What is worth viewing in Seoul? The most interesting places.


Among those who have decided on a trip to Seoul are mostly tourists of middle-aged and young people. Many interesting places and monuments of antiquity attracts the first, and the stormy nightlife of the megalpolis causes live interest among the second. And if you figure it out, then any traveler in Seoul will find themselves.

Tourists interested in people created by the sights that are stored by the Secrets of History and surprisingly the architectural intention should allocate several days in their chart. This time will be strongly spent on the inspection of five palaces.

Old Town or Royal Seoul

Konbokkun (GyeongBokgung Palace) It is considered the center of the Old Town and the largest palace complex. It was built in the XIV century and several times were destroyed, burned and rebuilt. In the courtyard of the palace, there will be many reservoirs and a garden with multi-colored vegetation. Before the main goal of the Palace, Kwwawa Moon passes the honorable change of Karaul. Many travelers come to admire the Guardsmen dressed in the costumes of the Choson era. In addition to these gates in the complex there are still oriental (spring), Western (autumn) and the northern (sinmumun) of the gate. However, they are less beautiful and not enjoy popular. During walks on the complex it is worth looking into the Keunjeong Wooden Throne Hall and Gyeonghoeru Pavilion, located on the pond.

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In another pavilion, Hwangwonjeong Palace Complex is the National People's Museum. Everyone can familiarize themselves with his collection. Buy a separate ticket for the museum is not necessary, it is enough to present an entrance ticket to the palace complex. Next to the museum you can see the buildings in which residents of the ancient Korean villages lived. In the Museum of Hanbok National Clothing, which is located opposite the Palace Cass, you can see for free the traditional Korean outfits. Works museum only on Saturdays.

The territory of the palace complex is large enough, so the inspection of everything interesting will take about one and a half hours. You can visit the palace on any day except Tuesday from 9:00 to 17:00. The entrance ticket for an adult costs 3000 won, a children's ticket will cost 1500 won, kids up to 6 years after the palace for free. There is a complex on Jongno-Gu, Sajik-Ro, 161. You can get to the palace on the metro along line 3 and 5.

On jongno-gu, yulgok-ro, 99 is located Palace Chhandoccun (CHANGDEOKGUNG PALACE COMPLEX) . It is located inside a large park and is recognized as the most beautiful palace of all five. It has 28 garden pavilions and 13 structures, among which the bunk gates of thin-moon and the most ancient stone bridge Seoul - Komchon. The highlight of the palace complex is the secret garden of the beer and jade stream. The garden was a place where the king could spend time freely, and also served as a female part. Now it is decorated with floral flower beds, lawns and a lotus pond. There are pavilions in the garden, and several hundreds of trees are growing. There are also samples that have been more than 300 years old. The stream is a U-shaped canal with a small waterfall, over which the stone is located with verses carved on it. The stream surrounds five small pavilions.

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One of the national treasures of the country is impossible to be ignored - the Inchon-Jong throne room. He was recovered twice after destruction. Now, from evil spirits, the hall guard nine statues built in front of the entrance. Travelers should like the rich royal chamber inside the hall.

For visitors, the Palace is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 17:30 (from March to November) and until 17:00 (from December to February). In October, you can admire the autumn garden until 18:00. At this time of year, he is especially painted and comfortable.

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The territory of the complex is large and depending on which parts of its parts are desired to inspect the tourists varies the cost of the ticket. It varies within 3000-5000 won for an adult and 1500-2500 won for children (7 years and older).

Toksguong Palace (DEKSUGUNG PALACE) Not such a pathos like the main palace of Seoul, but nevertheless it is nice and besides special. And all due to the fact that in its complex there are buildings performed in Western style. This gives the palace some uniqueness. An unforgettable impression visiting the palace produces in the spring when the flowering of apricot, cherries and peonies begins on its territory. The fragrance is dizzy. You can enjoy the moment, walking on stone paths or just sitting on a bench under the trees. During a tour of the palace, you can see newlyweds and photographers of busy wedding photossessia. One of the palace buildings is used by the National Center for Contemporary Art as a gallery. The subjects of exhibitions change periodically, but they are all pretty interesting and are associated with modern art as Korea and other countries.

At the palace gate three times the day is shown by Karaul. This spectacle includes a greater number of participants and looks more theatrical than in Konbocoon.

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Inspection of the entire palace, the maximum occupies half an hour. The entrance ticket costs 1000 won for an adult and 500 won for children over 7 years old. There is a palace on Jung-GU, Namdaemun-RO 1-Gil, 57. Tourists without any problems get to this place on the subway station to City Hall. You can visit the palace from Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 21:00.

Chonwade Palace (Cheongwadae Palace) It is the official residence of the President of South Korea. Its architectural execution corresponds to the traditional Korean style. The building is covered with a tiled blue, so the locals are called the blue house.

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Inspect the palace only as part of an organized group. Tours of the palace are held four times a day: at 10:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 15:00. On Sunday, Monday and on holidays, the Palace for tourists is closed. Visiting the blue house is free for everyone. You can get to the palace on the subway line 3 to the Kenbokkin station.

The fifth palace of Seoul is considered Royal Cancer Chonmey . Since, unlike the other palaces of the city, it is located on the left bank of the Khanngang River, many tourists are not fulfilled to it. In this place strictly honor the traditions and customs. The temple has 35 halls with memorial skills of kings and their ancestors.

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The memorial service in the tomb passes according to all the rules and only traditional music sounds. Look at the unique ritual, held once a year, not only Koreans come from different parts of the country, but also tourists.

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