What is worth viewing in Mersin?


The history of this city is quite large and has more than eight thousand years. During the excavation, traces of the settlement were found, which treated 6300 BC, and defensive structures around the city are dating dating from 4500 a year before our era. It is not surprising that for such a long period of its development in its surroundings there are quite a few attractions and interesting places. I will not talk about all, but about those who, in my opinion, deserve special attention, should be written.

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Mersin himself rather actively developed throughout its existence, which continues to do now, and from the old days it remains. If we talk about the antique buildings found within the city, then the most ancient of the preserved probably should be noted the ruins of the Hittte fortress, which are in the western part of the city and the age of which has about three and a half thousand years. At one time, this fortress served as a border point and protection against the attacks of pirates.

To better understand the history of the city, you need to visit the Mersery Museum, in which they are collected in the vicinity of the city during the excavations, various exhibits, starting with the neolithic era.

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All items are located in chronological order, which creates a clear picture of the development of Mersin at all its stages. On the territory of the museum is a beautiful garden, decorated with antique statues and bas-reliefs found as a result of excavations and the Greek church. Located a museum at: Ataturk Caddesi. Working hours from 9.00 to 17.00 and a break is not a lunch from 12.00 to 13.00. The cost of the entrance ticket is two lira or one dollar.

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In one and urban areas called Mesitley, between modern buildings you can see the ruins of the ancient city of Pompeipolis. He received his name on behalf of the Roman General Pompeuss, who rebuilt him anew in the place of the Solool settlements previously located here. The ongoing excavations discover all new facts about the life and development of the city at the time.

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The columns that rise at the moment were part of the avenue width of ten and four hundred fifty meters long long, which led to the sea harbor. The construction of this structure refers to the second century and suggests that during the Roman Empire, the current Mersin played a rather significant role. In the sixth century, after another major earthquake, the city was completely destroyed. A walk along the ruins of the once prosperous Pompeypolis, becomes even more impressive from the surrounding modern high-rise buildings.

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In the immediate vicinity of Mersina, there is another no less ancient city, which is rich in its attractions. We are talking about Tarsus, who are trying to visit all tourists who are in Mersin. And not only from the fact that there are many seats talking about his rich history, which prove numerous excavations, some of which, as in Mersin, continue to this day. Most of all, this city attracts as the birthplace of the Apostle Paul and one of the places where Christianity originated. In the center of the city there is a well and presumably the ruins of the house of the apostle, which were found during the excavation.

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This place is considered to be holy and in order to visit it and drink water from the sacred well, which does not dry at any time of the year, a large number of pilgrims rushes here every year. In addition to excavations in the city, there are quite a few interesting and old buildings, among which there are several mosques and even the Christian church, the truth is not acting, but quite well preserved. And also, probably, the Gate of Cleopatra can be called one attraction, whose will, if judged by legends, Cleopatra met Anthony, from which the name of these gates went.

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If you just heard, but never saw that he was paradise or hell, it is necessary to come to Mersin, where these places are located. The gorge of Paradise and Hell are at a distance of seventy-five meters from each other and represent unique natural caves from themselves if they can be called that.

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To get into the gorge of Paradise, it is necessary to go down 450 steps, which were built by the Romans. At the Canyon Day there is a chapel of the Virgin Mary with paintings and the lips of the saints, in which the first Christians prayed. The nature around is simply indescribable and its beauty is quite similar to Paradise, from which you just don't want to leave, especially when you know that you need to rise up the same 450 steps.

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But as for hell, the form of this gorge is such that it will not come out here. Therefore, they say that the hell can not be descended, but you can get. It is believed that earlier criminals and sinners were thrown into the gorge. There are other legends associated with this place. At the moment, over the canyon is equipped with an observation deck, with which anyone who wants, and more accurately bold, can look into the vane of hell. These places for a long time were considered sacred. Now there are always a lot of tourists from different parts of the planet. A visit to the caves is paid and costs five Turkish lira. The ticket must be saved, as it is given to the visit of both caves and you will have to pass the turnstile twice, presenting a ticket.

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Meters in three hundreds of these caves is one more attraction. This is the asthma cave, which received its name from the fact that the microclimate cave has a beneficial effect on people suffering from this disease. To get to her bottom, it is necessary to go down the screw staircase. The descent is certainly more pleasant than the next rise, but in order to visit this underground kingdom of stalagmites and stalactitis, and even with such a healing effect, I do not feel sorry for the strength and time. Yes, and three lira, which is worth a visit to Asthma's cave.

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But on the way from the Gorge of Paradise and Hell to Asthma's cave, there are ruins of the ancient city of the Roman-Byzantine era, where you can see the ruins of the temple of 3evs and various buildings, for which the inspection is not necessary.

I want to say that these are just a few attractions that can be visited from Mersin. And there is no necropolis Sebastian, the underground church of the Holy Temlah, the girl's castle

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And a number of ancient cities that will be interested in visiting. And the edge of Cappadocia, which is not so far in advertising, I think it does not need.

In general, it really has something, and if you combat all this with cultural programs, such as the International Music Festival, which is held in Mersene every summer, or other no less interesting events, then spend time can be very interesting and varied.

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