What should I see in Tokyo? The most interesting places.


I wrote that Tokyo is the capital of Japan, I probably will not surprise anyone. The city was founded relatively recently, namely in the twelfth century of our era, although on these lands, people lived starting from the Stone Age. So, in the twelfth century, the warrior Edo Tarot Sigenda, built a fort here and then went and went. To date, Tokyo is difficult to call the city, because it is so great and so well developed that it looks more on a separate state or on a small country. Attractions in Tokyo so much that eyes from interest are simply scattering and describing them all in one article I just can't, as it can leave for this day. I will try to allocate, only the most - most, of the most interesting. Go! Fascinating virtual journey at interesting places Tokyo, begins!

Statue of Freedom on Odibe Island . Odib Island, on which the statue stands is the creation of human hands, that is, he was created by man. Thus, the Japanese embodied the dream of the future. A reduced copy of the statue of freedom was established on this island in 1998. They sponsored this event, companies that are near the Tokyo Bay and Rainbow Bridge. An interesting advertising move, which was very profitable, because not only tourists come to the statue daily, but also newlyweds to make a memorable photo on the background of the attractions. Guess? Behind the statue, skyscrapers with advertising of the largest trading houses are towering. Brilliant idea!

What should I see in Tokyo? The most interesting places. 67748_1

Ferris Wheel on Exquisite . Odaiba is an island that has created a man. It is, on this island there is a ferris wheel, whose height is equal to a hundred fifteen meters. Until the two thousandth year, this is the ferris wheel, was considered the highest in the world, but in a two thousandth year, the famous Eye of London was built, whose height is equal to one hundred and thirty-five meters. Tokyo Wheel, although lost the title of the highest on the planet, but remained the highest in Asia. The Tokyo Ferris Wheel, makes a complete turn, in just sixteen minutes. The advantages of it and the features are that in the wheel booths, heated seats are installed, so you can ride absolutely in any weather. There are booths with transparent and opaque floors. In the evening, neon backlight turns on.

What should I see in Tokyo? The most interesting places. 67748_2

Tokyo Disneyland . Amusement park, opened his gate for large and small visitors in 1983. The founder of Tokyo Disneyland, Walt Disney itself became. This park, became the world's first copy, the famous American Disneyland. The amusement park is so huge that on its territory, the Disneysea satellite park, a shopping complex, and several hotels is located without problems. In one day, it is simply impossible to get around. Yes, what is there for the day, even two days will be little. It is best to stop here for a week, and it is not the fact that you can bypass all the attractions during this time. Do not forget to take pictures with Mickey Mouse!

What should I see in Tokyo? The most interesting places. 67748_3

Mount Fuji. . Until 1708, the mountain was a volcano, and in force. In the distant past, the locals were confident that the top of the mountain had perfect spirits and climbing it was possible only after pre-commit a special religious rite. Women climbing the mountain was categorically prohibited until 1872. To date, all the prohibitions are removed and no longer need to carry out special rites to admire Japan from the edge of the crater of the extinguished volcano. The Japanese, the people are extremely creative and in almost all of them find poetic inspiration. I did not exception and Mount Fuji, because with her not only wrote pictures and engravings, but also dedicated to her poems and prose. Climb the mountain, you can only in August and July. Climbing, rather complicated because it is complicated by the presence of volcanic dust, which strives you to pull down. In total, the trip will take hours five or seven, but if you hurry, but if you do not rush, then more.

What should I see in Tokyo? The most interesting places. 67748_4

Odib Island . We are accustomed to the fact that the islands are created by Mother Nature, but Odaiba, this is one of the few exceptions. The island appeared on the map, not by the grace of nature, but at the request of a person. He is in Tokyo Gulf, and with the city it connects the Rainbow Bridge. The name of the island, received thanks to the history of his occurrence.

In the nineteenth century, there were six fortresses here, to ensure the safety of the capital in the event of an attack on the city from the sea. Daiba translated from the Japanese language, sounds like "artillery batteries". At the very beginning of construction, the authorities of the city planned the construction of eleven fortresses, but in the end it turned out only six. In 1941, in Tokyo, the port was opened and from this time, the island began to acquire the current outlines.

To the sixties, the past century, almost all batteries were disassembled, except last two. They disassemble them not just so, but in order to ensure the most comfortable conditions for entering vessels in the port of the city. In 1979, in one of the remaining batteries, an unnecessary garbage began to postpone, so essentially the island, which is in question, in the literal sense of the word - built of garbage. At the end of the nineties, the last century, the global reconstruction of the District of Odaibo began, as follows, he gradually turned into a zone of tourism and recreation.

Initially, there are several hotels and shopping centers on the island, and after a short time, they were interested in large corporations and moved their headquarters and offices here. For example, in the building that Fuji TV belongs is headquartered, one of the private television companies, opened several pieces of exhibitions and as exhibits at these exhibitions, are attributes of the most popular TV shows. Also, all in the same building, there are shops selling souvenirs. But, most importantly, this is the observatory by visiting, which you can admire, an incredible futuristic landscape that will open with your gaze. And, in general, Odaibo, so many interesting places, which is very difficult to imagine that this island is artificial and nature has nothing to do with him.

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