Reviews about tours and sights of Turkey


The museum of toys of the famous Turkish artist Sayona Akyna is a fabulous place. For some reason he is almost anywhere they write, but in vain! This is true to go, it does not matter, you travel or some children.

Finding the museum is quite difficult. From the bus stop you will have to go about 15-20 minutes, the bus can be caught in Kadyuk. The museum site has a map, but it's not a special sense from it if you are not on the car. Therefore, better focus on the signs, there are few them, but they are!

Reviews about tours and sights of Turkey 67835_1

The entrance to the museum is about 20 lire, it consists of three floors and a huge number of halls. You can take a guide, but we walked themselves and remained quite satisfied. Each of the halls is just fabulous! In one collected only plush bears, in the other - doll houses from around the world. The big hall is devoted to Indians and Cowboys (for Turks, this is an urgent topic, Westerns they love all souls). Surprised the meeting of thematic toys for children of the inhabitants of the Third Reich, before this was never seen.

Reviews about tours and sights of Turkey 67835_2

In general, the collection is really very big, it is impossible to describe it short. The only thing that was very surprised by the lack of toys from Russia. The only thing they have is plastic moonport from the USSR against the background of Gagarin's portrait. Of course, I would like more diversity, good, we have something to show.

Reviews about tours and sights of Turkey 67835_3

The museum has a small souvenir shop, a playground and a cafe with more or less adequate prices. So ... read completely

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