What currency is better to take with me on Tahiti?


Local currency - French Pacific Frank - one of the most beautiful bills of the world

What currency is better to take with me on Tahiti? 6806_1

Tahiti needs to go with the euro and a plastic card. Franc is tied to the euro (1000 francs = 8.38 euros). In large stores, restaurants, rolling offices and hotels, it is better to pay a card - this will help avoid the commission. The fact is that a rather tangible commission is removed for cash withdrawal, regardless of the amount. Therefore, it is better to change the amount of money immediately enough (in your opinion). Cash francs will be needed if you are going to remote islands, on which it is not for the card, the euro will not pay off everywhere. As for the US dollar, then when exchanging the dollar / Franc in official exchanges, the commission and tax will be deducted, it will turn out somewhere minus 12% of the original course. But with the euro tax does not take, but the commission will have to pay anyway.

The exchange of money can be made in banks, airport, hotels. On Tahiti there are offices of large banks "Banque de Polynesie", "Banque Socredo", "Banque de Tahiti", "Banque Societe Generale". It is necessary to note the specifics of the work of these financial institutions - open up early in the morning about 8 hours, but closed for 15:30. Most works Monday-Friday, and only "Bank Tahiti" works on Saturdays until 11:30.

AMT ATMs are easy to find enough on Tahiti, but remember about the commission! MasterCard and Visa cards are taken everywhere where you can pay the card. Another feature of the exchange of money on Tahiti in general and French Polynesia in particular is the inability to make a return exchange. That is, if you remain francs to exchange them on euro or dollars will not work even in banks. They do not engage in this operation. So, try to change money for the calculation, well, if the local currency still remains - you can spend it either on souvenirs (postcards, magnets), or leave for memory.

What currency is better to take with me on Tahiti? 6806_2

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