What entertainment is in Penza?


Where to walk in Penza

Penza is a small provincial town, which is located about 630 km from Moscow, if you go in the south-east direction. Of course, in any city there will be something to see and where to walk, but you will not find world famous attractions in Penza.

The city stands on the Penza River of the same name. However, in the middle of the last century, another River Sura changed its channel and now the former embankment of the Penza River has become a sera embankment. Recently, the city's authorities took up the embankment in order to order to the townspeople and guests could go normally.

Over the past two years also began to pay attention to the pedestrian street in the city center. Moscow Street still quite recently looked very nondescript - old 2-3-storey houses, which were most likely there were no living, and now there are shops and offices, broken asphalt, etc. Now repaired a pedestrian zone, in some places of the facades of buildings, are building new trade and office centers. Now you can walk there with great pleasure than a couple of years ago.

A lot of small cozy cafes are located on the Moscow street, which in the summer period organize the service in front of the cafe in the fresh air (with the "roofs" of the type of canopy or tents). Prices, not to say that the transcendental, but not low, the quality of food is everywhere different. And it will not necessarily be tastier where it is more expensive.

To go to Penza, you still need to come up with how to do it. My family and I go there 2-3 times for the summer season, just walk with children. We pass in the center of the city and drive to the park. Park in Penza is the same as in many other provincial cities. The set of attractions everywhere is the same, asphalt tracks for visitors, cafes, trays with ice cream, minor traders with all sorts of baubles (wooden charms, bells, magnets, whistles and other products with symbolism of the city). The only thing that surprised us is that in Penza still did not dismantle the swing-cararess of Soviet times, and they act. So cute was to recall the attractions from childhood. In the park of culture and recreation named after Belinsky, even room of laughter with curves of mirrors has been preserved - a wooden structure that flows from the rain. There is a planetarium, but we did not come to it. Actually, I'm not even sure that he works.

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Attractions Penza

Penza has some interesting sights. For example, on the fountain area, the reproduction of the painting by E. Mana "Beer Mug", which is created from 55,000 beer covers. There are also a clock with a cuckoo - a visiting card of the city. At one of the buildings on the Moscow street there is a huge thermometer, a height of the house.

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And now it will simply list, what other attractions are in Penza, who, in my opinion, are designed, rather, not for travelers, but for local schoolchildren who would be told organized column:

  • Meyerhold House
  • House Museum V.O. Klyuchevsky,
  • Literary museum
  • Meat passage (beautiful stone building),
  • Monument "First Seller" (man with a horse),
  • Monument to Penza Militiamen (the only monument in Russia in Russia),
  • Monument to the wires (dedicated to the Great Patriotic War),
  • Memoylane Pugacheva's memorable stone,
  • Circus (troupe actively acts in Penza and beyond it),
  • Zoo,
  • Arboretum,
  • Penza Regional Art Gallery named after KA Savitsky,
  • Penza Regional Local Lore Museum,
  • Penza Museum of Folk Creativity,
  • Penza Regional Drama Theater named after A. V. Lunacharsky, and others.

That is, it seems like museums, monuments and other cultural spaces enough, but there is no such that I would like to go. Perhaps I am mistaken and someone is really interesting. Well, then go, then tell us.

In Penza, there is another museum - the museum of one picture name of G.V. Myasnikova. Here it deserves special attention, as it is recognized as a unique museum not only in Russia, but also in the world. At different times, an exposure is exhibited only from one picture, before viewing which the slideshow shows about its creation.

Also in Penza, the Orthodox heritage is preserved - the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin, the Penza Trinity Hostel Women's Monastery.

Shopping centers in Penza

In general, the city, rather, is not a cultural center, but trade. I will not say that there are cheaper prices here or sells some exclusive things, just the feeling that all the inhabitants are only doing that they trade. Penza is pretty large shopping centers ("Passage", Tsum, "Arbat", "Suvorovsky", "Muravik", "Collage" and others). Another 10-20 years ago, people from neighboring regions came here to the Penza Woman Market, as it was believed that there is more choice and below the price. Single "shopping tour" in Soviet.

What else is the city

It is worth noting that residents of Penza at different times were some very famous people in our country. For example, Lenin's parents Ulyanovy, Literary critic Belinsky, Writer Radishchev, Writer Saltykov-Shchedrin, Poet Denis Davydov and others.

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In the Penza land (in Tarkhans), he spent all his childhood and youth by M.Yu. Lermontov. From our contemporaries, famous people from humor and show business were born here - Singer Sergey Penkin, Yumorists Pavel Volya and Timur Rodriguez. True, the monuments have not yet put the museums in honor of them yet.

In general, I have no feeling from her visit, just an ordinary gray industrial city, which many in Russia. I tried to briefly tell you that I am Penza, and go there or not, decide for yourself. My opinion is that if you live in the neighboring region, then you can go on a car for the change of the situation, take a walk on new places for ourselves. And so to specifically plan a trip from far, I think it is not worth it.

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