Rest in Lucerne: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Lucerne?


Lucerne is noisy and full of life city in the heart of Switzerland, which is why the city is probably owned by the status of the "gate to Central Switzerland". The history of the city is rooted in the days of the Roman Empire, according to historians already in the 7th century, the roots of the Royce River around the monastery existed a small settlement, and the first protective wall of the city was built back in the distant 1220. For a long time, the city was under the oppression of Austria, and in the 14th century he became the first city that joined the Swiss confiration.

Rest in Lucerne: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Lucerne? 66610_1

Now Lucerne is a major cultural and historical center of Switzerland. The main language of the region is German, so if you know German, then there will be no problems, the knowledge of one French or English is not enough.

The city has a very rich and ancient history, so at least for the sake of this it is to come here and take a walk through the old town with its frescoes, parks and museums. There is no guide here, the buildings themselves tell their history.

It is in Lucerne who is the only Glether Park Museum in Europe - here the exhibits are presented, which were found during drilling and objects extracted from glaciers. Also in the park there is a mirror labyrinth.

Rest in Lucerne: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Lucerne? 66610_2

This is a popular "dying lion" - a monument to the heroism of the Swiss Guards at the storm in the prison in 1792.

The city has a huge variety of museums, monuments and architectural attractions, there will definitely like the lovers of history and art. Probably and the month is not enough to visit all monasteries, cathedrals, chapels, bridges and museums. I will say honestly, for 3 days, even the tenth of the visit is not real.

Literally every month, festivals, compets and competition are held in the city. In April, the comic festival is held here, and a festival of orchestral music is held a week before Easter. In November, the Blues Festival and the Festival of Piano Games are held. So here everyone will find something for themselves. Not only music and cultural festivals are held in Lucerne, and the monster festival is also published every year. Yes, most likely a gorgeous spectacle for lovers :)

It is in Lucerne who can get acquainted with Swiss cultural and culinary traditions. Not far from Lucerne Lake there is a farm where you can see how you cook a manually real alpine cheese, and then in the local restaurant you can try all the variety of local cheeses.

Rest in Lucerne: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Lucerne? 66610_3

Lucerne is a historic pearl of the country, first of all, here will be interested in lovers of history, architecture and culture. Back from the 19th century, the city became very popular among tourists, Mark Twain came here and mentioned Lucerne in his book A TRAMP ABROAD.

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