The best excursions in Naples, which can be visited independently.


The southern region of the campaign, whose capital is Naples, one of the most picturesque regions of Italy.

Pompeii and Vesuviy

One of the most popular tourist attractions is the trip to the Vesuvius volcano and the cities died from his lava - Pompei and Herculaneum. You can get here very simply, with the help of a narrow-sole railway called Chirkumvizuviana, or the District Vevuvian road. Time is on the way - and this is a little less than an hour - it flies imperceptibly thanks to the exciting views on the volcano and the southern beauty of the surrounding towns and villages. The cost of a ticket to Pompeii in one direction is about 3 euros. The city of Pompeii is an open-air museum, where the Lava layer retained the outlines of the city who died at the beginning of the past millennium. The most interesting facilities of the city are the local forum and the hall of the municipality, the Temple of Vespasian and the Temple of Jupiter, the Temple of the Fortune of August and the Arch of Caliguly. Open this open-air museum in the summer season from 8.30 am to 7.30 pm, in winter - from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. The entrance ticket costs 11 euros.

To the top of Vesuvia, by the way, the only active volcano on the territory of continental Europe, which is considered very insidious and dangerous, can be climbed on foot. The path from the bus parking lot at an altitude of a thousand meters from the sea level, to the crater volcano takes about an hour. The pedestrian trail is open to tourists from 9 am to 15.00-18.00, depending on the time of year and the occurrence of darkness. Getting to volcano is the easiest way to bus from Pompeii Villa dei Mystery or Ercolano Skavi. Ticket price is about 10 euros in both directions.

The best excursions in Naples, which can be visited independently. 6756_1


According to the same narrow scene of Chirkumvizuvian from Piazza Garibaldi station, you can reach the amazing town of Sorrento, a privileged resort with a purest water of the bay, magnificent views from viewing sites, and most importantly - lemon groves. Lemons are here everywhere, they are considered the best, they produce soap, perfume and cosmetics, and most importantly, the world famous Licker Limoncello, one of the best souvenirs that can be brought from the campaign.

Caserta - Neapolitan Versailles

A small versal is ride from Naples on the railway, the Royal Palace and the Garden and Park Ensemble is ride. The palace is a summer residence of Bourbon, and the park with his cascade of fountains and statues created in a single holistic composition, created by the likeness of the famous French palace-park complex. The cost of the entrance ticket to the park - 3 euros, to the palace and art gallery - 9 euros, an integrated ticket for which you can visit the palace, the gallery and the park costs 12 euros.

Amalfitan, or Amalfi Coast

Part of the coast along the Neapolitan bay south of Naples between the cities of Sorrento and Salerno, there is an Amalfitan with picturesque towns, excellent clean beaches and magnificent panoramic views of the mainland and the bay. The name of this resort zone received from its main city - Amalfi, very Italian, charming, with the magnificent nature around, which, according to legend, Hercules, chose for his beloved - Nymphs Amalfi. But other towns of Amalfi Coast - Raveno, Positano, Majori, Minori, Praiano, Positano, Majori, Minouri, Praiano, with tiny multicolored houses surrounded by lemon, orange and tangerine trees deserve at all. Explosures of snow-white yachts. To get here is the easiest way to train or ships to Sorrento, and from there - on numerous buses going to all the smallest coast resorts.

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Islands Ischia and Capri

In the Neapolitan Bay of the Tyrrhenian Sea, not far from Naples, there are two islands with amazing nature and picturesque landscapes: Ischia and Capri. You can get to the islands as a result of a short sea walk on the ship, cost from 10 to 20 euros one way.

Ischia is one of the main resorts of the region. In addition to the clean sea and excellent beaches, thousands of tourists attracted here every year, attracted by the magnificent nature, a mild climate, beauty of local architecture and local thermal sources, which are many here.

The best excursions in Naples, which can be visited independently. 6756_3

Capri, a quiet fashionable resort, an island with unique vegetation and climate, crystal blue pure water, as well as a lot of caves, one of which, called the Blue Grotto, inspired many writers and poets. The most amazing spatles of the resort, mandatory to visit tourists - this is a view of the Faralloni, three small rocky island, which is the Capri business card, the observation platform of the Punta Tragar, where the beauty of the surroundings captures the spirit and tiny, but, nevertheless, the main, Capri Square, Famous called Piazzette.

The region of the campaign, whose capital is Naples, has long been attracted to himself talented, influential and rich people from around the world. Gorough, Byron, Bunin, Lenin, Churchill, Rilke, Tchaikovsky lived here. He flourishes in our day. Probably, each of us should come in touch with the story in the deceased Pompei, terrible, rising to Grozny Vesuvius, breathe the aroma of flowers, sitting in a cafe on a warm sun over a glass of Limoncello, taste the real pizza. And all this magnificence of life is waiting here, in this quintessence of southern Italy, called the campaign.

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