When is it better to rest in Mersin?


For our tourists, Mersin is few people known in the plan of the resort, they know those who rested in Northern Cyprus more about him and went there from the Mersion port on the ferry. But Europeans have long laid eyes on him. First, because this place is not yet strongly affected by the tourist sphere, and secondly, from what, probably, the longest beach season in Turkey and the longest swimming season. This indicates the fact that in April the temperature of the air in these edges can reach +30 degrees, and water in the sea may exceed +20. Such a warm sea is due to the location of the city, which is located on the shore of the Mersinsky Bay and the water temperature and the direction of the wind do not affect the temperature of the water, as the temperature of the air. For example, it is possible to bring the fact of April last year, when the air warmed up to +30 degrees in the last numbers of the month, and the water temperature in the bay was in the area +22. Of course, such indicators can play a big role in choosing a place to relax, because in the Antalya region at this time the sea is only in the area +18, and the air is cooled. But of course it scares all of all, at the moment only the beginning of April, and tourists in Kemer are already all walking in shorts, the truth is mostly the Europeans, our compatriots dress appropriately.

When is it better to rest in Mersin? 6697_1

In other words, you can come to rest in MKSIN since the second half of April, and it is worth noting that at this time you can safely save on stay in the private sector or when buying a trip. The beginning of the season, especially with early booking, defines rather low prices. But I want to note that the climate of the local region, even compared to the same Antaliy, although it would seem to be approximately one latitude and the coast of the same sea, has its differences. There is a fairly large difference in day and night temperatures. The difference can be fifteen-twenty degrees, and at daytime temperatures +30, by night can be no more than ten-fifteen degrees. This difference should be considered by collecting a suitcase on the road.

When is it better to rest in Mersin? 6697_2

A pretty comfortable month for recreation in Mersin is June. The air temperature does not reach its maximum levels, and the sea can already warm up to +28 degrees than not every Turkish resort can even boast even in the midst of the season. For recreation with school children, this month will probably be the best in the season. Some may think that there are still July and August, but the air temperature in these months is too high and tolerate such heat is quite hard. Moreover, children in these peak months will have to look doubly so that they do not burn on the scorching sun and did not get a heat blow. That's why I offer such families to rest in June.

When is it better to rest in Mersin? 6697_3

Lovers of maximum summer temperatures, and judging by the number of tourists there are a lot of tourists, Mersin is waiting in July and August. The average temperature in the afternoon during these months is kept in the area of ​​+35 degrees, although there may be more hot days. The sea is also not much cooled, since the water is fundamenting degrees to thirty, and sometimes higher. This is exactly the period when you do not want to go out of the sea and not only because it is warm, but from the fact that outside the sea is still hotter. But despite such temperatures, the prices for accommodation only above and the choice of housing is much less due to the large number of vacationers.

When is it better to rest in Mersin? 6697_4

Such a temperature is held in about the middle of September, after which the most favorable period comes to relax with young children and those who are more comfortable and quiet atmosphere. First, the air temperature is significantly lowered and one can say that it is equal to the water temperature indicators to the sea, that is, about + 27 + 28 degrees. Why I call the second half of September the best time, so there are several reasons for it. As I said, this is not such a high temperature, which creates more comfortable conditions for trips around the sights around Mersin. The lack of school children who began classes, makes the resort much quieter and calmerly, which is important during the rest with young children. Much more spacious becomes on the beach, and the reduction of the flow of tourists automatically reduces the cost of living in the private sector, and in hotels. Of course, it is impossible to say about the prices for the tickets that offer large tour operators. They have prices at the level of seasonal and decrease only from October of the month. Judging by the statistics, it is September that is the most profitable in the tourist business, firstly the contingent of tourists from tourists during this period is quite solid financially, and secondly prices in Turkey hotels begin to decline around the fifth of September and quite significantly. This is used by many travel agencies that do not hurry with a decrease in price prices. Perhaps this fact also affects the popularity of this period among tourists who come to relax independently.

When is it better to rest in Mersin? 6697_5

But since you fell a period of vacation for October, then you should not be upset, because for rest in Mersin this month is quite suitable. The air temperature is quite decent, and the water in the Mersinsky bay only by the end of the month can drop to +24 degrees. Many resorts can only envy such a temperature, and as for the Black Sea beaches, the water is +24, it is considered almost maximum. Officially, the end of the summer season falls at the end of October, and many hotels are closed, but quite a few tourists resting until mid-November, as the weather quite has to it. And the sea is still quite warm and fall to +20 degrees can only by the end of the month or even the beginning of December.

When is it better to rest in Mersin? 6697_6

As you can see, the season in Mersin is really very long. Although quite a few tourists come here to relax in the winter, and some pensioners from European countries are performed at all here all winter months, which are rather soft and practically do not fall below the zero mark. And for financial considerations it turns out it is more profitable than to pay for utilities in Europe in winter.

When is it better to rest in Mersin? 6697_7

In general, this resort can come at any time of the year, it all depends only on personal preference and your free time. Yes, and temperature indicators each chooses at its discretion, so it makes no sense to advise one or another season.

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