Reviews of excursions and sights of Vilnius


Vilnius is an incredibly green city, which only adds comfort. In the autumn he burns the rich of all shades of red and yellow. In such a framing, the church of St. Anna seems to the lock from the fairy tale.

Reviews of excursions and sights of Vilnius 67847_1

"Our Annushka", as the church is called the indigenous residents of Vilnius, one of the 65 churches of the city. There is a legend of underground stroke connecting all temples. But even with their help, it will not be possible to visit everything in one day. So why not start with the most unusual and beautiful temple of Europe?

At the beginning of the 19th century, the church was recognized as a monument of the gothic architecture of world importance. But it began everything much earlier. The temple was erected in 1394 from the tree. More unknown who is the author of this masterpiece. There is an opinion that this is Benedict Rate, who created the Cathedral in Prague.

In all his history, the church was burned several times and recovered literally from the ash. The current appearance acquired at the end of the 16th century, after another fire. Initially, the facade was built out of 33 types of yellow bricks, and only in 1761 became such as now.

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The gothic facade consists of three parts, each of which is crowned with a filigree turret. The history of the temple spawned many different hypotheses. One of them is that the coat of arms of the Gediminovich, the descendants of the Grand Duke Lithuanian are captured on the frontonone through architectural elements.

Reviews of excursions and sights of Vilnius 67847_3

From May to September, the church is open for visits every ... Read more

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