Where is it better to rest in Portugal and why?


Portugal is a European country with a very rich history. Despite the fact that on the map of the globe, it occupies a very small territory, its tourist opportunities are great. This is a large number of resorts focused on a completely different public, beautiful cities with interesting attractions. Great opportunities for Eco tourism.

In Portugal, the transport network is well developed, so for those who wanted to affect the country independently there will be no problems in movement. These are buses, Alpha railway expressions, which in a short time move passengers between cities. Another very pleasant in this country is the hospitality of local residents, always ready to go to meet, help, prompt. The peculiarity of the mentality of citizens is politeness, goodwill, and the motto is always smiling in any situation. Therefore, it is always nice to come to Portugal, most tourists who visited this beautiful country come back here again.

Where is it better to rest in Portugal and why? 6769_1

Portugal map.

Portugal resorts and their feature.

Algarve - The most popular and respectable resort in the southern part of Portugal. Most often, tourists choose him as rest. Here are the most luxurious beaches and clean water in the ocean compared to the whole of Europe. In Algarve, there is never strong waves, so a real paradise is lovers and families with children here. Plus the resort is his excellent climate, there is no severe heat here. Algarve tourists are waiting for a large selection of hotels from the easiest to luxury.

This place is perfect for relaxing families with children of all ages. Beaches in Algarve sandy, many where are equipped with children's playgrounds. The rich resort infrastructure will offer a lot of entertainment such as: water parks, sea walks, corrida, marine show, hunting for sharks, hiking, grottoes, vintage fortresses, the opportunity to visit countries like Spain and Morocco.

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Coast Algarve.

Madeira Island - Very interesting place, is perfect for recreation of active tourists who love to study something new. As well as sports amateurs, such as: Paraglider flying, climbing, mountain bike, riding, tennis. Also on Madeira can be surfing, snorkeling, fishing, and also ride water skiing. On the island of Madeira, there are practically no separable beaches, almost everywhere rocky shores, and the depth begins directly from the shore. Therefore, most hotels have pools with sea water. Madeira is a great place for hiking, here is a rich potential in terms of nature, mountains, waterfalls, all kinds of caves, narrow trails along the panoramic cliffs. Going here even in the summer, if you plan to climb upstairs, capture a warm sweater with you.

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Madeira Island.

Lisbon - Lisbon Riviera - Tourists love to relax in this place, resorts related to Riviera are somewhat, but Cascaish and Estoril are considered the best. Gorgeous sandy beaches with clean sea water are located here. A large number of restaurants for every taste and wallet, hotels of any star. These places like to visit young people, as nightlife here is very active. In the same Lisbon - the capital of Portugal stopping, I do not advise, the best to visit her during an excursion. The city is large, crowded, in the midst of the summer here to do accurately.

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Where is it better to rest in Portugal and why? 6769_5

Lisbon Riviera.

Azores - Recently, they began to become popular with tourists, while the European is true. Rest here is extremely quiet and calm. Azores consist of 9 islands. Here you can also do diving, watch dolphins and coushlots. The island of Teiser is famous for its natural, healing geysers, here are the vintage forts and castles. Pico Island attracts tourists with its volcano (height of 2350 meters), as well as the presence of vintage churches having historical value.

Azores are a high-quality beach vacation ahead with eco-tourism and an active holiday.

Where is it better to rest in Portugal and why? 6769_6

Azores - Pico Island

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