What is worth viewing in Anamura?


Anamour town, though small, but with a rather interesting story, which has more than thirty-centuries. Founded by the Phoenicians, at different times the time of the Assyrians, Persians, Alexander the Macedonian, Roman Empire, Seljukov, Armenians entered the board of the Ottoman Empire later. And this is not all its owners. The reason for this is the location of the city, as the southernmost coast and very important in strategically.

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The development of the settlement and its history can be traced on the found, during the excavations in the territory of Anamura and the surrounding area, exhibits. They are presented in the Archaeological Museum, which is located at: Yalıevleri Mah. Adnan Menderes Cad. No: 3. To date, the museum's exposition includes about ten thousand exhibits. Among them are subjects that were found in the boron places and related to different epochs. The exposition is quite interesting and placed on an area of ​​more than two and a half thousand square meters. It was opened for more than twenty years ago and throughout this time his collection is constantly updated. In addition to archaeological exhibits, a good library is collected here, and some rooms talk about the folk work of local masters. The cost of the entrance ticket is two lira. Opened museum from 9.00 to 18.00.

One of the main, it can even be said to the main attraction of Anamura is the fortress Mamura, which is located in five to six kilometers east of the city.

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Its initial construction refers to the times of the rule of the Roman Empire, and then on all over its history, up to the fifteenth century, it was repeatedly reconstructed and completed, moving from the hands to the hands of various conquerors. By the eighteenth century, the fortress lost the meaning of the defensive structure and began to be used as a caravansery, that is, a place to relax and replenish the reserves of trading caravans. True, during the First World War, Turkish soldiers used it for military purposes.

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The size of the citadel is quite significant, the construction covers an area of ​​more than twenty-three and a half hectares. The fortress walls are suitable for the very sea, and the back side protected water ditch. Now ditch is a favorite habitat of waterfowl turtles. The architecture itself is very interesting, and consists of several fortified structures that were, as if one in the other and were related to each other. The walls alternate with thirty nine bastions and towers. By the way on the territory of the fortress at the moment there is a valid mosque. I can not say for whom it is intended, as the city is still at least one hour walk, even more, and there are majorly foreigners, and far from Islam.

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At the moment, the citadel has the status of the museum. There are no restrictions for visiting the premises of the fortress, there are no closed areas or cases. You can be photographed. The cost of the visit is three lira, which is obtained about one and a half dollar. Those who want to save on a walk and inspect the fortress for free, can pass along the fortress walls and get involved, in the place of the destroyed wall, no one will follow you. Who has a car, can get here on him. Next to the fortress is the roadway, which drive cars towards Mersin and Alania.

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In the opposite side of the Fortress, more precisely, west of Anamura, at a distance of three or four kilometers, there is another local attraction. These are the ruins of the ancient city of Anmurium, which is located on the slope from the very shores of the sea. The approximate age of the formation of this city refers to the eighth century BC. Like all the ancient settlements of Anmurium, during their existence, was subjected to seizures from various kinds of conquerors. The highest dawn this city has reached the time of the Roman Empire.

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It is worth noting that many of the ancient cities of the Mediterranean coast rose precisely during the reign of Rome. And as in the case of many of these cities, the fatal moment in the life of the settlement was a strong earthquake, which occurred in the fourth century, as a result of which the Anmurium was very destroyed. In addition, the aqueduct, which supplies the city with drinking water was destroyed. Despite significant destruction, residents were able to restore it, and the city existed for three more centuries. What prompted to leave the inhabitants this city is not known but, nevertheless, he was left. Perhaps this happened from repeated earthquakes or raids of Arab tribes.

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Today, it is the largest necropolis in all small Asia, which has about four hundred and surviving tombs, and on the walls of many and they have painting with images of angels and similar to church painting. You can see the ruins of churches in which fragments of mosaic and frescoes are preserved. The terms, aqueduct and Odeon are beautifully preserved on nine hundred people. It looks good and the theater, which could accommodate about one and a half thousand spectators. Some outlines of defensive urban walls and other buildings remained.

I think that a walk through the ruins of this ancient city will not leave anyone indifferent, and the photos taken will decorate any album.

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And these are only those attractions that are within walking distance from the Anamura itself. As for those who are at short distances, it is, again, several ancient cities, and from more significant can be noted the fortress of Silifeca, which is located in the village with the title name in a hundred and thirty kilometers from Anamura. By the way, the Goszu River flows through Silifeca, in which, during the third crusade, Friedrich Barbarossa drowned in the twelfth century.

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Literally kilometers fifteen from Silifka there is a village of Kyzkalesei, where two more fortresses are located, it is located in the sea. At one time, if necessary, the chain was stretched between them, which prevented the entry of ships in the harbor, and one tragic legend was connected with the history of the fortress, but a conversation will come about her in another story.

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It is impossible not to say about the caves of Paradise and hell, which are not far from Mersina and the Karst Cave of Asthma in the same area. Who will be interested in information about these caves, can read on the site, in the article on the sights of Mersin.

By the way, I still forgot to say that in clear weather from Anamura you can see Cyprus, to which from Mersin has steam.

In general, as you can see, resting in Anamura can be seen and visiting many interesting places that will leave indelible impressions. And if you have free time, you can even make an excursion to Cappadocia, which is also not very far away.

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