Shopping in Estonia. The best cities for shopping. What can I buy in Estonia?


In Estonia, prices for a number of goods are lower than in other European countries. This not only pleases guests and holidaymakers, but also allows you to fully enjoy the acquisition of fabricated goods and souvenirs. By the way, unique wood products in Estonia are cheaper than similar creations of artisans of Western Ukraine.

Estonian souvenirs

The most popular tourists use the following souvenirs:

  • Juniper products . An intricate wooden stands under hot and spatulas, exacerating the sweet odor, are sold at a price of 2 euros. In Estonia, I first noticed that these fragrant kitchen accessories acquire even people far from cooking homemade food. Find juniper souvenirs is the easiest way in the souvenir shops of the old Tallinn or in craft markets in all cities of the country.
  • Knitten things . For middle-aged tourists, the purchase of warm Estonian veasions and socks with a traditional pattern is rather an indisputable rate than a fleeting whim. Few leaves of Estonia without these warming items of the wardrobe. The price of woolen socks of manual mating begins from 10 euros.

Shopping in Estonia. The best cities for shopping. What can I buy in Estonia? 67389_1

Young people pay attention to bright knitted sweaters and poncho. Creative tourists do not stop even the price of 50-60 euros. Original sweaters in spite of everything are in suitcases returning home travelers. In Tallinn, to see and touch the knitted masterpieces, tourists can be in the market of knitwear and knitted products in the style of Hand-Maid, close to the medieval wall on Müürivahe Street. Once in the Old Town, tourists will not work to find this market. On the same street, in addition to the masters of knitters, several souvenir shops are exhibiting their goods in the shop windows: Mida Kinkida. , selling funny sneakers from dried wool, glass souvenirs and pointed hats; Krunnipea Butiik. offering textile products with Estonian patterns. Honestly, prices in the shops are higher than that of market traders. In addition, many shops work from Monday to Saturday, and handmade product market does not even rest even on Sunday. In addition to souvenir shops in the old Tallinn area there are many Butikov famous global brands. The prices in them are not lower than those who work in Russia or Ukraine. Tourists interested in broad shopping I would advise to look into the shops of Estonian designers. So in Pärnu, an interesting store Ivo Nikkolo came to me.

Shopping in Estonia. The best cities for shopping. What can I buy in Estonia? 67389_2

It can be found not only beautiful, but also high-quality things at an affordable price.

  • Chocolate Kalev and Marzipan . This is what the true pleasure of sweet tooths will bring. At his own experience, I was convinced that the taste of this Estonian delicacy is indeed indispensable. Sold chocolate TM Kalev in stores of even very small cities in the country. There is a sweet souvenir from 1 euro for 150 gram tiles. The attention of small tourists chocolate attracts at all at all costs, but a colorful cheerful wrapper. Having tried the delicacy, many travelers buy a couple of tiles as a gift to friends. Marzipan figures fall to taste not to all tourists. However, for the connoisseurs of this delicacy 2 euros for a small figurine - nothing.

Shopping in Estonia. The best cities for shopping. What can I buy in Estonia? 67389_3

  • Vana Tallinn Licker . This is perhaps the most popular souvenir among tourists from Russia and Ukraine. A liter bottle of forty-portus souvenir costs from 9 euros. You can buy a liquor in any wine store Estonia.

Shopping in Estonia. The best cities for shopping. What can I buy in Estonia? 67389_4

The only souvenir that I would not advise buying during your holiday in Estonia - amber . As for me, then amber decorations as souvenirs closer than Lithuania than Estonia. Yes, and the price of jewelry from amber is almost the same as in Russia and Ukraine.

Season of discounts in Estonia

As for the season of discounts, it happens twice a year in Estonia. Winter sales in shopping centers and boutiques start from Catholic Christmas and end in late January. To get acquainted with summer discounts, it will turn out for tourists who have planned a trip to Estonia for the period from mid-July to mid-August. The size of the discount is from 15 to 70%.

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