What should you buy in Vienna?


Vienna is an incredibly beautiful city! This is a magnificent architecture, and wonderful nature, and, of course, one of the best places for shopping. I would like to tell What souvenirs can be brought from Vienna:

- Vienna Augarten Manufactory

- Candy, chocolates and liquor "Mozart"

- Gold Austrian coins "Wiener Philharmoniker"

- Coffee

- dishes with a pattern based on the picture of Gustav Clima (it is simply called "Climt")

- Smoking Tube Peter Matthald

- Wine glasses "Riedel"

Of course, not only that, but these items will become excellent gifts to family and friends, and on the shelf in your home-like reminder of the journey to Austria. A little more about these souvenirs.

Vienna porcelain company "Augarten"

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Products from this porcelain are manufactured by manually at the Augart Palace, which is built in the early 18th century. Here, for a start, there is a museum, well, a store where you can purchase porcelain and crystal collection, as well as silver figurines, ashtrays, sets, vases, souvenirs, chairs, cups, bells. Corporate product sign - a sign in the form of a shield, which is applied for the first firing under the glaze. By the way, the furnace, in which the firing occurs, can also be seen during an excursion.

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How much are these gifts?

- Tea and coffee sets -200 -1000 €,

- soup sets of dishes - 220-1500 €,

- Plates and medium sized dishes - 100 -300 €.

- Figurine of the Royal White Horse (Vienna Symbol) - 30 -100 €,

- figures of different animals - 20 - 100 €,

- Vases - 30- 100 €.

If the service wants, but on a tour or trip to the palace there is no time, you can visit the stores that sell this wonderland china: on the streets of Obere Augartenstrasse, 1 or Stok-Im-Eisen Platz, 3.

Sweets from Vienna

Such a gift will certainly be glad everyone, and let him not such a durable. I remember, I brought a lot of sweets from Vienna, and on these gifts the eyes of friends were burning more than figurines. Here they are, sweet tooth! You can bring, for example:

- Candy "Mozart" ("MozartKugel", price - from 3-5 €)

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The history of these candies takes the beginning in the distance 1890. These candy can be found in the package in the form of a red octagon with gold border (or of various shapes) and are a small chocolate ball with a gentle filling from marzipan.

What should you buy in Vienna? 6720_4

There is still a kind of mozartTaler (sweets made of milk chocolate in the form of vintage coins, with a filling from marzipan, a light and dark walnut cream). Very tasty, I recommend!

- Praline Flower Pellets (price - from 2.70 €).

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- Wafers "Mannershnitten" (With filling of nut nougat, which is famous for Vienna already century and a half, cost from 3 €.)

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- Wheel Cake "Zaher" It will be difficult with you, but at least try it there, and bring a memories with you.

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You can buy these cute, for example, in the store "Demel" (Kohlmarkt 14), in the store "Manner Shop" (StephanSplatz 7), "Altmann & Kühne" (Graben 30 and NegeroSse 9), in the confectionery "Kurkonditoreien Oberlaa" (Babenbergerstraße 7, Sieveringer Straße 4), and everywhere everywhere, to be honest. To the extreme case, at the airport of Vienna.


Here you can try and acquire some types of real Austrian famous coffee:

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- "Giusto" (price - from 15 €)

- "Café Exquisite" (price - from 15 €)

- "Coffee-House" (price - 20 €)

Alcoholic beverages

- Eiswein. (strong and sweet wine from frozen grapes cut in frosty days).

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- Marillen-, OBST - or Birnen- Schnaps (40% fruit vodka, perfectly combined with black coffee, accompany dinner, complements desserts, etc.)

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- Mozartlikör. (It can be added to coffee or tea, very tasty. It can be prepared from milk, white or black chocolate.)

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- Stroh. (Short) - strong spicy rum of different types. Suitable for strong cocktails, just rum can be added to tea or coffee, or cook with a drop of sweet cakes and cupcakes. Since it is very strong, it is rarely drinking clean.

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It will be an excellent gift for romantic features. Basically, the dishes depict the picture "Kiss" written by Climom in 1908.

What should you buy in Vienna? 6720_13

- Casket 15 cm -OT 80 €

- dish with a diameter of 36 cm - from 120 €.,

- Vase height 27 cm - from 150 €.

And many other options.

Buy similar products can be, for example, in the market in the spitelberg area, on Karlsplatz Square near Karlskirch, in the stores "Österreichische Werkstätten" (Kärntner Straße 6), in the center of Kohlmarkt, etc.

Branded Smoking Tubes "Peter Matthald" Manual, handted from 35 €.

What should you buy in Vienna? 6720_14

Also, you can find the following souvenirs:

- Vienna royal coffee maker (from 180 €)

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- Clothes from Viennese Designers , for example, "Wendy & Jim"

- Products from Vienna Glass "Lobmaireer",

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- Natural handmade carpets

- Cow bells (Funny souvenir from Austria on wide colored ribbons, stand from 10 euros)

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- Tyrolean hat (The story of this elegant hat has more than a century. The hat is made of a soft felt with a decoration in the form of a pen or tassels, stand from 20 €)

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- Statuettes with the image of Empress Sisi (from 10 euros)

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These products can be found on such shopping streets as Meidlinger Hauptrsse, Favoritenstrasse, Landstrasse, etc.

Gold coins "Philharmoniker" Rate 10, 25, 50 and 100 shillings is produced by the Austrian Mint "Münze Österreich AG" since 1989.

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The drawing on the coins never changes. On the front side of the coin depicted various musical instruments, baggage, double bass, harp, cello, violin and Viennese horn. On the other side of the large body in the hall of the Vienna Musikverein. Such coins can be bought in the main branches of Vienna banks.

SWAROVSKI crystals - This is the brainchild of Vienna. The jewelry manufacturing company arose in 1895 and is still one of the most famous throughout the country. Of course, there are such decorations are quite expensive, at least 100 euros for the smallest decorations.

What should you buy in Vienna? 6720_21

And, of course, these are a fridge magnets, postcards with veins, key rings, different baubles - from 0.5 euros in numerous stalls, departments and shops of the city. In general, as you can see Vienna rich in various memorabses, which, looking out from your shelf, will remind such a pleasant journey!

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