Scammers on Sri Lanka. What to beware and how to behave.


As in any state, Sri Lanka has its own characteristics regarding the deception of tourists and fraud against tourists. But, if for example, in Europe, fraudsters on you "welded" will be harder, then in the countries of Asia or Africa you will be very different from the local, which means that you are a potential sacrifice of fraudsters.

Of the most famous ways to deceive tourists, you can highlight huge prices for any product in a souvenir shop, and a sharp increase in prices for everything you want to buy, even if the price is different. This is not counting supermarkets or pharmacies with fixed prices. By the way, there are price on all products sold in stores. Right on factory packaging. Therefore, if you are trying to sell a unique aurender toothpaste for 100 rupees in the souvenir shop, look at the package. Most likely she will be crossed out by the marker, and exactly the same you can buy in a supermarket or pharmacy.

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So, below I will tell you which schemes "divorce" tourists are most popular on Sri Lanka.

Method first. You can be a victim of this fraud anywhere, even just walking along the ocean.

A person is suitable for you or sit down (as a rule, a man), and asks if you remember it. At the same time, he is very friendly, friendly, smiling at all 32 teeth. While you think he begins to remind you that he is actually a cook in the hotel where you are relaxing, and saw you yesterday in the restaurant and greet you (on dinner / dinner / breakfast). Next, it all depends on you. Or you still do not remember that, and leave - at the same time quickly, without turning around and not paying attention to what he says.

Or tell him that remember. And then the most interesting begins - now he will not be lagging behind you. This person may argue that something specially prepared for you yesterday, and now I would like you to thank it, giving money to beer (instead of beer can ask for Arak or Rum, for example). And he asks for a lot - 1000 rupees, this is despite the fact that in the city of beer the price of 200 rupees, and in the nearest cafe - the maximum of 500 rupees. Be carefull! At that moment, when this "kinderful soul man" pats you on the back, you are quite likely to stay without the fact that we carry in your pockets.

What to do? Do not pay attention to this person. Just pass by, follow things and money. If you ignore it, in a couple of minutes he will lag. Or tell him that you came from another city here, look at something. Then he will go back immediately. And do not try to show him money or value. Risk to stay without them.

The method of the second. This situation can happen to you if you are traveling by public transport (bus or train).

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At one of the stations, a pleasant man is attached to you, well dressed, tidy. And just starts the conversation. Specifies standard questions: where are you from how long ago on Sri Lanka, where you are going. Then he begins to tell about himself, about the family. May tell a lot of interesting things about the city to which you are heading. In general, it simply rubs into confidence. This person behaves like anything happened, helps to make a route excursions and nothing more. And then tells that in the city where you are traveling, there are two types of Tuk-Tukov: private and state. And only the drivers of state know English, and nothing will do anything. And they also transfer money to children. And private - they can rob and their prices are higher. Little stories, a man will come out with you at the station, and will show where you need to go, and still put in Tuk Tuk.

Ask, what's the deception? I received an answer to this question only on the last day of my stay on Sri Lanka. As it turned out, this pleasant young man, hurried to us in the train, simply agreed with his friend Tuk-tucker and apparently was with him in a share. We were raised by a small price - 100 rupees per 1 km. Thus, we were brought to the not interested tea plantation and the garden of the spices, in an expensive restaurant, and landed in Galle near the fortress. I was still trying to drag us to the jewelry factory, but we did not want, and I had to give up almost a scandal. There was a trip to the meter at $ 70 and $ 20 for tea, since the driver told a lot. Later, I learned that we overpayed the driver at least 30 dollars, not counting the tips that no money in the children's foundation go, and that some private tuk-tubers even good Russian knew.

But the photo of our "state" driver.

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Summing up, I want to say that no matter how much you read about the country in which you plan to go, to deceive you anyway. Do not believe strangers and be alert.

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