What should I see in Yokohama? The most interesting places.


Yokohama is located near Tokyo (only 30 kilometers) and is the second largest city in Japan. In the city, it would seem incomprehensible things - high technologies and the latest achievements of equipment are adjacent to the old parks, museums and buildings that remind us of ancient Japan.

In Yokohama, there is a sufficient number of different museums in which you can get acquainted with the history of Japan (for example, in the museum of silk, toys, the maritime museum) and exhibitions where you can evaluate technical innovations created in Japan (for example, in the center Industry Mitsubishi or in the Scientific Center of Yokohama).

Maritime Museum

Yokohama is a port city, so it is not surprising that there is a maritime museum - because the sea played and continues to play a big role in the life of Yokohama.

The museum is quite unusual, it is located not in some kind of building, but on board the ship, which was built in the twentieth century. The ship was built as a training ship that was used to train students learning shipping.

The museum has both permanent exposition and temporary exhibitions. The permanent exposition consists of five parts - the history of the port of Yokohama, the ship Nippon Maru (the one in which the museum itself is located), the history of the development of ships, images of the port of Yokohama and the ports of the world.

If you are interested in smoking, ships, ports or maritime trade - surely you will be interested in to visit such a museum.

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Silk Museum

In this museum you can find out how silk is made which types of silk are produced in Japan, as well as admire the silk products produced in Japan.

On the first floor there is an exposure that tells about the production of silk - there you can first see the silk worms (not too appetizing, but in a curious spectacle), see how cocoons create a thread and consider plant dyes, with which silk is painted almost in All possible colors. Then you are waiting for various strands - from the most ancient to the most modern. On the second floor, silk products are represented - basically, of course, kimono. All of them are behind the glass, it is impossible to photograph, although some curious tourists manage to do this without going to the eyes of the employees. Signatures under the stands are presented in both Japanese and in English, so if you own them - you can easily read all the explanations in the museum of silk.

Of course, there is a souvenir shop - how easy it is to guess, there are a variety of products from ... Of course, from silk :) There are - T-shirts, kimono, scarves, ties, purse handbags and much more.

It seems to me that the museum will interest women and girls most of all, especially those who attract unusual and colorful outfits. Men in this museum is boring, although they may well be interested in the technology of silk production.

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And finally, I will give practical information that may be needed to tourists who have decided to visit this museum.

Visit time - from 9 am to 16:00 on all days, except Monday.

The cost of the entrance ticket is 500 yen for adult, 200 yen for a child.

Museum of toys

If you arrived in Yokohama with a child or you yourself are interested in toys, you can recommend the toy museum, in the collection of which is about ten thousand toys from more than one hundred countries of the world! Toys are made of a variety of materials - from wood, wax, plastic, porcelain, fabrics, etc. Special place in the museum's exposition is allocated to the doll - there are big dolls among them, and their clothes can be examined without exaggeration - after all, it worked in it The smallest details. In addition to the permanent exposition, exhibitions devoted to some separate period or country are often held in the museum. The Museum is also the Puppet Theater. If you want to visit the idea, you should find out the schedule and duration of sessions in advance.

The museum is open to visitors from 10 am to 18:30. The exception is every third Monday of the month. The entrance ticket will cost 300 yen for an adult visitor and 150 yen for a child.

Museum of Art

Unlike artistic museums of other countries, the Museum of Arts in Yokohama was founded relatively recently (at the end of the 20th century). About 9 thousand art objects are presented in the museum. Among the famous artists whose canvases are presented in the museum, you can call Cesanna, Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso. A special place is occupied by Japanese artists who lived and worked in Yokoham.

Polytechnic Museum or Missing Museum of Mitsubishi

This museum is one of the most interesting museums of the city. If you are interested in machinery and technical innovations, then you will probably have to taste.

The exhibition is divided into several parts - a transport area that tells about the development of various types of transport, the energy zone, the ocean zone (here it will be about the role that the ocean played in the development of various types of industries), an aerospace zone, as well as the quest zone. There you can try to manage different types of mechanisms. Keep in mind that a significant part of the interactive expositions, for example, a helicopter simulator.

As a rule, such museums like children (of course, not all exhibits will be understood), as well as adults who are interested in technology.

Tower Landmark Tower

One of the highest buildings of Japan is just in Yokoham. The height of the tower is almost 300 meters (to be more accurate, then 295). The tower offers a magnificent panorama of the city, which can admire anyone who rises to the tower. By the way, it will raise you there one of the fastest elevators in the world - at a height of 300 meters you will find yourself less than a minute!

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The Chinese quarter in Yokohama is one of the largest in the area of ​​Chinese quarters around the world. You can enter it through the gate (there are four of them all).

There you can go to the Chinese temple - he is incredibly bright and attracts the attention of anyone who sees it.

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In the Chinese quarter (or Chain Town), various events are also held - for example, the Chinese New Year.

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