What should I see in Kyoto? The most interesting places.


Kyoto is a very old town. Not everyone knows that earlier, or rather, from 794 to 1869, the city, which we know called Kyoto, was the capital of Japan, that is, the main residence of the emperors of this country. The old name of the city is Hayene. The history of the formation of the city is very interesting, but I do not have enough one day to describe it in all the details and paints, so I would like to make more intriguing and describe only the most interesting places of Kyoto, which you probably want to visit.

Quarter Geisha Gion . Significant information relative to the exact date of the area of ​​the area is not. It is known that he has existed for many centuries and began to expand at the time when the city began to visit thousands of pilgrims who came to pay tribute and pray near the sanctuary of Yasaka. Locals were forced to expand the territory and erect new buildings. It is quite natural that some of the new arrivals stopped in this city, as in Kyoto there was work. Some have acquired families, and who did not hurry with his family, heisha came to revenue. The title name, in principle, speaks for itself. In Japan, the Gaish culture is significantly different from what can be observed among Slavic night butterflies. Geisha should have a number of qualities, among which a well-developed intelligence is very valued. The geisha must necessarily be formed and read, it should be interesting to it, comfortable and cozy. To date, the Geisha quarter, preserved and strictly follows, to all traditions that existed in medieval Japan.

What should I see in Kyoto? The most interesting places. 67713_1

Kyoto Station . Past of this station you will definitely won't pass. Interestingly, around this structure, there are many contradictions. The station building is a modern structure that has been erected in 1997. Contradictions arose due to the fact that the building has many futuristic elements, which, according to local residents, could simply destroy the entire ancient and historical, mysterious charm of the city. Nevertheless, the building was openly, and not at the moment, this station ranks second in Japan, according to its size, as well as it is one of the most important transportation hubs of the country. Kyoto is quite difficult to imagine without railways, since the first railway stations, appeared in it even at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

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Church of clean water . Positively, this temple complex was erected in the fourteenth - sixteenth century. The architecture of the complex, entirely and completely, with maximum accuracy, reflects the national style of the country as a whole. For the reason that the church of clean water is one of the few buildings of those times who were lucky to survive, it is rightly called the national relics and the cultural property of Japan. The church of clean water, being a temple complex, includes the pagoda, canopy for the bell, a stall for horses, a milean room, the main temple in which the main shrine is the goddess Cannon, the premises in which the sutras are stored and so on. Immediately at the entrance to the territory of the temple, there are stalls for horses. A long time ago, the pilgrims who arrived to bow the goddess, tied their environmentally friendly way of transport - horses here and followed the road, which led up through the gate Niomon. The gate decorate or guard the statues whose height is four meters and called their "stone warriors" - NIO. Behind the gates that are guarded by stone guards are a three-tiered pagoda, which is one of the largest in Japan.

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Temple of Kinkakuzi . Another name of this temple is Recouncei or simply the Golden Temple. The shrine is so popular that there is not a single person in Japan, who would not know about her. They built this temple at the end of the fourteenth year and it was in him who spent the rest of his life Syogun Asicaga Yoshimitsu. An interesting architecture of the temple, and no less interesting past, made it one of the most outstanding attractions of Kyoto. In addition to all the above, the walls and roof of this temple are covered with nothing, but the finest sheets of pure gold. Imagine? Was in the history of the temple, a very sad moment that occurred in 1950. At this ill-fated year, a crazy monk, set up a temple, as a result of which the sanctuary was almost completely destroyed. This case, so shocked by the Japanese, which was reflected in the literature, forever perpetuating the tragic case. The temple was renovated, but this was gone dozens of years. Recovery work, were completed in 1987 and today, everyone can unhindered to see the beauty of the fascinating Temple of Kinkakuji.

What should I see in Kyoto? The most interesting places. 67713_4

Church Fusimi Inari . In Japan, thousands of sanctuary, but it is this temple that is one of the most famous. Why? History will help us. The thing is that there is a legend, from which it becomes known that the Sintosoy God of Rice has passed through the country - Inari. In the honor of this transition, the structure was erected. In the temple, quite a lot of statues of fox, and this is not at all just like that because the Japanese believe that the foxes are messengers of God Inari. During the early period of Heian, the temple became an object of imperial patronage. In the period from 1871 to 1946, the temple was actively supported by the Government.

What should I see in Kyoto? The most interesting places. 67713_5

The exact date of construction of the temple is not reliably known. However, it was possible to establish that the earliest buildings appeared in 711. The temple itself, was moved to the present place in 816 at the request of the monk Kukai. It is also known that the main building of the temple was built in 1499. The temple complex is located on the hill and the earliest buildings are on his top, but at his foot, the main gates and the main building of the complex are located. Following them, in the middle of the hill, the inner idol, which amazes the fact that thousands of tracks and paths lead to it. To the very top of the mountain, tens of thousands of embankments lead. Surprisingly, this temple can visit everyone who wishes that is a big rarity, since the temples of this type are stored for seven seals and the entrance to them is permitted only by the chosen. The very popular, this temple enjoys a Japanese New Year. During the festivities, the sanctuary can visit about two and a half million people.

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