali Ben Yusuf, but later the rulers from the following dynasty were subsequently erased from the face of the Earth, and then one of the subsequent rulers was already restored on the orders. It was built in honor of the saint patron of the city - Yusuf Ibn Ali Sakhaj, glorious by his deepest faith, humility and hermitting. The minaret mosque has a height of more than 40 meters and it can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. Here is the oldest Islamic sanctuary of the Kubba Ba-Adin. Mosque and madrasas are valid and accessible to visiting tourists.

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Palace El Badi.

The Royal Palace built in the second half of the 16th century King Morocco Ahmed Al-Mansur is considered to be one of the largest in North Africa. And although the time did not spare it, it still the power, wealth and the greatness of the former rulers of these lands will shock imagination. What is only one courtyard having a size of 110 by 135 meters. A palace of Italian marble, Indian Onyx, which was then richly inlated in gold mined in Sudan were built. True, all this magnificence has lived a little less than a hundred years, after which it was destruction on the orders of the next Sultan, but at the moment active work on the restoration of the architectural complex are actively involved. On several floors of the palace, consisting of two pavilions, there are more than 350 rooms, and an extensive network of tunnels spread underground. Between the pavilions is a huge pool traditionally used to collect rainwater.

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Gardens Menara.

The most pleasant and quiet place in my opinion. Are in the west of Marrakesh, on his outskirts itself. This is a large park (territory of more than 100 hectares), on which olive and orange trees and palm trees grow. In the very center of the park there is a large lake and a small gazebo was built. It seems to be nothing special, if you do not know about the fact that the date of creation of the garden complex refers to the 12th century of our era. And in general, this is a great place that is worth a visit to relax from the scorching sun and the noise of the city.

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Gate of Bab-Agnau (Bab-Agvenaau).

Some of the twenty gates of leading in Medina, it seems to be difficult to call a landmark, but their origin and the meaning load, which was taken into account when creating them were interesting. There are two versions of the name, and each is related to their legends. The name of Bab-Agnaau Translated from the Berber Languages ​​means "ruffled ram" and is connected with the fact that in initially the gate had two towers, which were then destroyed. The second name, Bab-Agvnau, rather hints at slaves from Guinea, which were supplied to Marrakech and the strings of slaves were passing through these gates. By the way, it is looking at them, you understand why Marrakesh has the name "Red City". The gate is an excellent sample of Islamic architecture of the end of the 11th, the beginning of the 12th centuries, the basis of which was a smooth flow of the arches from one to another, as well as a rich stone carving.

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Sadidov tombs.

It is a big mausoleum, which buried more than 60 members of the most famous and powerful Saadi dynasty, which is long rules for the land on which the city is located. By the way, the king Ahmed Al-Mansur was also a member of the dynasty, the palace of which was told a little higher. They were built in the 16th century, but they were discovered only at the very beginning of the 20th. Mausoleum consists of three rooms, each of which has unique decor made of marble, cedar and limestone, decorated with gilding, stucco and colorful mosaic.

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Well, the last thing I want to say is that all the sights, besides the Jema El Fna Square, are best visited in the first half of the day, otherwise you will not get any pleasure because of the scorching heat.

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