Where can I eat in Monte Carlo?


Perhaps the best and most fashionable restaurant Monte Carlo is Le Louis XV. (Place Du Casino), marked by three Mishleni Stars. In the luxurious halls, furnished with a truly pompous luxury Baroque, you will be offered an exquisite menu with European dishes (French, Italian). Each dish is served with a specific charm. For example, tea can brew right with you, cutting fresh leaves and brewing them in a pretty chain on a brought gold-plated table. Naturally, prices are not at all modest here, but the corresponding outfit if not required, then welcome. Although in the sandals and shorts are unlikely to be empty at all. To get acquainted with the kitchen of the restaurant, you can order a tasting menu (from 145 to 310 euros) and separate dishes to your taste (from 35 to 110 euros). Sea delicacies are used by the greatest demand (for example, lobster or fresh fish prepared by the company recipe), as well as fua-gra-gras and a gentle lamb.

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Very nearby there is another elegant restaurant, incoming, like Le Louis XV, in the Monte Carlo SBM network, - Les Prives. , pleasing its guests with a thoughtful decor and a weathered menu (the cost of a comprehensive lunch without drinks is 80 euros).

On the same area, casino area, you can go to the institution called Le Grill. . The cost of an integrated lunch in it will cost about 75 - 80 euros, while dinner will cost an approximately 130-150 euros. But this is if not very different. Because, for example, the portion of caviar (50 grams) with pancakes can ease the wallet for the whole 260 euros. Among the more budget dishes of this restaurant, you can allocate branded salmon for 38 euros or duck breast for 48.

To more modest, but no less refined institutions belongs to the restaurant Le Vistamar Located at Square Beaumarchais in the building of the Hermitage Hotel and also marked by the Michelin Star. In this furnished, fisher-oriented, can offer a business lunch for 44 euros, consisting of two dishes, water, wine glasses and coffee cups, a comprehensive menu on weekends for 65 euros and a tasting menu for 120. The cost of dishes in the menu fluctuates On average from 20 to 60 euros. And the most popular of them are the corporate fish soup, lamb thigh and all sorts of fish dishes, often cooked with vegetables. The restaurant terrace offers a beautiful view of the city, so it is not surprising that it is often here you can find a full room of visitors.

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Beautiful panoramic view can boast and wonderful restaurant Blue Bay. (40 Avenue Princesse Grace). In its stylish and bright setting, you can enjoy the taste of fresh and very tasty dishes, as well as attractive desserts and high-quality collection drinks. Here you can try fua gras with truffles, lamb cooked in the best traditions of Pyrenees, marine mollusks (including oysters) and much more. The cost of dishes in Blue Bay varies from 20 to 40 euros. The complex lunch will cost in the area of ​​70-80 euros.

In search of a picturesque landscape accompanying meals, you can also look into the Italian cuisine La Trattoria. Located on a fashionable street Avenue Princesse Grace. Here you can not only enjoy the taste of traditional Italian salads, pasta or original soup, but also the most various variations of pizza. Prices here, by the way, are also pleased. Pizza will cost only 12 - 15 euros, a snack - at 20 - 30 euros, and the main dish is 30-60 euros. Be that as it may, according to Monte Carlo, it is quite inexpensive.

If you want to just sit in a cozy atmosphere, drink something refreshing or easy to eat, makes sense to go into one of the beautiful Monte Carlo bars.

So, at the Hôtel Hermitage at Square Beaumarchais Crystal Bar. , offering its visitors a variety of snacks and high-quality, including elite, drinks. And if the cocktail will cost you 20 euros (like liqueur, rum, tequila or other drinks - their value ranges from 12 to 30 euros), then the bottle of collection champagne can be postponed from 150 to 900 euros. Be that as it may, the place is really very cozy and worthwhile.

In search of fresh sensations, you can also look into Blue Gin. Located at 40, Avenue Princesse Grace and offering its guests not only a well-thought-out snack menu and good drinks, but also the ability to play billiards or smoke a hookah (from 75 to 150 euros, depending on the tobacco, its taste and poured into the liquid).

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If you have more to taste a classic interior, good wooden furniture and live music, definitely worth visiting Le Bar Américain. (Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo, Place du Casino). Sitting behind a cozy table in a wooden panel with wooden panels or on a dazzling terrace, you can get indestibly pleasure not only from the drinks or snacks served here, but also from the magical sounds of jazz, sounding in the bar every evening.

And of course, speaking of Monte Carlo, it is impossible not to mention the legendary Bar Salle Blanche Located in the Casino Building. Here, not only you can drink a cocktail, a glass of wine or even a cup of tea (from 8 euros), snack (the cost of dishes here starts from 15 euros), but also listen to a living performance passing in place every Friday and Saturday from 6.30 to 8.30 pm and with 22.00 to 1.00 nights. The bar can be seen mainly decided to take a break between bets in the casino. But just to look here to feel the atmosphere of excitement and some kind of indequent relaxation is undoubtedly worth it.

And although this is not the entire list of restaurants and bars, which can be visited in Monte Carlo, but only the most popular and well-known, absolutely obvious one. All of them are ready to offer their visitors the original menus and excellent service, cozy atmosphere and all kinds of entertainment. Naturally, the level of their prices and dishes in general corresponds to the status and resort itself. But despite the fact that particularly budget options are unlikely to be found here, to visit at least one of them is exactly worth it. After all, perhaps, it is unlikely that somewhere else you can experience such feelings as here, sitting on a luxurious terrace or in a richly furnished hall, admiring the surrounding scenery and journeling exquisite delicacies worthy of the strengths of this world.

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