Useful information about the holiday in Eindhoven.


And although Eindhoven is not yet the center of international tourism, the number of people who want to visit it is growing from year to year. And more and more Russians come to him, so perhaps a certain number of useful information about the rest in this peaceful city in the south of the Netherlands will not be superfluous.

one. Everyone who comes to Eindhoven for the first time, makes sense to visit the tourism center, located near the train station. It is here that you can find out the schedule of work of all cultural institutions in the city, get addresses of souvenir shops (this is important, in the city they are quite a bit) or simply buy them here. Here you can buy excursions, if any, at least a tour of the Philips, I bought an excursion here. In general, after visiting this center, to navigate the city then it will be much easier and easier. The center employee owns English, there are French and German-soldier workers. A similar situation with personnel in hotels and restaurants. In English, the mass of the people is exploring here.

Useful information about the holiday in Eindhoven. 6703_1

2. The Netherlands, a fairly expensive country, not the exception and point of catering in Eindhoven. Therefore, if there is a desire to save on visiting cafes and restaurants, it is better to pre-clarify the location of shops and supermarkets near the hotel or apartments you will live. Oddly enough, but inexperienced tourists are rarely when they can find the first time.

3. Payment of purchases and services in Eindhoven is carried out exclusively in euros. Dollars, pounds and so on, will not take any pretext. So it is better to stock at home in advance to this currency, because in this case there will be a smaller loss in the course difference. In banks you can exchange dollars and other European currencies without any problems, the course almost everywhere is the same, but with rubles there may be a problem. I have not seen anywhere that they would change them. Nominal bills during calculations does not have the value, the surrender will always find without problems. You can also pay a visa card and mastercard. They are accepted almost everywhere, and there are many ATMs in Eindhoven, there will be no problems with the removal of cash.

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four. Rent a car in Eindhoven, and in general in the Netherlands, the occupation is ungrateful and expensive. First, the rental will turn into a penny, plus the dear gasoline. Secondly, little parking places and they are very expensive. Thirdly, almost the entire center of the city is fully given to Pedestrians and Cyclists. But renting a bike, it is very worth it. Almost the entire city entangle the network of cycling paths and parking. The cost of renting a bicycle is 10-15 euros per day, and this is the most optimal view of moving around the city, because a taxi and buses are also expensive. You can rent bicycles in a variety of places. In hotels, tourist center, and just at the rental points, which are many in the city (mainly located at the metro station). When moving on a bike it is worth considering several rules:

- Walking around on special tracks, but you have to look at the signs drawn on them. They can be like one-sided and bilateral. If there are no paths, you need to go along the roadway, since riding the sidewalks is prohibited;

- Since almost all residents of the city move on bicycles, there can be hundreds in parking lots, and to find their own, it is worth noting him by some bright ribbon, so that there would be no problems with what to find it;

- bicycle hijacking is not uncommon in Eindhoven and therefore, to avoid problems, it is better to leave it on guarded parking;

- When crossing the motorway, use a special button on traffic lights, which includes green light specifically for cyclists.

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five. If you want, the rest is the most budget, apartments and rooms should be signed in hotels located nearby to the train station. It is here that there is a largest number of hotels with reasonable prices, while quite and quite good.

6. Despite the fact that the Dutch is very friendly people and tourists are very friendly, walks at night are not recommended, even in the very center of the city. Yet unlimited migration from the third world countries made their unpleasant matter, they can and rob. For the same reason, even during the day I do not advise you to carry large amounts of cash and documents with you, if there is no urgent need.

Well, in principle, and that's it. I hope the advice will help anyone. Good luck!

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