Rest in Anamura: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer.


To consider how to get to the Turkish resort of Anamur, which is located on the Mediterranean coast, you need to be repelled from where your journey begins. Car route, I think, it is not worth considering, as it is a rather difficult journey and if you focus on fuel prices in Turkey, quite consumable, although I personally almost always traveled by car. The sea route may be interesting, but again very long. Therefore, we will focus on the fact that is more connected to the air flight.

Rest in Anamura: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 6818_1

The initial point can be taken, for example, Moscow. Here we have several options that must be analyzed in order to save money. First, the flight can be carried out by a regular route or one of the charter flights. Prices may differ significantly, and depending on the day of shipment. Therefore, it is necessary to compare all the options that are offered by air carriers and choose the most suitable for you. Now as for the destination. As a rule, everyone arrive at Antalya Airport, but from it to Anamura two hundred and sixty kilometers. There is a more suitable airport that is located near Alanya. It is called Gazipasha.

Rest in Anamura: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 6818_2

There should definitely not tell the permanent flights, but the charters from Moscow exactly fly. Located this airport for eighty kilometers from Anamura. Naturally, it will be cheaper from it and faster. To do this, it will be necessary after arrival to take the bus, heading for Mersin, the route is all one and passes by Anamura. You can get to a taxi, but it will cost at least a hundred dollars, and the bus will come out in the area of ​​seven-eight dollars per person. There is another delivery service order, which can be ordered separately or through the hotel in which you booked a room, some hotels provide such a service for their customers.

Rest in Anamura: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 6818_3

The price will get cheaper, probably within seventy dollars. By time, it will take an hour and a half by one by bus, it's certainly faster on the car and takes no more than an hour.

If you consider Antalya Airport, then it will certainly be a bit more complicated and longer.

Again, there are several options. You can take a bus going to Alanya, on a small bus station, which is located near the airport. Before this bus station is easy to reach by bus number 600,

Rest in Anamura: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 6818_4

Which is sent from the central output of the local terminal of Antalia Airport. Riding ten minutes, even less. From this bus station, you can get to Alanya, it is possible that now there are buses and to Mersin, which thus simplified the road. The fare is about seven-eight dollars. You will have to get about two hours. In Alanya, transplane the bus, going towards Mersin, who drives through anamour.

Rest in Anamura: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 6818_5

To go to it, too, about two hours, maybe a little more. The fare is approximately the same - seven-eight dollars. I want to warn you to pay for the passage of national currency, that is, the Turkish lira, it will get cheaper than dollars or euros. Calculation for travel is made after you arrive at the destination. Table with prices for travel is located inside the cabin, near the driver or on the windshield, where the cost of travel in Turkish lies and currency is indicated.

The second option is to get from the airport, all on the same bus number 600 to the final stop, which is the central bus station of Antalya.

Rest in Anamura: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 6818_6

Getting from the airport to the bus station for about an hour, sometimes even longer, it all depends on the time of day and the workload of urban streets. There you can immediately take a bus going to Mersin and take it to Him to Anamura. Driving time with stops will take five hours, and pay for the passage for about fifteen dollars per person.

Take a taxi from Antalya to Anamura is expensive, it will turn out at least two hundred dollars.

Rest in Anamura: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 6818_7

If you order a delivery service, then no less than one hundred fifty dollars will cost. Some will come to Antalya take a car for rent for your holiday.

Rest in Anamura: how to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 6818_8

3A week lease can be agreed by dollars for two hundred fifty or three hundred. But do not forget that the cost of gasoline in Turkey is two and a half dollar per liter, the gas is twice as cheaper. But on the car you can travel around all the sights around Anamura yourself.

The return route can be done in the same way, but in reverse order. Just leave some time in stock so that in the case of which it is not imposed on the aircraft and preferably a small amount of money, suddenly you have to call a taxi at some point.

If everything goes fine, then through Antalya the road from Moscow and back can minimize dollars in two hundred and sixty, and the Gazipas airport is even cheaper, but again I say that this is if you take a ticket for a charter at a price of two hundred dollars in both ends that infrequently, but it happens.

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