Where can I eat in Quito? How much money to take money?


Soup and meat dishes Ecuadorian cuisine

Ecuadorian cuisine is quite diverse. It is the perfect mixing of traditional culinary features of Indian peoples with the motifs of Spanish cuisine. Local herbs and plants Immediateness of centuries are used in the preparation of meat and fish dishes, giving them a special aroma and taste. Ecuadorians, in fact, in the preparation of seafood and fish (Sevich) reached high mastery. As for meat, it is most often prepared according to Spanish recipes, and the literal translation of the name of a meat dish can mislead. For example, in many restaurants and cafe Quito dish called SECO de chivo. It is preparing not at all of the kglyatna, but is a stewed lamb with a side dish from rice. And try this dish, no doubt costs.

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But the famous national " kui. "Not everyone is solved. It is difficult to force yourself to test the taste of fried guinea pigs especially after you admire these funny animals during an excursion to the Inta Nyan Museum.

Local cuisine and soup varieties are famous. In addition to the variations familiar with the tourists, you can meet and fairly exotic versions. In a familiar potato soup, local cooks add blood and call it a dish Jaguarlokro . Children to order it certainly should not. There are in a local kitchen of fried calf hoofs (Caldo de Path) or bullish genitalia (Caldo de Manbon), but even for Ecuadorians these broths are a delicacy and try not all.

Exotic fruits and vegetables in Quito

Rich Ecuadorian capital on dishes from vegetables and exotic fruits. Sweet potatoes are quite common or sweet potato which is sold in all markets of Quito. He is used in the boiled, liver and even raw form. From this universal vegetable prepare an unusually delicious souffle and spicy chips.

Discovery for many tourists can be various ways of cooking Bananas . Of these, porridge, pies, yogurts and cakes are preparing. We use the Ecuadorians of the bananas familiar to the tourists in the way - fresh, and also fry in vegetable oil. On the top of the hill Panecillo tourists expect tents in which locals are boiled and fried snacks. Here are preparing fried bananas.

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This berry is found in Quito on every corner. Bananas are blown in supermarkets and in the city markets. The price per kilogram of berries is about the same everywhere and amounts to 0.8-1 dollar (there are more expensive plants of Orito).

Once at Quito, undoubtedly, is worth trying exotic fruits. Sometimes their inedible look is deceptive, and a pleasant unknown taste becomes a real risk award. Fresh Chirimia (Cream Apple) Remind the taste of custard and cost $ 2.50 per kilogram. On the shelves of Quito supermarkets, you can see tropical Pyathayu . It costs for local standards expensive - just over 4 dollars, but its taste is divine.

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All fruits are best bought in the bazaar. There is much fresher, and the price is the same as in the stores.

In Quito, a large selection of beer varieties, but the most popular among Ecuadorians is Pilsener. A bottle of this beer in the store costs about 1 dollar.

Features of nutrition in the Ecuadorian capital

A peculiarity of the Ecuadorian capital can be the fact that lunch in a cafe or restaurant can do it much cheaper than self-cooked dishes. But everything, of course, depends on the establishment. In some cafes in the center of Quito, you can order a complex lunch in just 5-8 dollars per person. While in the popular sea food restaurant, a rich dinner will cost $ 120. It all depends on the financial capabilities of tourists and appreciation to food. A buffet in small cafes in the Mariskal area can be a good option for budget meals.

Products in Quito can be purchased in supermarket supermarkets or docks. Not only cash, but also credit cards are received. Meat and fish is better to buy in the markets. First, there are fresh, and secondly, they are 15% cheaper. In 30 minutes walk from Mariskal, Santa Clara is located. On it you will definitely find everything you need to power.

Restaurants and cafes Quito

Quito is exactly the city where all five senses will be in demand among travelers. Almost all of them will be needed during a visit to numerous cafes and restaurants in the city. Being the capital, Quito, satisfies the requests of all categories of tourists. Along with local cuisine, Caribbean, Spanish, American cuisine is widespread. There are in Quito and world-class restaurants with appropriate prices. The size of the lunch / dinner in the institution varies and depends on its class and kitchen (local food is cheaper). If you wish, you can find inexpensive cafes with a worthy level of service and appetizing meal.

Restaurant Achiote

There is a restaurant in the Mariskal area on the picturesque street Juan Rodriguez, 282. Its terrace surrounds beautiful maple trees, and the interior is decorated in a colonial style, taking into account comfort and comfort. Ecuadorian restaurant cuisine deserves praise. All dishes have the perfect combination of taste and aroma. In the evenings, live music sounds, and prices are within reasonable limits. The average account in the restaurant is 15 dollars.

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Cafe Cultura Bistro Restaurant

This unusual institution is located in the same area of ​​Mariskal and is popular with local gourmets and foreign tourists. Visitors here are treated with fragrant freshly baked bread and homemade jam.

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In a cafe, you can order freshly squeezed juice from Guanabana, Ecuadorian tomato, Chirimia. Shrimps, steaks and chicken Curry in this institution are very tasty. The account number for lunch will be 25-40 dollars. The restaurant has its own garden and a small boutique hotel. There is a bistro at the address ROBLES 513 Y REINA VICTORIA.

Restaurant Fried Bananas.

An excellent restaurant with pleasant prices is located near the Mariskal Quarter on Fosh E4-150 between the streets of Amazonas and Cordero.

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Delicious soups in this institution cost only $ 2.80, and for a portion of shrimps it will be necessary to pay 4.90 dollars. Do not forget to leave a place for dessert. It is roasted bananas that this institution is famous. They are served here in two variations:

- with vodka, raisins, nuts, cinnamon and honey for adults;

- with cream, syrup and cream for small visitors.

It is worth this culinary masterpiece from 2.80 to $ 3.20.

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