Where to go to Santo Domingo and what to see?


The capital of the Dominican Republic founded in 1496 the brother of the famous primer discoverer of America - Bartolomeo Columbus. At first, the city was called "New Isabella", but after him they gave the name "Santo Domingo" - this is Spanish means "Holy Sunday" - according to legend, the settlement founded just on this day of the week.

The historical central part of the capital of the Dominican Republic is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The Osama River is divided into two parts. Western is the focus of business and cultural life, the eastern one is historical. The most interest to visitors represent the colonial territory, which is on the right bank and addressed to the Caribbean Sea, as well as a little to the West an ancient neighbor of the capital - the Gazcue district, where you can see a large number of green in the faces of the Victorian style. In these places are located National Theater, National Palace where in our time meets the government, Museum on Culture Square Plaza De La Cultura and Palace of Fine Arts . On Washington Avenue Street, which is more famous as El Malecon, is located the greatest number of hotels, restaurants and other tourist institutions.

The focus of the capital of the capital is the central part of the Western District of Santo Domingo. Call his Poligono Central, this part of the city limit the streets 27 De Febrero, John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill and Maximo Gomez. For visitors, this area is not particularly noteworthy - besides the fact that there are best restaurants and commercial institutions of the city.

Other interesting locations of the capital are located in East Santo Domingo - Oriental Santo Domingo, which is not so developed. Here you can see Lighthouse Columbus where there is a mausoleum with the remains of the famous navigator, as well as - the museum, in addition - Aquarium and caves Los Tres Ojos National Park . In addition, two large parks are located near the city - Botanical Garden Jardin Botanico - He is north, and Park Parque Mirador Sur - South of the city.

Among the attractions of Santo Domingo - Fort San Diego, Alcazar de Colon Palace, La Fortall Fortress , complex of colonial structures Atarazana other.

Also deserve your attention National Pantheon , the most ancient on the American continent Cathedral - Santa Maria La Menor, Mausoleum Ballaarte , or "Altar of the Motherland", in which the founders of the state - Darte, Sanchez and Mella are buried.

Cathedral of Santa Maria La Menor:

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In Santo Domingo, you have the opportunity to visit a large number of museums - here you will also appreciate the heat, and get acquainted with the history of the capital and the whole state. The most interesting is considered Colonial Museum of Las Casas Reales That is located in the building of the first Supreme Court in the new light.

In this famous museum, all the exhibition items are devoted to the seaside wanders of Christopher Columbus and Spanish culture, which threw the roots in the new world. This cultural institution boasts a very high attendance by the guests of the country - it is among the leaders.

Thirty minutes drive from the central part of Santo Domingo is the airport.

Osama Fortress

Spanish colonists with a large caution treated the threat to their new possessions emanating from the sea - by the French, Dutch and the British. For the purpose of defense of the colony, they erected a large number of fortifications, among which - the fortress of Osam. This building is one of the most ancient in the Dominican Republic. It was built in the period 1503-1507. At the mouth of the Osama River, which flows into the Caribbean Sea - therefore, such a name, accordingly, she received.

For several centuries, this construction was used as a military base that prevents the penetration of the enemy ships into the territory of the island. At the entrance to the fortress Osama, a wonderful statue of Gonzalez Ovesto - he was a commandman and the first of the heads of the garrison (1533-1557), and in addition - the military historian of the new world. His merit is to write the first "History of West Indies". Inside the fortress construction, Torre del Omanach tower, which was destined to withstand and survive all the events occurring in the country were destined. During the republican building, prisoners lived here. All who captured this country, first of all postned their state symbolism on the tower. The fortress ensemble includes several strong stone buildings that surround the gear wall. The fortress tower is the most solid structure that has powerful walls with embrasures. From the roof of the tower provides excellent overview of the old part of the city.

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The visitors have the opportunity to inspect the Torre del Homenaje tower, as well as an old arsenal, the ruins of the fortress wall and a building adjacent to the fortress, where Rodrigo de Bastidas lived - the famous Dominican. The fortress itself is located in the south-east of the colonial area behind the house of Bastidas. Entrance to the fortress - from 09:00 to 18:30, the price for everyone is the same - one dollar.

Casa del Tostado - Family Museum

Casa del Tostado is a colonial building built in 1503. Nowadays, the family museum is located here, in the past times there was a residence of a local archbishop. The museum presents household items and personal use who belonged to one wealthy family living in the nineteenth century. In addition, here you can see church clothing and items used during religious rites. The exposition usually does not leave indifferent visitors to the museum, but the local dick is a gothic double window, which is the only one in both America - like them even more.

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The premises in the museum of Casa del Tostadado are very spacious, so the atmosphere in the house is absolutely impressive. The lobby on the first floor is made with the use of carved stone, clay and bricks. Here the spirit of the sixteenth century is perfectly preserved. In our building, Casa del Tostado with the family of the family located here, belongs to the Ministry of Culture of the Dominican Republic.

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