When is it better to relax in Anamura?


Not many tourists from among our compatriots know about the resort of Anamour, because only lovers of independent travel come here. In the Turkish Mediterranean coast, it is almost the most southern city, if you do not take into account the territory of Northern Cyprus, which actually belongs to Turkey. Many, probably, may think that if he is south of the rest, then there should be a warmer than everything. In fact, the weather is more determined not the geographical position, but the Mediterranean climate itself, and the temperature indicators here are practically no different from those that happen, for example in Antalya or Kemer. Even despite the fact that this is the south of Turkey, the water in the sea can be colder here than in Antalya. And if you compare anamour and neighboring Mersin, in the province of which this resort includes, then we can say the weather, and the climate itself is significantly different from each other. If, for example, in Mersin, by April, it is already possible to swim in the sea by April, then off the coast of Anamura water above +20 degrees rises only in early May. But it is worth noting that such temperature differences between day and night indicators as in Mersene, when the difference can be fifteen-twenty degrees, there is no. So you need to judge the weather and temperature indicators not only pushing away from the geographical position.

When is it better to relax in Anamura? 6816_1

The concept of the beginning of the season can be very vague. If you repel from the calendar schedule for the start of the opening of hotels, which do not work in winter, then almost all of them on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey begin to function from the fifteenth of April, plus-minus a few days. But in fact, it all depends on the weather and temperature indicators. Some are not at all that the season does not end here, since the temperature of the sea below +17 is practically not lowered, and in January or February there are days when it is quite realistic to sunbathe.

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Therefore, pushing out from the rules accepted, we can say that in Anamura season begins from mid-April, although I adhere to the opinion that you should come here since the middle of May. First, by this time, the air temperature becomes quite suitable in order not to experience discomfort of the coolness in the evening, and the water in the sea already exceeds the mark of +20 degrees, which allows you to safely swim with adults and children. Moreover, the price in local hotels for accommodation is practically no different, whether it is April or August, so there is no point in the very beginning of the season for saving funds. The price difference can only be in the private sector, when renting an apartment or villa for a period of rest, but at the moment foreign tourists in Anamura practically do not use such services and this question is only interested in Turkey's citizens here. Since there is still practically no special demand for renting real estate yet at this resort yet, such as in Antalya. And those hotels that are located in a special accommodation about the lack of free seats are also not tested, from which prices will not jump depending on the demand in the peak months of the season.

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3Als for the period from mid-May until mid-June. The air is held at this time within + 25 + 28 degrees, and the differences of the day and the night do not exceed five-seven degrees, that is, in the evenings you can freely be on the street, without fearing to climb and without resorting to the help of warm things. The temperature of the water in the sea is held within + 22 + 24 degrees, which also fully contributes to a full-fledged beach rest. This time is perfect for coming with young children, as there are no high temperatures and a chance to get a heat blow minimal. In addition, this is a great time for excursion lovers and visits to the sights of the open-air, which are quite a few in this region. It is much more pleasant to enjoy a walk on the ruins of an ancient city or a medieval fortress, when the outdoor temperature is not more than thirty degrees, which cannot be said for the period with a temperature above the forty with the result of which the excursion becomes torment and not pleasure. This fact during the choice of a period for rest is also worth considering.

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If we talk about the interval between the middle of June and the mid-July, then, perhaps, he is suitable for recreation with children of school age. First, there are no maximum temperatures and averages are in the limit of thirty degrees. The sea is also at + 25 + 28, which allows children to spend a lot of time playing in water. Especially this is a good opportunity to relax from the recently ending school year. A visit to the local attractions that speak in the lessons of history will probably cause schoolchildren's interest.

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Next comes the period of maximum daily temperatures or simply putting the heat. It begins from the second half of July and continues until mid-September. At this time, the temperature often can reach +35 degrees and even more. And the water in the sea becomes the temperature of the pair milk and comes to thirty degrees. There are even days when the sea warms up to +32 degrees. This period is a fool of charred in the sun, and there are a lot of such a while on the beach. It's pretty difficult about day walks or excursions, because not everyone can safely carry such temperatures, because even in the evening the air does not fall below thirty degrees. Honestly, I can not understand those tourists who come at this time to go to the beach before breakfast and before dinner, and everything else time spent in the room under the air conditioner or at best near the pool. After all, not all this is done because of the circumstances, especially coming to rest on their own. You can still understand the youth, which day spends time in the room, preparing for night hikes on the discos and all sorts of clubs. But in this resort there are practically no such entertainment.

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Next, in my opinion, the most excellent period that lasts from mid-September to mid-October. This is a great period for family holidays with young children, and not only. The heat falls and the velvet season begins. The temperature of the air and the sea is just perfect. Water until mid-October does not fall below +25, and in general, air temperature and sea are compared in their indicators. In warm and pleasant evenings, it is possible to spend a lot of time walking along the seafront or on the terrace of one of the cafe for a bottle of beautiful Turkish wine, and many of the pomegranate wine who come to Turkey prefer to rest in Turkey, which is famous for this country.

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Officially, the season ends after the fifteenth of October, although the weather allows you to rest before mid-November, when the water temperature is not lower than +22 degrees and the air is enough for a beach holiday. And precipitation throughout the season, starting from May and November, practically no. And in the summer months you can not even see the cloud.

In principle, we can expect from the weather resting in Anamura, and the choice will have to do you personally.

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