What excursions worth visiting in Muju? Where better to buy excursions?


If you arrived on vacation in Muju, then you have the opportunity to go on a tour of the southern provinces of the country with a visit to the largest cities of the coast. You can book it in any of the offices of the company Sabusan Travel Service or by calling 051-851-0600. The cost varies from the season, but on average will be about 60 US dollars.

Your acquaintance with the southern territories of the country will begin with a visit to one of the largest cities of the Republic of Korea Busan. Busan is also the most international city. The first thing that rushes into the eyes is his motley flavor. The population of Busan today exceeded 4 million people. There are first-class hotels, cafes and restaurants, as well as magnificent beaches and shopping zones.

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Visit Busan You will begin with its central part. Here, surrounded by regions of fashion stores and entertainment is the Park "Yondusan". Not far from it there is a fish market Chagalcchi, which in itself is fantastic vision in the morning, when wholesale fish bidding is carried out. Numerous fishing flotilla arrives here before dawn, and the catch immediately unlocked on trays along the entire pier. To get acquainted with the interesting parties to the Korean National Culture, it is worth visiting this area in October, when the annual festival unfolds here. The market is closed on the first Sunday of each month, in the New Year on the East Calendar and Thanksgiving Church.

Another park that you inspect Busan is Kymgan's Park, which is located in the northern part of the city. With the help of a funicular, you will get to its hills covered with forest, sparkling mountain streams, bizarre the beauty of rocks and several historical attractions, among whom a massive fortress gate and towers are of particular interest. Near the park there are hot springs of Tonne, as well as several Buddhist monasteries and the ruins of the old fortress. And in the northern part of the park on a large territory, the complex of the largest monastery of the Pesry, which was founded at the end of the 7th century.

As part of his free time in Busane, be sure to visit the most representative traditional Kukche market. In its level, it is considered as popular as the Namdamun market in Seoul, but even more crowded. Tourists come here from all over Korea and from other countries to acquire high-quality and inexpensive traditional Korean souvenirs. All sorts of homemade utensils, clothing, bags, leather goods and even furniture here are presented in a wide range and sold at prices, noticeably lower than Russian. The only thing you need to remember is the market does not work first and third Sunday every month. Another interesting for shopping lovers in Busan is Kwanbonno Street, which extended almost a kilometer from the old building of the City Hall to the Kukche Market. Thousands of commercial and cultural institutions are concentrated in the area, including theaters, galleries, jewelry shops and souvenirs.

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The next port city, through which the route of your excursion will be held - this is Chinhe. Among other things, he is famous for its spring blossoms of cherry. On all streets, cherry trees are planted here, which every year in early April bloom, and a two-week festival is held in the city. Tourists from all over the world come here at this time of year to admire the beauty of blooming cherries and rejoice in the coming of spring.

Chinju is a small town on the shores of the National River, where the bus stops with the aim of examining the eastern part of the Chirisan National Park. Chinju is famous as the locality where significant battles with the Japanese army were held, which attacked Korea at the end of the 16th century. A bright reminder of those times is the Fortress of Changzhuson, as well as the pavilion Chhoxonna and the Nonga sanctuary, which was built here in honor of the brave of a woman who donated life to kill the enemy general.

Visiting Thonen, you will get acquainted with the heroic history of the South Korean provinces. It was in this city that the rate of the famous Admiral - Hero of Korean history Lee Sunxin was once located, who at the end of the 16th century won his famous victory over the Japanese fleet near the island of Hansando, located nearby. The victory became possible thanks to the original admiral strategy and unique kobusson's combat ships, which he independently designed and applied for the first time on the battlefield. Admiral Lee is one of the most respected personalities in the history of the Korean state. In his honor, several monuments are even erected: a statue on Skazonno Street in the center of Seoul, Kamigni Henchhounds in Asan and Cesondan in Tonne, which are located in the southern provinces of Korea.

Today it is just a pleasant port city with small hotels and excellent fish restaurants. This city is also known for its centuries-old tradition of manufacturing Nadzhon Chiggie - elegant varnished products with pearl inlay.

Next you will find a small journey-cruise on the boat along the coastal islands archipelago. Kodjedo is one of the largest islands in the area of ​​the sea park. On the southern bank of Korzedoto, you can see the picturesque clusters of rocks, known as Highimgan. Strong rocks, topped with pines and camellias, are majestically to rise from the blue of the sea. Another island - Vedo Paradise became famous for the Botanical Garden, where several thousand types of tropical plants grow, including cacti and camellia, as well as due to the sculptural park and the observation tower. Odondo Island, which you will see the following, and throw the camellia at all. On this island, which is at the very end of the Halle National Park, the special kind of bamboo is also growing.

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Your excursion will be completed by visiting the park Sanjogam, which stretches along the entire sea coast in the county of Hai. Here, the monuments from prehistoric times were preserved here, these are fossil traces of ancient bronutosaurs and tyrannosaurs. During the tides, these traces are hiding in sight of water, but with a pulling you can see them again. This park is included in the top three territories with the largest concentration of dinosaurs in the world. The other two are in Brazil and Canada.

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